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Everything posted by UFgatorgirl

  1. you already picked my favorite of orange and blue how about red and white
  2. i saw these at geocoinfest and loved them... guess i better save some of my christmas money for some of these
  3. congrats to both of you...i can't wait to see the random coins from this random cointest...
  4. i vote for more of the blue ones when the time comes. i didn't get any of the blue ones at gcf. i will try to catch when you sell them. enjoy your week and hopefully you didn't have too much snow to shovel when you got home.
  5. wow that was fast. i was even up for the day yet... congrats dark elf
  6. he is very cute and his geo name is Lil Weasel...sounds like he lives up to his name when trading. beware of the cute kid in make up....they always win. i learned to get out and talk to more people. i didn't meet nearly as many people as i wanted. i started talking to a few and sort of stayed there all day. i also learned to jump and push more at the end of the day when you are going for the prices being thrown into the crowd. LOL
  7. UFgatorgirl


    just to let everyone know who is waiting for my 999 coin. oakcoins has them and will ship them tomorrow. i will be contacting you soon. didn't want you to think i forgot you....
  8. i have many memories of gcf.... this was my first mega event and had no idea of what to expect. we arrived on friday and before we unloaded the car headed out on the Trax challenge. i had a great time on the train. i met several other cachers while going up and down the tracks. i even met fossillady who had just sent a mission to me. it is so nice to put a person with a name. during the ride one of my friends was left at a station. she did catch up at the next stop, but for the rest of the weekend i kept hearing "where's Holly?" it was like looking for waldo all weekend. meeting all of the people who make the coins on saturday was really great. i made a few trades even though i had never done that in person before. it was a little intimidating. i will be better at the next event. the people who i traveled from las vegas with are not into coins the way i am, so they would go out and cache and have to pull me from the room filled with pretty shiney objects in order to eat. it wasn't just the vendors who were not eating. that room was just too much fun to leave. thank you for all of the work done by the planning committee. the kids room was great rivercacher. broken w and georgia thanks for how smoothly everything ran. it was great. yes tsun you were placed on the top floor for security reasons. they knew people would try to get to you early and wanted to provide you protection.
  9. mission #1 was safely delivered as a surprise at geocoinfest... opalsns..can i get the code so i can drop the coin near the person? thanks
  10. while walking around gcf a bat swooped in and gave me an awesome coin. #108. thank you very much to the man in black for making my day......
  11. wonderful to meet you. it was nice getting a chance to chat with you on friday night. so glad you had a good time at gcf. i am happy that things went more or less smoothly for you. you know we all love all you do and are happy to suppoert you. enjoy some much desereved rest after this weekend.
  12. these are turning out so well.....so much fun
  13. look forward to seeing you there it should be fun, so don't despair i do have a request for that time when we speak promise it won't be in rhyme
  14. oh when will you announce? i leave for gcf tomorrow and others have already left. can you put the name of the winner at your booth? and show us what the lucky person won? the anticipation is killing me ........
  15. you are working on placing a special caching series for an upcoming event. don't throw things out your window when driving. they may hit someone
  16. there are 39 cards still in mission #1 none of the cards have been lost...yeah
  17. ok my son and i made one..... famous people mash
  18. i received mission 1 yesterday. it was a surprise. i opened the mailbox and wondered what the package was. it took me a few minutes to realize it was the 52 card pick up. thank you fossillady for the two lovely coins. i really do like the message in a bottle coin. the other one remindes me of all of the off roading we do in the desert. now my only question is where to send it next, so many options.......
  19. i received my lovely birthday mission this weekend. thank you very much Marc-Andre..i love the all of the scrapbooking items. i think i will use the little book t scrap gcf. it will be perfect for it. the bunny with no ears is just such a funny coin to me. thanks for it. i have not seen the suncatcher before. i like it a lot. blue and green are great colors. the path tag and all of the caching items are great too. maybe i'll actually put a few more caches out near me. vegas can never have enough caches. thank you again marc-andre for all of the thought that went into this mission for me. i really enjoy it all.
  20. congrats opalsns, mar-elendili, and turlutortue the bat sure has been busy flying around the world and spreading joy i sure hope to see one at gcf in a few days so i can drool over it.
  21. love the colors of this version. will have to find you to get one.
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