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Everything posted by UFgatorgirl

  1. hello all.... i wanted to let you know that rod is doing well. he thanks everyone for the well wishes after the death of his father. he is happy to have so many great friends in this forum. the travel business is going well and keeping him very busy. in fact he does not know when or if he will have time to take care of any of his current contests. he has asked that we extend the current special release until MAY 1, 2010. then he will pick a winner of the mickey diver. he also said he will complete the other contests he has going. after that the thread will need a new owner. i think it is very important to keep this cause alive for rod and all others who ride motorcycles. i am sad that rod will not be here much any more, but life does take people in different directions. and his new direction does not seem to allow time for the forums. pay attention, save a life
  2. i am glad to see people who really believe in this cause. maybe we can do some of the small contests we use to do. answer a few questions and win a coin for the race. i have some coins i can give to the race, but first i need to think of a contest. i know we can keep this thread and cause alive... don't text and drive
  3. at least yours are moving. mine keep turning up missing..
  4. 172 i hope it doesn't rain too much on saturday..could slow the racing down a bit.
  5. i have received all of my coins....
  6. i vote yes...so i can get my other three coins out and have a chance to win... i really like the idea because in the past two weeks two of my todie coins have gone missing. it is sad when a coin goes away.
  7. i will be working a clothing booth as a scout fundraiser........ is there anything you would like? i can try and get it...
  8. just voted...i am a little slow to this thread... hey ops..guess where i am going on friday? to a place with fast pieces of metal going in a cirlce
  9. thanks for the update.... we don't mind waiting they are so cute and worth it...
  10. i have mailed out all of my coins...they were mailed last tuesday 2/16 i am getting coins from the following NEFESH received THE 4 F'S received FSCOUT received ASHALLOND received GEOKS (3) received ERICA-OPOLY i have received 7 of 8 so far....
  11. i know you can think of things like that on your own...you are smart like that....
  12. i noticed the hands were a different color, but totally missed the year on the side. i didn't even think of looking there. thanks for the help......
  13. i received my lovely kangaroo in the mail the other day. the one i won in the guessing contest. it is so nice and glittery. thanks for making such a great coin.
  14. i will check my milage. all i know is i have some all over the world. it has been lots of fun watching them travel. i will help with the thread. we could do a little contest too.
  15. what is the difference between the 2008, 2009 and 2010 coin?
  16. ok i know i am missing it....where do i sign up for the newsletter? these are very pretty
  17. if rod allows i will give you the code for the three coins. if not i will save them for another release time. wear a helmet while snow skiing..and be careful on curvy roads
  18. yeah....we like being on the first page....
  19. Glad to hear you got yours. sorry you still have not received anything.
  20. has anyone been able to get codes yet? i tried today with no luck.
  21. ok i can not read a calendar...the contest ended yesterday. be careful on slick roads...
  22. i hope we have until the end of today. i will get my three coins going today so i have a total of five. everyone is thinking about you rod.......
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