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Everything posted by xfalcon1

  1. deleted- my coin was 04~5291 mi
  2. 3 C&P Club April Boots 2 up for Trade
  3. looking for: Dry Creek Cachers Geocoin Team NAB For trade: 2 sets Coin & pin Club Boot coin/pin MTN_MAN Admin Brick also check my trade list
  4. Anyone have a Picture of the"33" Club coin?
  5. For trade: MTN-MAN Admin Brick 2005 washington Boys of ladycacher fundamental & venlis Manituela personal Wyoming Brass parents of SAM SirGarald/ladyann Hoxie, kansas Geoscout South Carolina-ISCGA Tracking time -gold Looking for: Decoder Darth's Dark Acadia LE Arizona Ajayhawkfam LZ33
  6. The Hoxie,kansas-Geoscouts coins was one i thought was very thin, also as you said the World of Geocaching coin.
  7. looking for these coins: Decoder Antique Gold LE Decoder Shiny Gold XLE with cool lens Decoder Antique Copper XLE Ajayhawkfam Bouncy Bunny - Gold or Silver Darthi's Dark
  8. Anyone seen a Team Nab geocoin yet? theres one placed in "One Degree of Separation" ~GCTVHQ
  9. looking for: 2luknf8 Jeep AJAYHAWKFAN Geocoins Darthi's Dark LZ33 Coinfusion 2006 Black Nickel Arizona Geocoin Antique Copper Central Oklahoma Geocachers "COG"Silver Geocachers of Southeast Tennessee GEOSET Antique Silver Original Stash CoinBronze look at my list below
  10. have to trade: 2 Geoswag- virtual coin/pin 1 Hoxie Scout Geocoin 1 Tracking Time Geocoin 1 Signal Geocoin - Jan 2006 Looking for: LZ33 Darthi's Dark Coins AJAYHAWKFAN Geocoins Johnny Boy & DB Cooper Geocoins
  11. Anyone get an extra 2LuknF8 Antique Silver Also looking for LZ33 coin Ajayhawkfan Gold Mystery Puzzle Coin Look here for my Tradelist<---
  12. Looking for: 2LuknF8 Jeep (antique silver) LZ33 jeep willy's Jeepin Jumpers - Gold only Bouncing Bunny - Gold / Silver Red S/A Colombia Gold 2006 Calgary Area Cachers ( Cac ) Tokens(better if personalized) ajayhawkfan Idaho 2006 (personalized) I have to trade: 2 Virtual Ghost coin and pin sets Definitive 2006 set Geoscouting Hoxie, KS 2006 Fundamental & Venlis Antique Bronze Signal-jan. Tracking Time Antiqued Gold
  13. LFD's Geo-Bone! Not in my mail Box but in a cache in Dallas Thank You LFD Im Also awaiting the Wyoming coins!
  14. looking for: LZ33 2LuknF8 GBA Spring 2006 Calgary Area Cachers ( Cac ) Tokens(better if personalized) Tracking Time Antiqued (Silver) Blazing Trolls Mtn-Man's Admin Brick Geocoin for Trade: Definitive 2006 set Fundamental & Venlis Antique Bronze Signal Coin -jan/Feb Sir Gerald Silver Tracking Time Antiqued Gold Thorny1 - Silver
  15. Very nice Anyone else have one to trade? My trade list: Look Here<--
  16. WELCOME TO DALLAS now what cache is it:)
  17. Groundspeak Lackey whats this coin all about?
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