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Everything posted by hamburger33

  1. i want to download files from here and get the details for it but i can not convert it to a format that my GPS can read? help i have an explorist 210
  2. my unit is not the same as this photo you had. i have removed the back but the circuit board is mated to the display and i can not see any means to remove the circuit board from the display. if there is are screws holding it to the display i can not find these and i see no way to remove it. it might not be a ribbon cable it might be contacts. that would be one reason for the contact problems. both units are doing the same. i kept the units on the dash board of the truck for several years and i suspect that the sun has warped the case. and with the case flexed from warp-age then the contacts and or ribbon cable is not making the correct connection. i feel this is the only problem with the units. aside from short battery life.
  3. i have opened the back of the gps but i can not see a ribbon cable. the back seems to only hold the batteries. the display and the guts are all in the faceplate. i can't get to any thing.
  4. I got 2 broke Garmins GPS III+. both have screen problems. It looks like the ribbon cable if it has one does not connect the display and the main board. I get lines in the display on both. I don't know if they have been dropped or not. Can they be fixed?
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