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Everything posted by SlytherinAlex

  1. Define please, as related to this forum of late.............. Please: adverb, verb, pleased, pleas⋅ing. –adverb 1. (used as a polite addition to requests, commands, etc.) if you would be so obliging; kindly: Please come here. Will you please turn the radio off? –verb (used with object) 2. to act to the pleasure or satisfaction of: to please the public. as in "I'm pleased that the forums have settled down now"
  2. That's not a rule, it's a guideline. In fact I don't think its even a guideline, I think its just "best practice"
  3. Was it Duke D'Mond, Butch Baker, Peter Langford and Dave Ballinger??
  4. If that's what the problem was, all that was needed was to delete the words "racially motivated" and everything should have been fine. No one else seems to want to post the URL. don't see any reason why not. Basildon History
  5. Apology accepted. Moderators, please close my part of this thread.
  6. I'd like to propose an extension to Godwin's Law called Alex's Law. If the best you can come up with on a discussion forum is along the lines of " if you don't like the way things are then push off somewhere else" then you have lost the argument. I've never like that kind of attitude in an walk of life. Just because its your ball, you make the rules and you decide where the goal posts are on any particular day. If the world worked on those kind of lines then children would still be going up chimneys and women would not be voting. Hold on a minute.... that's not a bad idea !!
  7. Carte Blanche to make it up as you go along. Nice.
  8. Why??? Because perhaps their remit is to be PC and they may be following guidelines of their own? You know what it's like here. If there are guidelines, we need to know what they are.
  9. Move the thread to the "GPS and Technology Forum" where no one in the UK will see it. That will show him.
  10. "GAGB's annual elections are due to take place in November."
  11. "GAGB's annual elections are due to take place in November."
  12. Plagiarism? Yup, I would have thunk it? give the Ding to LiS.
  13. So some one lays down a power trail and the first person to do it claims a FTF record. Not exactly rocket science it is?
  14. Well worked out. Edinburgh is indeed the most westerly. Who wudda thunk it?
  15. One correct. OK, let's simplify things a little. BRISTOL is the furthest east.
  16. If C L D E CR B had two right, and D C L B CR E had three right, C B L CR E D can't possibly be correct, sorry. However, L C CR B D E was said to have one correct, although it has no matching elements with C L D E CR B. There's a mistake somewhere, making the logical approach pretty tricky. Clear as mud !!! I'll check my answers though. Having double checked, I'm happy that all my answers have been correct so far.
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