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Everything posted by rickjill

  1. All is fair in love,war and FTF apparently. My sense of fair play leads me to think there is not much fairness in having a half dozen people SHARE an FTF. Somebody found it first.
  2. Okay you are just being silly. You left out the most important part. Veteran cachers know the full body greeting is done with the GPS balanced on your head Asking Did you find it yet? usually works. You get a yes or a no or a strange look
  3. I agree A. I do not agree that 90% of caches are mediocre or worse. If that were true I would not have been geocaching this long. The favourites are a way to help people not miss the top 10% as voted by the people that know. Soliciting for votes in any way is ludicrous.
  4. It is so beautiful that the present owner replaced a previous cache that was archived. I found this cache twice and was not concerned about the container. It is indeed a magnificent view. There is no other hiding spot as there is a dropoff here with a busy road behind the area.
  5. I am not a geocaching log writing critic. It really doesn't matter to me what anyone writes in the log on my cache. Just as long as it doesn't contain cussing and they really actually found it. I really like it though when someone posts a nice log. :D
  6. Pharmacies in Canada will dispose of "sharps" eg used needles, blood testing lancets, safely and at no charge. Using a water bottle to store and transport it is an excellent idea
  7. Good thing Christmas is coming. You can ask for some in your stocking.
  8. Do what you need to do. If the reviewer approves it, no problem. As for "religious" caches, we've found a couple. GC24Z4W "at the feet of Jesus" comes to mind, although I wouldn't necessarily call it "religious". But it didn't bother either of us at all, and neither of us are are of any mainstream faith. Just another smiley way up in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, in a nice location across the road from St. Malo chapel, south of Estes Park. A very nice spot for a cache. Who cares what it's named. FWIW I really liked this cache. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...0-0682f8b751f6#
  9. You already know the answer to your question is in the guidelines.
  10. I have searched for several archived caches in my area and have found 2. They were not quite geotrash yet as they were in good condition and had signable logs. A person should fully research why the cache was archived. They may be on private property without permission or violated guidelines. I realize the container should be long gone however that may not always be true.
  11. A family show here in Canada called Corner Gas. Cafe owner Lacey loses the last two letters of the cafe sign on her roof. Lacey says "Where's my f and e. Someone snickers, Lacey says "Oh grow up!" Totally harmless and family oriented cause the kids won't get it,just like in "deed"
  12. I have seen some microcaches(film cans) with enough paper for the log to last several years. Less paper leaves room for the plastic bag and would make the container easier to close and seal.
  13. Without getting into much detail, he is NOT a cacher to mess with. If you want the details PM/E-mail me. It is just a game. End of my participation on this topic.
  14. The funny part is people actually believe they are being stealthy while nonchalantly searching trees, bushes, light poles, guard rails etc.Take my word for it, it looks suspicious unless onlookers think you are insane and escaped the institution. I know My Cloak of Invisibility has never worked properly.
  15. I have found a lot of caches that contain a pen or sharpened pencil in the plastic bag with the log. The writing instrument quickly punches a hole in the bag nullifying any water protection qualities of the baggie. I would suggest log in baggie and sharp objects elsewhere. Now we are just a little closer to Cachetopia.
  16. A cacher near me always sounded phony,every find is quick & easy,especially some I struggled to find. It's like they are some kind of ninja finder of well hidden containers. It used to really bug me until I figured out he must be overcompensating for something..lacking...somewhere. I suppose he liked to make the difficult look easy because he was so good. It never occurred to me he may not have actually found the cache.
  17. QFT! Yeah I wonder if all those springs and small parts inside actually do anything.
  18. If I am unable to log a happy log for a cache I just politely say thank you for the cache and adventure. I have one agenda. Have fun at a hobby(obsession?) I truly enjoy. It is a rare cache indeed I don't like. Matter of fact it hasn't happened yet. I even liked a swampy DNF once! Happy caching and logging!
  19. Is there a log to sign in the pancake? I have found some geocachers are anal(hypercritical) about other peoples hides. Of course their own hides are wonderful life fulfilling epics done perfectly with spot on coordinates in all weather conditions. I am very grateful to everyone who has hidden caches I have found. Some were better than others however I liked them all. Geocaching is fun. I try to ignore negative people as it interferes with having fun.
  20. It does matter. Games and hobbies have rules and guidelines so there is fairness and a level playing field for all participants. Unfortunately there are no umpires or police for logging geocaches. Just the honour system and we all know some people have no honour.
  21. The problem is that the guideline you quote doesn't mean what you think it does. First of all you have to know that this guideline did not exist until April 3, 2009. It was added because additional logging requirements were no longer allowed after that date. The existing ALR cache were not grandfathered. Instead cache owners were told to cease deleting Found logs based on additional logging requirements. At the same time, cache finders were told that they could log their find on line once the physical log was signed; meaning that they did not have to do any additional requirements that a cache owner may have stated on the cache page before logging their find. The guidelines were written as they were to allow cache owners to delete Find logs if the the physical log was not signed. They do not require that cache owners delete logs. They do not forbid caches from entering a Found log unless the physical log is signed. If a cache owner wants to allow Found logs using some alternative to having to sign the physical log they are permitted. TPTB have, however, taken a stand against what they call couch potato logging. This is a practice of logging virtual caches because you can find the answer to the verification question online or you can photoshop a picture of yourself at the location. While I personally think it was silly and unnecessary for Groundseak to take a stand against couch potato logs, it would seem that this log on the ISS cache is a couch potato log. If they are going to consistent, the cache owner would have to delete this log or the cache should be archived. There are many virtual caches that I could've found (including one that I have legitimately found) that I cannot log because the Groundspeak policy on couch potato logging has resulted in the caches being archived and locked. My token disagreement. Nearly all topics in the forums end up as "sign the physical logs argument" The cache hint indicates to find the cache you must find a way to the ISS "THAT" is the hard part. Gettin your pic taken and hung up is not a 5 5 cache... no way no how This cache never and I mean never should have been published. It actually needs archived because you cannot use a GPSr to find it.
  22. No... I tell you, it's the hamsters in the night... see post #12 MrsB It is very difficult to understand stupidity and insanity especially when they are so perfectly melded in a case where you log you attended the SAME event 21 times because you found a block of wood! Must be a ton of hamsters in the area.
  23. I try to say something nice about every cache in the logs regardless of how lame or parking lot light holder dweller it may be. Some people just are not creative in hiding or logging. "Something" usually happens when you found the cache. The sun shone, the birds sang, horns honked, shopping cart accident occurred or you spotted a freaky walmartian wearing spandex and little else. The CO made some effort to hide a cache. If I would criticize someone I would try my best to be constructive.
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