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Everything posted by DaggersRule

  1. Having the same issue trying to update the co-ordinates on one of my caches. I'm glad I found this topic, because it was driving me crazy trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.
  2. I heard about Geocaching over a year ago, but didn't really look into it until last week. I love the concept and have found my first few caches; I also have a new GPS on order and am looking forward to getting fully involved in this exciting hobby/sport. One thing that disappionted me while going through the caching guidelines, however, was the rules involving contents, saying that caches including certain items may not be published. I'd discussed with several friends on a fishing trip to a remote area of northern Saskatchewan (Canada) the idea of 'Geocaching' several spots in the area with little 'airplane size' bottles of booze and Cuban cigars. I'm not out to corrupt anyones children, and would never place a cache of this nature in a public park, along an easily accessed hiking trail, etc. Basically the only people that would have the opportunity to locate such a cache would be doing the same thing we were, and I thought this would be a more exciting treasure to find for some people out for a fishing vacation than a box of dollar store trinkets. I will do far more conventional caching (and finding) than anything of this nature, it just bugs me that we could go through the trouble of placing such a hidden gem in the middle of nowhere only to have it go unpublished and not located by anyone but ourselves. I would, of course, divulge the contents of the cache on the posting and state that it may not be the appropriate one to look for if you're taking a boy scout troop on a week-long canoe venture. At the very least, if there's no way that geocaching.com would publish the placement of such a cache, are there any similar sites that would? Thanks for your help.
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