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Everything posted by clan_Barron

  1. Comes with 2008 maps but as soon as I connected to the Garmin website to register it told be I had 30 days to download the 2009 maps for free. Download is 2 gig. With a fast connection the download and update took about an hour. I think there is alos an option to but the upgrade DVD for $20. In the box you get the nuvi 200 unit, car charger and windshield mount. I already had a usb data cable. It's a standard cable that many devices use, if you don't have one you can buy one for $8-10 at a computer store or online. My unit has about 300meg of free internal memory and yes it does have an SD card slot so yes if you don't have a data cable you could transfer POIs, gpx files etc. via SD card. This unit only give basic voice directions such as "Turn left in 300 feet" it does not say street names such as "Turn left on Main Street in 300 feet". It's still a great unit for driving navigation though. Hope this helps.
  2. Just tested V4.6 w SpoilerSync and it works flawlessly on my 200W
  3. Let's compare the format of the links on our systems. Use your single cache database and create a link using Mapsource. Output a gpx and open with a text editor. Compare the link to this: <link href="file://C:/gsak/POI_Loader/test/GCHYRE.jpg"/> The forward slashes are correct and required on my system to work correctly - please post yours. Thanks. I think I followed what your asked here. Used my GSAK file of 500 and exported as a .gpx to hard drive. Opened that with Mapsource and deleted all caches except the one with the .jpg. Then reset the link to the picture file and then saved the file as a .gpx. Opened in Notepad and found the ref in the text. This is the link generated by Mapsource. href="file://C:/Program%20Files/GSAK/POI_Loader/Indio/GCBBE6.jpg"/> Is that the process you wanted? I think that is the problem. I've been getting the "Invalid File" error also, but if I go through the GPX files and do a search and replace of "Program Files" with "Program%20Files" (before running POILoader) it works great. This macro just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for all the hard work
  4. Excellent observation. Most of the posts I saw on fatwallet.com, slickdeals.com etc.... about this deal were also people who said they didn't really need the unit and would sell it. The few who did need it said "I got rejected for bad credit". I guess us cheapskates just have better credit scores for some reason See the problem is I want (but don't really need ) a new hand held unit for geocaching, Jeepin', hiking, biking & kayaking. I don't really need or want a second auto navigation unit. I guess my frugal (Mrs. B. says CHEAP) heritage compels me to try and offset cost something I don't need whenever possible
  5. I have Parking, Trailhead and Reference Points one that I use and would be glad to send you if you still need them That would be cool since I already manually set different alert distances for different chace types
  6. I'm the skeptic of all skeptics and pessimist of all pessimists when dealing with internet offers. I look at all of them as a scam but after invertigation thought I'd give this one a shot. I was happy as I could be when I got home today and found a brand new nuvi 200 waiting for me. (I already have a nuvi 200w so look for the 200 on ebay soon ) Anyhow, no telemarketer worries for me. I used a bogus phone number when I signed up. It meant I had to call and talk to a Discover Card service rep to activate my card since my phone number I was calling from did not match my account number but small price to pay. I also used a throw away gmail account for my email when I signed up. I bought lunch that I was going to buy anyhow, paid the charge off the next day so I paid no interest and now that I've got my GPS my next stop is discovercard.com to cancel my account. Life is good. Life with a free GPS is even better
  7. The article is a little old and the writer's style is a little quirky (but I like it ) but THIS ARTICLE is still a pretty good introduction to GSAK and Cachemate on the Palm platform
  8. You might try to post your request at NEFGA.com I think horseshoechamp lives in the area That's about 35-40 miles from us or we'd be glad to help
  9. I've cached in Germany, Scotland and Ireland with no maps on my GPS. It's a s easy as just following the arrow until you reach the a point on the display. A little preplanning and scouting via Google maps or earth will help you get the "lay of the land" and maybe some street names that might come in handy. Turn on "bread crumb trails", mark the way point of were you start from and you'll be fine.
  10. Tested it when I got home and it's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!
  11. We should call this the "slice and dice" option!! I'll take a look. A slice and dice option would be cool !
  12. I've been using GSAK since version 1 but I'm a noob when it comes to writing GSAK macros. I've been playing with some customizations to make the output like I would like it but so far have mostly failed in grand fashion on everything but a couple minor things. I have a 200W so I have created some wav files for proximity alerts that say "Approaching Virtual Cache", "Approaching Event Cache", "Approaching Multicache", etc...... What I've been unsuccessfully attempting to do, is create a loop in the output of Traditional cache types so that it outputs seperate Traditional GPX files by container (i.e. Traditional-Micro TourGuide.gpx, Traditional-Small TourGuide.gpx, etc.) so I can have alerts that say "Approaching Traditional Micro Cache" etc. Is there an easy IF statement I could add to do this using MFILTER? PS - I just took a 500 mile trip last week and this combined with caches along a route PQ is what I've been dreaming of for 4+ years of caching road trips! Sure does make it easy to keep up with approaching caches without keeping one eye on the GPS all the time.
  13. This rocks! I bought a nuvi 200w for traveling last week and I love it. We traveled about 500 miles this past weekend and turning on the proximity alert feature is great for finding caches along a route. Don't get me wrong, I still love my old Magellan Meridian Platinum for actually getting out and finding the cache, but it's great to have the the nuvi tell me when I'm approaching a roadside cache so I know when to stop . The screen on the Platinum was just too small to see well with it hanging from the windshield and I had to keep scanning for what was coming up instead of watching the road. One change I made to the script was that I didn't like the default "ding" sound, so I made my own mp3 that says "geocache ahead" (I put it for download it here). I then converted to base 64 and pasted into the script in place of the original. If anyone would like to make your own alert voice, you can convert text to speech and save as as wav file for free at this web site. Again as so many other have said great job pilotsnipes!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Okay, yes, but they do MORE than what I want. Notably, they have displays. I don't want to wear it, look at it, or think about it when I'm using it. I just want a track recorder. I was looking for something more the size of a thumb-drive. I've seen a few bluetooth models (like this Holux model) but was hoping for some first hand insight. I don't think the Holux will save a tracklog, which is what you are after. What you want is a GPS data logger. Maybe something like THIS
  15. If you tried somethiing crazy like entering something like "Nuvi 200 hack" in the little know search engine GOOGLE you might get back something like this http://pilotsnipes.googlepages.com/index.html
  16. Yeah but that's because most of us who have meet you are crazy too! It's a pretty low bar you have to clear to be normal at a caching event
  17. We are able to sort out good from lame caches too, by scanning the cache page. For those who hate LPC etc, using the aerial photos on mapquest help too. I can tell if its a park or a parking lot from the photos. We understand, really.... There's the "gremlin" way of doing it that seems to work for some folks... I want the "Lambourghini" <sp> way of doing it. Yes, I could scan all the logs and perform research and contact previous cache finders and do a background investigation, but I don't want to have to do all that!!!!!! So basically you are saying you are too lazy to invest your own time in making sure that you only hunt what you like.
  18. They could if that jar he's sniffing once contained peanut butter
  19. I've heard that same thing said about IceCreamMan hey quit dissing on ICM! He's a great guy but based on the posted comments I think JoeMerchant and Serial Finder are the the one's who sound like jerks. No offense intended Joe, I'm just saying Still undecided if I mean to offend Serial Finder or not but he's bright enough to read between the lines when he reads this. On topic - I've found 100's of ICMs "egg jars" and they hold up well in the woods and in the city. He hides them in wonderful locations and fills them with great swag.
  20. I think they are here for my entertainment In some cases that is true but in the case of this thread it's all about the entertainment.
  21. That must be the cache where I found the dead cacher with the unused epi-pen in his hand. Good thing there were lots of pine needles around to cover him up with. Its against guidelines to bury a cacher isnt it? Well, I wasn't planning on posting the hide. It's not like I'm all about the numbers. Now that's funny no matter which side of this thread you agree with []
  22. CONGRATS!!!!!!! Carleen, you see Snoogans procreating as a good thing ?????????? Just kidding. As somebody who has met, cached and went offroading with the man, the myth, the legend that is Snoogans all I can say is "Congrats Snoogans!" And to the future little Snooganite I say "If you have questions about anything, ask your Mom"
  23. We've been to every geowoodstock except #1 and they just get better and better. We can't even begin to describe how much fun we had. You guys put in a lot of hard work and it showed. Thanks to everyone involved! 2000 cachers all in one place! WOW.
  24. GPSBabel will work under Linux. Just download the source and compile it or do a search on Google and you can find precompiled binary packages in .rpm, .deb, .pkg, .tgz and probably other formats for whatever flavor of Linux you are running. For example try this link http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/sourceforge/g...3.3-0.i386.html
  25. When I think about North Florida, I think 4WD, mud, water, and ennnnnndlessss palmettos. Florida Style has always been in, on, around, under a palmetto. The palmettos weren't endless, we got out of them after 10 hours of caching . As a North Florida cacher, "North Florida" style might be refering to one of our many over-the-top camo caches (both micro and full sized) or it might be a reference to what we refer to locally as "Jacksonville style" (think statuary proctology). But as stated earlier, there is really no consensus anywhere on what an "X" style hide means.
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