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Everything posted by luke33

  1. As a member of the organized caving community in Colorado and there are a few points I'd like to make on this thread. 1) Burning the caches was wrong. As somone who witnessed it, I wish I had spoken up. 2) Vader feels he was wronged by the organized caving community years ago. Much of what he says and does could be motivated by a desire to 'get even.' 3) Vader was contacted months ago by members of the organized caving community who expressed concern over his cave caches for both safety and conservation reasons. 4) Vader never asked for, nor received permission from the White River National Forest to place his cave caches. If he had, they would have informed him that several of the caves in question have been nominated as significant with regards to the Federal Cave Resource Protection Act of 1988. As such, distributing their locations on the internet is illegal. 5) Certain members of the organized caving community made an effort to make peace with Vader recently. They brought him to a couple gated caves on private property. Rather than recognizing that we are all individuals, Vader seems intent on demonizing organized caving as a whole. I hope that at some point both sides of this story can make peace with each other.
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