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Everything posted by jaedend

  1. Where do I find the info on making my own cable? I can fabricate something that will allow me to fit to the Magellan 315, but I need to know what type of connector I need on the PC end, and which pins go to which connector. Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me to the right spot.
  2. Well, I don't NEED it that accurate. I'd just LIKE it that accurate Mostly I'm just curious as to what the differences are in consumer GPSr's and commercial ones (besides price). Sounds like the electronics and signal processing speeds. Also, I'm using a Magellan 315 right now. Does anyone know of a way to turn averaging off? I've heard it's not useful anymore because of SA being deactivated. I figure turning averaging off will free up the processor somewhat, speeding up the positioning calculations, and maybe give me some inmprovement.
  3. So i am assuming, antenna issues aside, it has to do with the processor speed of the individual GPS unit; calculating speed if GPS' don't have CPUs. ??
  4. I could understand inaccuracies in the GPS system back when SA was active, but now that it's turned off, why is the system still so inaccurate? 3 meters is acceptable for caching I guess but I don't understand with the technology today why units are still as inaccurate as they are. Even the 3 meter accuracy is only using a unit that works with WAAS. I commonly find my receiver grabbing singals from up to 8 different satellites at once. With all those bird in the air and no SA ruining our picnics, shouldn't we be able to get better accuracy? Is it the satellites? the receivers & softwares? or maybe just me? (I'm a little bit of a perfectionist sometimes) I've heard there are "commercial units" available that are accurate to the centemeter. What that all about? If they can get CM accuracy, why can't I?
  5. Hi, I'm fairly new to the geocaching game. I have a Megellan GPS 315 that I recieved for christmas about 4 years ago. I've never really used it until recently. The software version on the startup screen says I have version 2.03 and there is currently a 3.15 version available. I don't have a data cable, so I am wondering if it's worth buying one to update the software. Will it improve the accuracy of the unit? I don't seem to be getting very close coords on my caches so far. usually off by as much as .008 what other features might I be able to use on this unit if I did buy a data cable? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
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