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Everything posted by BrierPatch

  1. I really like the side with the canoe and blue glitter! Great job
  2. First Winner Post #48 (My Random Number generator) SgtMikal if you can send me your Address I can get that out to you. We will draw another winner in a couple day Thank you everyone for the posts. The CITO's seem to be popular. Backhiker educating your children is a lot of work and commitment. We home schooled four and it about drove my wife nuts. (She's better now that the they are all done college.) Thanks everyone & Keep posting
  3. Its an incredible look under the translucent the flow of the rims is striking but well blended into the coin. just an amazing art when you step back to take it in as a whole.
  4. Cointest For Earthday Suncatcher This is my first suncatcher I had a lot of fun on this project. Nothing like a sunrise caching when the day is young and full of hope and promise. These are for sale here Yes they are trackable. Now onto the cointest very simple one post per user per 24hr I will either draw a random number or select a winner. we will run this a week or so and pick a couple winners. Please post how you celebrate Earthday and or what you will be doing for Earthday. Thanks for playing
  5. I really spent way to much time trying to find the picture, has the forumes only changed for me? Any how love the quality control Humor. The design tickles my eyes but the humor tickles my heart. Thanks for the picture post! Thanks for making this coin.
  6. These are alot nicer than last years, I like the more classic key look.
  7. If you had this kind of chicken ranch the roosters would not be so aggressive And they'd be better eating!
  8. I should have watched more TV who are these people? Tally savalase---> Guess I should of paid attention during spelling lessons too.
  9. Larry, Moe and Curly Oh wait that three and they may be before your time. He isn't a three legged rooster is he? Harrison Ford
  10. Rooster need alot of cookin and than some hard BBQ to get down and keep down... And I will not tell any of my "Rocky Road" Rooster stories. A rooster does not care how big you are he only has a little brain.
  11. Horrible Henry Tough and not so tasty! But he was a chick magnet Neither begin with the "R: word but I googled and couldn'y help myself.
  12. I love fire trucks! did not get any of these though.
  13. Not sure about the page however you can use a high quality Baseball card holder 1/4" thick print you poxy out on photo paper along with whatever other information you would like to include. you will need to seal it with plastic watertight glue then you can drill it to attach the travel buddy. Personaly I think its alot less time and hassel if you just release a new coin. However this would be a quality proxy with alot more additional information than was contained in the orginal release of the coin.
  14. Thanks for your comments, I too enjoy the caching related coins, The original easter concept was very caching related and based on a cache, however what was made is not, but at least it is not in the shape of a peep I did see some of those shaped coins and avoided them. Thanks again
  15. I attended and event with a coin I had found for others discovery and handed it to someone and never gave it back I emailed the individual but they said they did not have it perhaps I lost it? Rather than try to figure who at the event had it I just sent the owner a new coin. Things can get confusing at events. As a result I do not take coins at events neither do I drop them off.
  16. I have only lost a couple so far and am greatful at the honesty of some cachers I had a guy email me to tell me a coin was stolen from his car along with his cache bag. Perhaps I have not released enough yet to understand the discouragment that some of you have. I have lost someone elses coin at an event and replaced it. Small things get lost easy. I found a coin in the woods once on the way to a cache. I am not sure how you would figure lost to theft verses negligence but I figure both probably exist.
  17. I have been reading these posts and thought I would try to give a personal perspective from my limited experience. I do not belong to any clubs and untill recently was unaware of their existance. The following phrases really jumped to my attention. "not as impressive" "really boring" "having been done before" "uninteresting" "money making" In January of this year I submitted a coin design "caching peeps" as a general submission for an easter coin. the vendor seemed to like the idea, however the mint qoute for dies was close to $1,000 so they obvously were no longer interested due to the added expense of a multi part toy. This was my fourth toy type design and last submitted, I have had other rejections due to to die cost and the mint just not being able to understand the function of the coin. It seems reasonable to me that a vendor expending capital should be granted the oppertunity of "making money" as they are taking some risk. I think therfore with what I percieve as limitations with factories not using some pretty cheap and basic fabrication technics "having been done before" will be an inevitable result of not expanding production practises. Obvoiusly I do not have a coin background but one of fabrication. I am not an artist but orginally designed my first coins bsed on cheap fabrication principles. While "Caching peeps" was rejected I was asked to turn it into a coin of the month design. I accepted the challenge turning a three part movable coin into a double sided coin. and I submitted two coin designs based on the intitial design taking into account restrictions in what could actually be made. So the reamaining phrases "not as impressive" & "really boring" have me a bit apprehensive as to how the community will respond to their April coin of the month selection. If nothing else you know where to send your criticism, which is always welcome as I am not an artist & my feelings will not be hurt. I had originally intended to introduce standard fabrication concepts into coin designs but this has proven to be too difficult endevour to do. So I have turned my intentions to the standard type coin displaying my twisted sence of humour. I have been caching for less than a year and into coins even shorter, so it is a learnimg experience and am grateful for many of the threads in the forums, and those of you who have personally helped me along. I think the clubs from the research I did before the redo offer a decent coin for the money, and it appears many of you really like the surprise, which is why I gave so little information on the initial design and conversion. Thanks Thanks
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