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Everything posted by crosby7

  1. OK, I have downloaded GSAK, and figured out how to get a cache from geocaching to the gsac folder, now what do I do with it ? How do I get the page to my gps or do I put it on a palm or can I get it to my blackjack phone ? arghhhhhh
  2. Thanks...trying out an old palm pilot i had laying around...can I do it on my blackjack phone ? Hmmm
  3. I am partial to the Garmin 60csx, it was the one my department used, so I was already used to it. I can't stand to use someone elses "other" now...Good Luck, you will love whatever you get, remember, it is what you do with it, not what you do it with.
  4. a sharpener is a great idea...thanks
  5. Or how about Sherbet (as in ice cream) most people say Sherbert, there is no second "R" it is sher-bet...just another hill not worth climbing...lol
  6. Not really. Now if you used a sexy or pleasing avitar and wrote in an style that endears people to you; you would have the forums eating out of your hand. Some folks have a knack for that. Some are just abrasive. I tend towards the latter. Sorry about that. No worries...most have been nice & coordial. Just trying to get info without offending anyone...lol, I tend to have thick skin...guess I had a moment of weakness..a bit in touch with my womanly side, I guess going to the Melissa Etheridge concert Friday night did me in...lol...OK, I am manned back up, Is there a Metallica show soon ? Have a great day! Crosby7
  7. I know I am sort of new to this but jeesh.....did I anywhere try to place FAULT...? Also it has nothing to do with LAZE...I TRY to do all of my caches with cords only, it seems to be a bit more "pure" that way...I was merely asking the "friendly" people in the newbie section of the forum page a good way to take all of the information you "put time into" out on the hunt with me. Sir/Madam, if you re-read the post I put time into, you will see that I WANT to use the info but am looking for an efficient way to utilize it. "you deserve the pain! That is that simple" Is there a "pain free" section for cachers...that is a bit more my style...I thought we could al get along without all the Jr. High drama...
  8. GSAK - what is that & where can I get it...lol
  9. I read the pages, but when out doing 4-5 in a day, with 5 kids to wrangle all day, I forget what info I read went with what cache. I am not going to print every page & have a binder or pee-chee folder...(dating myself)
  10. I like to leave the small/medium size carabeaners/clips. Most people have a backpack of some type when caching so a clip is a nice thing to get. I also get some cheap tweezers from time to time from the 99 cent store & leave them for those folks that have small logs in the micros. I also found the small play-dough in small cans and bought like 20 of them for 10 bucks. Kids loved them. I also like to leave the small costco waters in MY larger caches.
  11. Just wondering, I have seen a few people saying they are using only coordinates for their caching, & others sau they use "info" from the page? I have a 60csx. Is there something I could do to make it easier when caching with my kids so they do not get discouraged...(as if it has nothing to do with me...lol).
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