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Everything posted by jthomp000

  1. Is it at all possible, to have the Colorado not power up into disk mode when a usb cable is attached? My car stereo had the abilit to accept usb connections for devices (jump drive, iphone, etc) and am wondering if I can get it to power the unit with the supplied garmin cable. I have had no luck searching, didn't know if anyone else has figured it out.. Thankx!
  2. I tried this morning and was unable to to copy over his file. I keep getting a corrupted warning on the file i'm trying to copy over. I've tried multiple times so there must be something wrong. dadgum... This is so frustrating. It appears that my GPS'r will work fine with CityNavigator and all that.. I just can't find a way to get the pre-loaded topo maps back on. I have an email out to Garmin; looks like I'll have to wait to hear what they say....
  3. Hi all, Was installing maps on my Colorado 400t this morning when I accidentally deleted what I thought was my City Navigator file. In actuallity, it was my preloaded topo basemap. No, I didn't have the unit software backed up, but I will do so when I fix this issue. My question's are, 1. Can I download the basemap file from anywhere? I know it's a large file, but someone/somewhere has to have it available. I could not find anything on Garmin's website 2. I have a friend who has a Colorado 400t as well. Is it possible to copy from is unit to my unit the basemap software? will that cause a license issue with the unit? Thanks for any help you can pass along!
  4. Same here. Thought it was me and checked with a few others and they are saying the same thing. Usually, what I do since I have a colorado is just download the loc/gpx file, but that wont' work for all units...
  5. That's a fantastic price for that unit. I have mine and love it. Sadly, I must admit when I bought mine from Best Buy that had it on the clearance table tagged 159.99. HAD to buy it, couldn't say NO!
  6. Just wanted to update this thread since it's been awhile. the pocket decoder is sold! Feel free to check out www.thecachingplace.com for more info or to purchase one. I love mine!
  7. Standard bronze finish I guess. Really awesome coin! Can't wait to get some mileage on mine. "Winter" has put a damper on my caching runs...
  8. Here is what happened. I ordered a coin, had trouble with the order, ended up with 2 of them as a result of a known accidental error from the vendor. They advised me to keep both coins. I activated the coin, but had it de-activated by Groundspeak. The are assuring me that the new owner will have no problems activating it as their own trackable and using it however they wish. I can provide emails from Groundspeak to provide confirmation. Coin is in great condition, and I can send pix to whomever wishes. As for a price, I am open to all reasonalbe offers!
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