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Everything posted by irisisleuk

  1. I don't understand the rules/guidelines anymore. It's allowed to go nude caching but not to nude speaking thread? Or perhaps just if you have no problems?
  2. I don't know if you have broken rules. Withing geocaching there are only 3 rules: 1) If you take something from the geocache (or "cache"), leave something of equal or greater value. 2) Write about your find in the cache logbook. 3) Log your experience at www.geocaching.com. All other stuff are "just" guidelines. For instance with this forum, there are Forum Guidelines and I hope you have read this particular one: To post in the Groundspeak Discussion Forums, you must be 18 years or older, or under the supervision of your parent or legal guardian. But also if you have found and placed caches without permission of your parents you have broken a guideline. And if you have placed geocaches without permission of the owner of the land, you have broken a guideline and probably also some local laws. Please involve your parents and experienced adult geocachers to help you!
  3. It is clear you don't speak English, please ask help to solve you problems in the Scandinavia & Baltics forum, or even better: contact an experienced local cacher to help you. And please also involve your parents, they can help you and have to give permission to post in these forums.
  4. Why don't you just delete the wrong ones? And why do you make new geocaches (or gecatches, geochatcher and geochmatch as you prefer to wrongly name them) while the first one you made is only 3 days old and is having problems and is temporarily offline? You should first fix that first cache before placing others. And note: a cache can not be placed for just 3 days, it has to be available at least 3 months.
  5. onder iedere verdachte steen gaat kijken of er misschien een cache ligt.
  6. Sure it's okay to backlog, depends on what he wants. Personally I think writing the online log is part of the game, but this aspect is disappearing slowly. First you search for a cache, then you find one, you log it in the field and the game ends by writing an online log. So I don't see why a child who isn't able to write his/her own log should have an account, if he isn't doing/able to do that last part. As soon as a kid is willing and able to write a log, he/she can fully play the game and can start logging on their own (if they want) with their own account. But really, that's just my opinion, we don't have any children, so we have no experience with what they actually want. I just see geocaching accounts made for babies because their parents find it fun to log the caches for them when they are carried along on a caching trip. So by the time this baby really knows what geocaching is he will already have thousands of finds, all kinds of challenges done etc. Don't think this (then former) baby will be interested in that account, since he won't remember anything about it and has no personal attachment/feeling/memories when reading logs he didn't write himself.
  7. Ik heb geen oregon maar heb het probleem ook af en toe. Bij is het probleem verholpen als ik alles wat in op de gps in de map met de caches staat er even afhaal (even apart op de computer zet), vervolgens de gps aan en weer uit. Daarna de gps weer aansluiten op de computer, alles er weer op zetten en dan werkt het weer.
  8. No you didn't find 3 geocatch today, unless you can explain what a geocatch is. You found 3 geocaches today. And you logged one of them (GC3324W) twice. I found 3 geocaches today, but I wanted to find only 2 caches. But one was a micro although the listing said it was a small, so I had to drive to another one to be able drop a geocoin.
  9. Just as interesting, given the very commonly used abbreviation "gc.com", see where that takes you! But before becoming a premium fan on gc.com, make sure you do some geocashing(.com)!
  10. I just attached a mission label to a coin that wasn't suppose to leave the country, but it did because it had no label.
  11. A real TB hotel is a cache where the (hotel) owner takes extra care of his guests, the trackables: - CO looks if there is a card attached to the trackable stating its mission, if not he attaches one. - CO makes sure that trackables don't stay too long in his hotel, so keeps track on how long TBs and coins are there and will move them along to another cache when they get too comfortable - CO makes sure that cachers who visited the hotel get an instruction on how to log trackables, so they won't get lost. For instance via information-on-how-to-log-a-TB- cards in the cache and a clear warning on the logbook that trackables are not goodies. Unfortunately there are only a few of those TB-Hotels, others just are named TB-hotel, but are more like a campsite where anything goes. Of course there are also caches near locations that are conveniently located near places where lots of geocaching travelers pass, so ideal to help trackables towards their long distance goals. And I really like the alternative metaphors niraD mentioned for a "TB hotel". But I hope every cache with a size larger than small is a like a TB hotel: a perfect safe place for a trackable to stay until the next cacher comes to move it along. A wrong reason to make a TB hotel is if you make one just to attract trackables, having an easy way to discover them without helping them to travel. @samuel123abc: you haven't moved any trackables yet, so I wonder why you asked this question. Is something strange going on with trackables in your area?
  12. Fijn dat je een leuke dag hebt gehad! Ik heb even gekeken naar je logs maar daar lees ik niets over die schotse hooglanders, moet de betreffende cache nog gelogd worden? Het loggen zelf kun je overigens ook gewoon via deze site doen ipv via je smartphone, dan is het ook veel makkelijker om bijvoorbeeld een leuke foto bij je log te plaatsen.
  13. There are a lot of beginners who want to place a cache even after one find. They don't read the guidelines, they just go ahead and lots of mistakes are made. Mistakes that are frustrating for geocachers who want to find these caches, for land owners, for people in the neighborhood who weren't informed etc. etc., but its also frustrating for reviewers. These volunteers have spent their free time in reviewing a cache that they then will have to archive when things aren't they way they seem on the cache page. Wasted time they could have spent on finding/publishing nice caches. When you keep this in mind it's remarkable how reviewers can keep positive and keep helping relative new cachers like you by not just saying: no your cache is not according to guidelines this and this. But give more info and try to advise you the best way they know how, based on all their experiences. In your case there was a coordinates conflict. You were informed which cache was the problem and then you found this cache and discovered that, according to you, there is no coordinates conflict. This could be the case, but based on the info the reviewer can see in his database has he has doubts about the information you have given. There are many reasons why he can doubt what you have found, one of them is the problem that cachers often don't tell the truth anymore to their reviewers, they'll say anything just to get their cache published. The reviewer has only the facts to base his decisions on, should he trust what the CO of the multi has put in the database or should he blindly trust you when you say this cache is not where he thinks it is? If I were a reviewer (and I'm glad I'm not) I would read your log on that cache. It is not a log that seems trustworthy (not even interesting or polite to the CO, but that is another matter), it is a weird log especially for a multi cache. With a log like this I would doubt if you have even found the cache. So if I were the reviewer I might think it could be a found log that was only placed to convince that you have found the cache. I'm not saying this is the case at all, you might be completely right about the coordinates, but keep in mind how things look like and be glad the reviewer is trying to help you anyway. Just curious: you say the spot you have in mind has some significants to you; what kind of logs would you like to read with your future cache?
  14. Dat kan heel eenvoudig zie: http://www.geocaching.com/adopt/default.aspx
  15. En dat archiveren doe je door naar je cache pagina te gaan (zorg dat je ingelogd bent) en dan zie je helemaal rechts onder het kopje "admin tools" een rood symbooltje met daarnaast archiveren. Een cache hoort overigens minimaal 3 maanden te blijven liggen, terwijl die van jou maar 2 weken aanwezig is geweest.
  16. Behalve aan de reviewer vragen om de cache vroeg op de dag online te laten komen kun je er niet veel aan doen. Ik heb even gekeken om welke cache het gaat en zag dat hierbij de cacher vond dat het nog licht genoeg was om de cache te gaan zoeken, de term zonsondergang wordt dus breed geinterpreteerd. Daarnaast is het een bonus van een trailtje, dus mensen doen die andere caches, die gewoon 24/7 zijn en dan valt niet meer op dat dit niet geldt voor de bonus. Wat je kunt doen is deze tekst aanpassen en gewoon de tijdstippen aangeven waartussen de cache gelogd mag worden. Je moet dan natuurlijk niet vergeten dit af en toe aan te passen aan het seizoen (als je dat wil). Eventueel ook vermelden in de hint, want die wordt meer gelezen. Overigens zal dit niet iedere cacher weerhouden om de cache te loggen, je hebt er altijd bij die zich niets aantrekken van wat op de cache pagina staat, of het gewoonweg niet lezen. En ja, dat is flink balen, want dan loop je het risico dat de cache dus op een gegeven moment wellicht weg moet. De cacher die dat veroorzaakt heeft zal het niets kunnen schelen, die heeft z'n puntje al binnen. Wat betreft je tweede vraag: FTF, STF en TTF is verder niets officieels, het is maar een bijverzinsel en er gelden geen regels voor. Bij ranglijsten waar dit bijgehouden wordt telt de volgorde op de logrol, hierbij is het niet van belang of iemand nu premium member is of niet.
  17. Not being able to contact the geocacher is annoying and I hope this get fixed by Groundspeak soon. In your case I would delete the log again, but would also post a (owner maintenance) note on the cache page addressing this cacher (and other cachers) that you had to delete a log because.... Also say you wouldn't have done this if the cacher had his e-mail validated (link available on profile), because you normally would have asked (via pm) to adjust the log, instead of deleting the entire log, but now this is impossible and you see no other solution. I've seen some situations like this around here, and it seems to help a bit. Of course only with those cachers who want to continue caching, because they will notice their find is missing and will try to find out what happened. Of course lots of them only try it one day and then disappear with the trackables they have found, but those won't care about any log deletion.
  18. There is a series of caches near Dallas, but you can still get an FTF on the bonus (http://coord.info/GC4758H), so I don't know how short the period of time can be to find them all . Someone made a bookmark list for it: http://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.aspx?guid=4dd0c494-bd17-41c9-82d8-8aee729f9f2e Good luck!
  19. So your local multis bring you easily to 2 or 3 places that are interesting and you only have to write one log for that nice experience, that's great! More caches isn't better, why put 3 containers there if you can show the area with a nice multi? You want to score 3 "points/smileys" for the walk, otherwise you don't care as much for visiting these locations? Over here I see a trend of serie caches with a bonus. People want to "score" a lot of smileys without any effort. So often a serie of 10 or 20 caches are placed close to each other with a bonus in the end, since this attracts the smiley hunters who give favorites for the bonus since they are glad someone made it possible to score a lot within a short amount of time, with the least amount of effort, preferably with hardly any walking involved. And if the caches have a homemade camouflage appearance it is the best series they have ever seen. Busy logging, paying no attention to the environment and lots of encounters with other mindlike cachers while doing the walk. A multi cache in the same area won't be done by these cachers (until of course also these coordinates end up in a database these "cachers" share, so then can walk straight to the cache). I prefer that multi-cache. I don't feel the need to score lots of smileys, I like a nice day out, preferably with caches that give me more inspiration to log a bit more than "and yes, also found this one, up to the next one 0.1 miles ahead". Multi's are great and there are lots of varieties. City walks that guide you on a sightseeing tour, adventurous walks (day and night) in the woods, bike multi's for those who like to cover longer distances, multis where you have to search for clues to solve a mystery/murder/code, multis that make a nice evening walk, multi's especially made for children, multi's that push your limits, where you feel like you've conquered the world and some you might even not be able to manage them in one day. But the fulfillment, the feel of pride afterwards, there aren't many tradionals that can do the same. We've done all sorts of multi's and those are the ones that create memories, stories, great photos and experiences we still remember years later.
  20. I wouldn't haven written a NA in this situation, since there is no emergency situation here that requires immediate archiving or attention from a reviewer. I first would have contacted the CO or other cachers (if CO wouldn't reply within a few days) who have found it. I would have explained the situation and would have asked if they could explain how the cache is hidden so I would be able to try again to find it or discover for real that it is gone. If I then find the original cache, I would take along the throw down and place a find log explaining this and also asking others not to place throw downs. If I don't find the original cache I would write a needs maintenance note to explain what is going on and that the CO should take a look and decide what he wants to do with the cache. If a need maintenance log isn't handled within a couple of months, a reviewer will look at it eventually and if the owner does nothing the cache will be archived after some time. It gives the CO some time to take action, usually a couple of months, in a friendlier way than writing a needs archived. I like to take into account there might be something going on in a CO's life that keeps him from responding immediately, so give him/her some time. Not having logged into the website, doesn't mean he won't see the logs and notes on the cache page. I do agree with you that people shouldn't place these throw downs. If you haven't been asked by a CO to replace it, there is no reason to assume automatically that it is what the CO wants. If a cache is gone it is up to the CO to decide whether the cache should be replaced (and by whom) or be archived. There are so many caches that I simply don't understand the need of some cachers to place a throw down just to be able to log a find, although they actually didn't find anything. And there is nothing wrong with a cache being archived eventually when it is not maintained, since if the place is really interesting I'm sure another cacher will place a brand new (and maybe even better) one there one day.
  21. Hoi Kim, Ik werk voor multi's niet met cgeo dus kan je daar niet mee helpen, maar misschien is het handig als je ook even aangeeft in welke regio je iemand zoekt die dat wel kan. Alvast veel succes toegewenst!
  22. Er is een website waar je verloren en gevonden voorwerpen kunt melden: https://www.verlorenofgevonden.nl Nu zie ik hier je gps (nog) niet bij staan (wel een magellan in Zwolle, mocht er een andere geocacher meelezen nu), maar je kunt hier in ieder geval alvast melding doen van het verlies van je gps.
  23. De 31 dagen coin is bedoeld voor diegenen die 31 dagen achter elkaar caches hebben gevonden. Daarvoor maakt het niet uit wanneer je ze hebt gevonden. Het idee is ontstaan door de 31 dagen challenge in augustus waarvoor je souvenirs kreeg, maar voor de aanschaf van de coin is dat verder niet van belang. Je kunt bijv. ook van 15 juli tot 15 augustus caches hebben gevonden/gaan vinden en dan voldoe je ook aan de 31 dagen. De 365 dagen coin kun je op meerdere manieren uitleggen (om hem dus voor meerdere cachers interessant te maken in de verkoop): -Als je een jaar lang aan geocaching hebt gedaan (om te vieren dat je dus al 1 jaar aan geocaching doet). -Als je op iedere kalenderdag een cache hebt gevonden. Dit kan verspreid zijn over diverse jaren en schrikkeldagen zijn dus niet verplicht. -Als je 365 dagen achter elkaar een cache hebt gevonden. Oftewel: net wat je te vieren hebt!
  24. Ik neem aan dat je bedoelt hoe je dit uit kunt zetten in de app? Dan moet je even aangeven welke app je gebruikt. Als je bedoelt hoe je visit logs van jou bij een trackable kunt verwijderen: naar de pagina van de trackable gaan, dan op visit log drukken (naast jouw logje) en vervolgens kun je het log verwijderen door op het prullenbakje te drukken.
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