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Everything posted by crockett3663
Maybe this belongs in the GPS forum, but I decided to post it here. After not caching for several months during the long winter, today I got a notice for a cache I wanted to try, so I hook up my Garmin 60Cx to my PC and click "Send to GPS". Well, it shoots back a message telling me to install the latest Garmin plug-in. I went through all of the steps (or so I thought), closed everything out and re-booted, and tried again to download the coords. AGAIN...I got the message about downloading the plug-in!!! Apparently I must've done something wrong the first time, but I have no clue what I did or did not do. I thought I followed the directions to the letter. Can anyone lend a hand and tell me what I'm doing wrong? It's a beautiful day here in southern WI and I'd love to get out and find a few new caches, but it won't let me download. I'm stuck!! HELP!!
hit up EBAY, the for sale forum on here, or even craigslist maybe you can get a deal. if all else fails just wait for a sale. some of the basic GPS units sell dirt cheap and people are always getting rid of there basic GPS to step up to a newer/better unit. something else for you and your son to do is teach him gun safety and take him out shooting. there was nothing better than going out plinking with my grandfather and my dad. my kids are still small(almost 3 and 4) so i still have some time to get strait but both will be taught to shoot and both will start with a BB gun then move up to a .22LR. at 6 you should have no problem getting him to learn the basics of gun safety and red rider BB guns are cheap and so are the BB's. Why does he need to teach his son gun safety?? He doesn't mention whether or not he hunts, and even if he does, his some may show no interest. I'm the youngest of four kids, and I'm the only male member of my immediate family who never went hunting. I used to like to go when my dad and brothers would go out to sight in their rifles, and I even got to shoot them, but I never actually went hunting. Just because the thread starter is a man and has a son, that doesn't mean that the desire to hunt is there for either one.
Perhaps you can "help" your partner find her first cache. When you locate one, don't claim it right away. Instead, move away from it and very discreetly suggest that she "check out that tree over there", or whatever the case may be. The important thing is to NOT let her see you near the find before you push her in that direction. Let me know if this works. As for your caching bag, check out your local Goodwill or St. Vincent de Paul store for gently used book backpacks, the kind that high school and college kids often use. As long as the zippers are in good shape and it has plenty of pockets (and trust me, you'll NEED them) you should be good to go. Welcome to the fray!! Good Luck and Happy Caching!!
How ironic that I placed my very first cache just yesterday, and it's in a cemetary that I used to live right across the street from. http:// http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...8a-6353a250d028 Not surprisingly, I have no problem with cemetary caches as long as they are done tastefully. Keep them off of headstones and don't make it so that one has to climb any trees to log a find, and I'm OK with it. As has been stated, cemetaries contain a lot of history, and I think that anytime you have a chance to educate yourself or your children about history, then it's a good thing. In fact, my main reason for hiding my first cache is because there is an unknown soldier buried there. He was a Civil War veteran, and (being that it is Wisconsin) there are not too many Civil War vets entombed in Wisconsin, so I thought it was rather unique and worthy of attention. This is also the oldest cemetary in this town and there aren't too many available plots left, so I rarely see mourners there, and I think that's rather sad. If my cache can bring even just a few seekers out to this particular cemetary and will let people discover some of the history there, then I think it's a worthwhile hide. Otherwise that cemetary would just die like it's occupants. Lastly, I think each cacher is entitiled to his or her own opinion, but mine is pretty basic: If you don't enjoy searching for caches within a cemetary, then simply don't do them; but don't criticize those of us that DO enjoy and appreciate them.
It's nothing overly special, except for the fact that it is NOT another micro!! IMO, there are far too many of those in this world, so I wanted to do something a little bigger. It is a Wisconsin Spirit Quest cache, which means it is located within a cemetary. It's called WSQ: Union Cemetary http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...8a-6353a250d028. That's it...nothing else really to tell you. I've just been thinking of putting a cache in this cemetary for a long time since it's located right across the street from where I grew up. Now that I've got my first hide out of the way, I'm sure I'll be doing more. If you're from Wisconsin, or ever find yourself in Wisconsin, feel free to hunt this one down!!
My whole reason for getting into caching was also to spend more time with my son, who LOVES to go "treasure hunting". I'm sure you and your son will have a blast!! Just be sure to take into account HIS physical limitations when caching!! At 6 years old he will not be able to climb trees as well as you, and his little legs will require you to take more breaks, or even plan shorter caching excursions. It might be a good idea to let HIM decide how long the two of you go hunting. There's nothing worse than being out in the middle of the woods with a cranky child who's suddenly "tired of walking"!!
Welcome to the game, crawler!! By the way, the only german I know is "bratwurst, and sauerkraut"!!
Question about lock-n-lock containers
crockett3663 replied to crockett3663's topic in General geocaching topics
Thanks to those of you who've had my back during all of this. I certainly didn't think a thread regarding container size would create so much animosity, debate, and contraversy. I'll go along with those who've said "small, small, regular". -
Question about lock-n-lock containers
crockett3663 replied to crockett3663's topic in General geocaching topics
Well as a matter of fact, you DID come off sounding rather rude. I know that I have checked those guidelines in the past, but not too recently as I have yet to officially hide my first cache. I just figured that since the measurements of those containers were not posted with the online description, someone else who may have used them could help to clear the air. As for them being "Tupperware sized", to me that's all relative. Some folks may not have several different Tupperware containers for which to compare, and since they truthfully are not Tupperware, true comparisons might not be accurate. As a matter of fact, I would not even attempt to put a sandwich into either of the two smallest containers, because I know they wouldn't fit. However, if that's the best description available, then I guess that's what I'll have to go with. I'll forgive you for sounding rude, but next time someone asks a legitimate question, you might want to consider cutting them some slack...they may not be as experienced as you are. -
Over the winter I ordered a set of official lock-n-lock containers from geocaching.com in anticipation of placing my first cache this Spring. Yesterday I was out scouting locations and after finding a suitable spot, I began to test fit the L & L containers into the space. I am speaking specifically of the three containers from GC.com that come nested into each other. My question is this: Is there an official size designation for each of those containers? In other words, is the smallest one considered a "Micro", the next smallest a "Small", and the largest a "Regular"?? I'd like to know so that when I finally go to write up the cache for publication that I'm giving it the proper size listing. Sorry for the long drawn out question, but I didn't know a better way to word it. Thanks in advance for the help.
Another thing you need to learn and remember is to not put all of your faith in your GPS. When you get to ground zero, examine the area and imagine that you are standing at the exact middle of a 50 foot diameter circle. it is reasonable to assume that the cache can be anywhere within that circle. Set you GPS down as close to ground zero as possible and begin your search by moving away from it in small increments, making sure to look for obvious hiding tricks (a small pile of leaves or sticks that looks out of place, a cluster of footprints which might indidcate that a previous cacher was there, etc.) Keep in mind that the actual cache is rarely if ever at the exact point of ground zero.
Whrere Can I get an ammo can on-line?
crockett3663 replied to thepumpdoctor's topic in General geocaching topics
Just a shot in the dark here, but try Googling "Military Surplus Stores in..." whatever major metro area you're nearest to. That should give you store locations I would think. Then you can see if they do online ordering and shipment. -
Most Interesting Road Sign While Geocaching
crockett3663 replied to Headhardhat's topic in General geocaching topics
Oh yeah...we have those all over here in Wisconsin. Many farmers have grazing pastures for their livestock that are on the opposite side of the road from where their main farmland is. Therefore, it is often necessary for them to herd several of them together and do a sort of cattle drive right across the highway. Heck, there's even a guy here on the edge of town that has a tunnel underneath the highway for his cattle to move so that he doesn't have to herd them. They just move back and forth at their own free will. It's actually pretty cool to see. -
As you delve into this more and more, you'll be amazed at the number of caches that are available within you community that you never even knew were there. When I got started about a year ago, I was shocked to see about a dozen caches right here in my hometown...most right in parks that I take my kids to. We've now gotten to the point where we don't even play when we go to these parks anymore. We go cache hunting!! Welcome to the obsession!!
You've already gotten some great technical tips, so I won't bother repeating any of them, but I will tell you that (like you) the main reason I got into caching was to spend more time with my kids, specifically my 10 year old son. The times you spend with your daughter going out caching will most likely be some of your more memorable moments, so enjoy them NOW while she's young. She'll grow up so fast and most likely become more interested in clothes, make up and (yikes!!) boys, and your times with her will become more fleeting...again: enjoy it NOW. BTW, she is absolutely adorable!!
You've already gotten some great technical tips, so I won't bother repeating any of them, but I will tell you that (like you) the main reason I got into caching was to spend more time with my kids, specifically my 10 year old son. The times you spend with you daughter going out caching will most likely be some of your more memorable moments, so enjoy them NOW while she's young. She'll grow up so fast and most likely become more interested in clothes, make up and (yikes!!) boys, and you times with her will become more fleeting...again: enjoy it NOW. BTW, she is absolutely adorable!!
Why do you want to leave?? Are you giving up on caching already?? Maybe you should hang around for a while and see if you change your mind...
Greetings from across the big pond over here in Wisconsin, and welcome to what is sure to be your new found obsession!! We were all noobs once, so don't feel foolish. I know you've gotten alot of good advice already, but here's another idea: check geocaching.com for events in your area, and attend one of those. You'll meet lots of other cachers, and the experienced ones are usually more than happy to let you tag along and show you the ropes. You can check for events in your area by clicking on you name at the top of the first page, then on the next page click on where it says "Newest caches in Michigan". The first bunch listed will always be a series of "event" caches. Hopefully there will be one titled "Geocaching 101" or "Introduction to Geocaching". These are classes that are put on by experienced cachers that will show you everything you need to know to get started. Most cachers I've met are friendly folks, so don't be afraid to introduce yourself and ask questions. They're usually glad to help. Who knows? Maybe you'll even make some new friends!! Whatever you do, don't give up!! Remember, you're starting out during a snow covered winter, and that can be a difficult time to locate a lot of caches, with the snow cover and all. Hopefully it should get at least a little easier once old man winter disappears. Good Luck and Happy Caching!!
You might be a geocacher if... all of the gifts you give are wrapped in camo tape!!
Most Interesting Road Sign While Geocaching
crockett3663 replied to Headhardhat's topic in General geocaching topics
Like some others, neither of these were found while caching, but I recall seeing them years ago. I believe this one is named after Olympian Michael Phelps' favorite vacation area: And this one I saw while traveling through Kentucky years ago. I'm guessing there's a lot of oral gratification happening here: -
I think it does to an extent. I've seen most cachers say that you should have at least 50 finds before you attempt your first hide, just so you can get the experience of how and where to hide different caches. However, you can go out 100 times and only have 50 finds, so eventhough you're not too successful with the finds, you've still gained valuable experience. For instance, I'll have one year of caching experience in April. Due to my work schedule, I only get out about once a month, which is quite a bit less than most folks. However, I've got 23 finds in that time and I also have learned a lot on here and other caching websites, so I think my "experience" goes far beyond my actual time out in the field. I still do not have my first hide, but I am planning it for sometime this Spring, as soon as the weather here in Wisconsin settles down a little bit. It really is a matter of your own personal experience and belief in yourself. If you truly think you know enough to assemble and search out your first hiding spot, then go for it, but be honest with yourself, and make sure you're ready. BTW, this happens to be my 100th post!! My first milestone post!!
First attempt at a find with my Geko
crockett3663 replied to Andbabymakesthree's topic in General geocaching topics
Wow...a three mile hike BEFORE you got to the cache site, eh?? Good for you!! I know I NEVER would have opted to do that. I'll go along with the others and say that the walk probably did you some good, though. Most cachers will tell you that half the fun of caching is the walk involved in getting there, although like I said 3 miles seems a bit long to me. Keep plugging away though!! -
1) Always carry extra batteries for your GPS. It's inevitable that they'll die when you're in the middle of the woods somewhere, and unless you're in a wooded area you know very well, you'll get your signals crossed faster than you think. 2) Get yourself a backpack (the size that college students use should be perfect) and put together a "cache bag". Some of the general things you can fill it with are: A change of clothes, especially socks First Aid Kit Compass (in case your GPS fails for any reason) Bottled Water Energy snacks (power bars, trail mix, raisins, etc.) to much on in case you're wandering in the woods Rain Poncho Hiking staff (helps you climb hills more easily and are handy for making sure critters aren't hiding in downed logs and such) Cell phone There are other things you can put int there as well, and in fact there is a thread here which will give you a general list of items. 3) relax, Take your time, and have fun!!!
I have not hid any of my own caches yet, but I'm wondering if there is a box you need to click on that will let the system know that you want to be informed. If that's not the case, then I don't know why you're not getting the message.
My new cache notifications is set up to alert me whenever there is a new one placed within 50 miles of my home. However, when I recieved notification of a "new one" last night, I checked out the cache page only to discover that the FTF had occured 6 hours earlier!! What gives?? I thought those notifications were supposed to occur the instant the caches were published. What good does it do to get a notice if the cache has been found by the time I get my notice? I mean, I'm not anal about being an FTFer, but I would like the opportunity to be first just once and that will be impossible if new pubs have already been located when I am first alerted to them.