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Everything posted by slinger91

  1. With the clear plastic covering the rocker pad, I wonder if if it makes it harder to use? ie....hit the up button and it you get the left arrow, etc...etc...
  2. Slow aint the word for it...
  3. Slower than the hubs of......
  4. No, I'm 2 1/2 hours south of Seattle.
  5. Since oregone has been without his computer, that means you've been without his logs. Well not for long. O Oregone, where art thou?
  6. When do we officially put our order in? I'll order 5 coins.
  7. Caught the thread late, and they may be a done deal, but it seems like the latest version would look better without the hiker, he seems to take away from the scenery. Other than that, wow!
  8. 4000 + travel bugs. Kinda makes you wonder who they have recruited to hide them all?
  9. I wouldn't refuse a ride on the back of that bike []
  10. Might as well close the thread. RK said it all.
  11. Yes, your right. the base map on the Legend has alot more street detail than the base map on the 60cs. I think it's so you'll go out and buy Mapsource City Select.
  12. 1: Firmware wont load 2: shutsdown all the time 3: wont aquire sats 4: Magellan wont respond to emails 5: Wont lock on road 6: Magellan wish list, again! 7: Stress cracks in the case 8: I'm reloading ther old version, anyone else? 9: Car got broken into, Magellan still there! 10: Thanks for the help Leatherman. 11: Magellan still hasen't responded! 12: Wife just bought a Garmin, traitor! 13: Mapsend didn't have the area I was caching in. 14: Magellan for Sale! 15: Just bought a 60CS! just kidding. really
  13. I noticed right below them it reads: "located in the entertainment district of downtown." I guess that sounds better than Red light district.
  14. I did this cache about a year ago. It's a must do.
  15. To all Vancouverites: Is there a must do cache that is not on the cache machine route, for whatever reason? ei, too far off route, a multi? thanks, slinger
  16. Really? That is the main reason I don't like them! Well, you know what they say about your first love...
  17. Sublime was that cool band from Long Beach, California right?
  18. Thanks for the replys. I think I am going to try and train my brain to get used to "track up". It seems like it should be easier in the long run. Where a left is a left, and a right is a right. Now that I think about it I have held my GPSr upside down to make sure I was turning the correct way.
  19. I have used North up for geocaching since I started. Mainly because I didn't like the screen jumping around. But now that I have a 60CS, I was wondering if autorouting is easier with track up? Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
  20. Yep! mine does the same thing. I have to hit the rocker button a few times , but it does it. The screen just fades out, and the unit shuts off. E-mail being sent to Garmin now! Good. let me know what garmin says. Hopefully this is one of those things that can be fixed with an update, and not sending it back to Garmin.
  21. I trust garmin, and I'm sure if it turns out to be an issue, I'm sure they'll handle it quickly. [emoticon]
  22. Having owned a varity of GPSr's, my favorite button layout is still the yellow etrex.
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