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Everything posted by Stump

  1. It's possible it's only about 3 1/2 - 4 hours from Seattle to Pipeline. Not sure how much fun it would be for people though. That's a long drive for a day trip. We spent a day leaving from Longview (2 hours closer) and didn't have nearly enough time to do a good caching trip (including the loop out to Maryhill and back up SR 14). There are some fun caches that way.
  2. We've been spoiled in the Northwest (where ReadyorNot lives). Even 48 hours is usually unheard of for us.
  3. And here's the only aluminum short-span suspension bridge in the state.
  4. A camera I took a bunch of photos from the same height and then spliced them all together with Paint Shop Pro. It has a nice layer feature where you can match pictures together where they overlap.
  5. Pretty much odorless isn't good enough. We recently checked on a cache of ours and inside it had a dog bone sealed in a plastic bag which was then of course sealed inside a plastic watertight container. We found teeth marks all along the lid. Those varmits can smell good. Just a reminder.
  6. I find it interesting that she talked to 50 churches and all were against geocaching. I know of a church that has included geocaching in it's mens fellowship meetings and has an approved cache on it's premises. Another that the pastor caches. And coincidentally last night an elder at our church asked me about leading a geocaching trip for families in our church. Heck, even our associate pastor has gone caching! I can't imagine talking to 50 churches and every one of them being against goecaching. Either South Carolina churches are VERY different from those in Washington state or she's misleading people. Has anyone contacted the Jewish synagogue? It seems like they are misinformed on the issue. Reformed congregations are usually fairly laid back so I was surprised at the tone of the letter.
  7. Well, the big disadvantage is that there are no bridges across the Columbia between Vancouver and Longview. So the only way to go up through Oregon would be to go South 22 miles and then take Hwy 30 back up to Longview. A beautiful trip on a clear day when you can see all four mountains at once. But probably not what people want to do that day. It takes about 2 hours to get from Woodland (I5 exit to Mountain Marsh) to Castle Rock (dinner) via Oregon. If people want to do that there are plenty of caches to grab along the way. Even a nice nude beach if we want to entice nudecacher to come along.
  8. Hope there aren't any caches hidden in this cemetery. Son Finds Exposed Coffins At Chicago Cemetery Good luck on defeating this bill guys. We've done a few cemetery caches and I have personally reset one tombstone that was knocked over and cleaned a few others at a couple of other old cemeterys. There are many cemeterys that are forgotten and no one visits any more and sending geocachers there can't be all bad.
  9. From the news story: "They got lost, called for help on their cell phone but couldn't tell rescuers where they were." Definitely not cachers. Glad to hear they're okay.
  10. Are you sure they're not lost in Dumas Bay? I'd think if they were cachers they'd be able to pick up their trail. At least sometime within 24 hours. Sucks, hope they're okay.
  11. Stump

    Inaccuracy Today

    D'oh! Thought I did but I just checked and I had it turned off. Thanks for the reminder.
  12. Just make sure you're out from under the rock and down here on the 4th!
  13. Done by lunchtime? No way. I count 21 caches (including MM) that we can easily get before dinnertime in Castle Rock. And plenty more if we are running ahead of time. We just need to make sure everyone is ready to repeat the following phrase: "No, LandRover, that's NOT a good idea."
  14. Da-a-a-a-d, she's staring at me. D-a-a-a-a-d, he won't share. Are we there yet?
  15. We did some caching today and until about 1 PM we had no problems. Then about 1 PM my GPSr just started acting crazy. I'd have plenty of satellites and good accuracy but it distance to cache would jump around from 10 feet to suddenly being .12 miles and then to 300 feet. Started to worry my GPSr was on the fritz after a few caches doing that but suddenly everything was fine. Went to one spot 3 times today, first 2 times it kept flipping out and the third time it zeroed out right at the cache. 100-200 feet from 4 or 5 spots it had zeroed out earlier. Went to a known County Survey Control Point accurate to 5 decimal places and my GPSr matched almost perfectly (off .001) so it's working fine now. Anyone else have problems today? Solar flares or something?
  16. I wasn't as disappointed in it as others seem to be. The trowel was a bit much and it seems unnecessary to find this one it was buried under leaves and a little dirt. I've seen actual caches buried like that. The tie in with the gun and the cache was pretty weak. The description sounded more like a letterbox than a cache. Surprised they got that so wrong. I thought that was worse than the burying thing but I know that can be a touchy subject. My wife actually has her own logbook that she keeps track of caches. Doesn't include the coordinates though. Loved all the different hiking equipment including shoe spikes and the topo and other maps in her car. Now that's a geocacher I'd love to hang out with! Speaking of letterboxes, looked at the caches in the park and noticed there is a letterbox hybrid near the supposed location: On to Anthony Wayne. Or at least there used to be. The cache description says it's no longer a letterbox hybrid but he can't change the type. Is there an approver here that could help him?
  17. I agree with LandRover. There are plenty of caches in the area, of many types, so it's worth doing well rather than just a quickie stop. But I'd really suggest you do it when the wildflowers are blooming. Probably sometime before July. I haven't actually done it myself (yet!) but I've heard many good things about The Green Beret Hide Site (What, are you scared??) . It's near Mima Mounds and will take you a little while to get but if you want a challenge this could be fun for you. Turns out our plans have changed and I can make this second assault.
  18. Yes, there's a group of caches around that one that we were originally headed for before we got sidetracked last time. Sticking with that plan would definitely be a good idea.
  19. I won't be able to make it June 4th. We're supposed to be in Walla Walla that weekend.
  20. Not sure the official status of caches in state parks but I believe they're allowed in Oregon state parks. Silver Find and French Fry are both in Silver Fall SP.
  21. I'd suggest e-mailing CurmudgeonlyGal and asking her for some advice. She recently moved from these parts to your parts. So she'd have a great idea of the kinds of hides we have and you have. The best cache hides/containers out here people will be hesitant to share publicly because seekers of their caches also look here. And don't let the name scare you off. She's actually a very nice lady.
  22. Thanks LandRover and Jester. We'll check those out!
  23. Oops! Thought you had posted THE ASTORIA RIVERFRONT CACHE. That was the one I meant.
  24. The cruise ships dock on the west side of the Hwy 101 bridge. The nearest caches to that are Astoria #1 and #2. Just film cannisters thrown under a bush. Nothing special but they are nearby caches. I haven't done the caches Weightman mentions so can't speak to the quality of them but have heard good things about them. They are less than a mile walk so are easily reachable from the ship. Astoria #3 seems to be gone for good, no big loss IMHO. I believe the owner of this (and the other 2 Astoria's) moved to California so doubt it will be replaced again. Firmly Anchored, mentioned by pdxmarathonman, is about a mile from the ship maybe a little more. It's an old virtual and frankly a good example of why virtuals have been pretty much eliminated from geocaching.com. Astoria Column is another virtual cache that is a pretty cool spot but quite an uphill hike from the ship. Would imagine they might have busses out there though. If it's a nice day it has a great view and is an excellent place to fly airplanes from (they sell very inexpensive ones there). If you like the Goonies then you'd love Goonieoria but unfortunately it would probably take some alternate transportation from just walking.
  25. Mrs. Stump has decided she is interested in this event. But all she has is a road bike. Any tips on renting a mountain bike in the Federal Way area? I thought we could rent one at REI but they don't seem to do that.
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