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Everything posted by synergicity

  1. Surplus European 30 cal ammo cans: 5 pack for $15, anodized aluminum carabiners (keychain quality) 2 for 99 cents. I ordered 1 set of 5 ammo cans and 4 sets of 2 carabiners and shipping was UPS for $7.86 from So. Cal. to No. Cal. We'll see how good their service is as I just ordered this stuff tonight. This is where I got this stuff. If anyone else has deals to share, I'd love to see 'em. I have no affiliation with MajorSuplusNSurvival except as a customer.
  2. They're just pictures, what's the harm. The person below me lives next to the red house. The person who drinks tea lives in the blue house. I prefer bourbon, but don't live in the yellow house.
  3. Maybe at this secret spot. googling with the best of them
  4. I'll chime in and agree that downloadability is a good thing. I always have a couple hundred benchmarks and lots of cache waypoints in my GPS just in case I happen to be driving by and -POP- there it is. I wouldn't want to have keyed those in. And re-keyed when I head to a new area. That said, it's not necessary. Also, I think the assertion in the original post that WAAS is overkill is kind of silly. The times when I have had a good WAAS lock, AND it actually helped are few and far between. It's nice once in a while, but certainly not a magic feather. Now what is necessary is a color screen PDA, so you can have all the cache pages and benchmark datasheets available as you hunt. And the voice activated recorder for logging. And the mil-spec hydration pack. And...well there are a few more things, but I won't go into them now.
  5. First post, new member (about a month), but I had to chime in about how cool Spinner and Plucker are. I have a couple of years-old Visor Deluxe and I followed the directions on CYBret's page (thanks!) and everything just worked. I now have the nearest 100 unfound-by-me caches in my Visor and don't have to printout paper pages anymore. Unfortunately, I now have to carry two semi-fragile electronic devices when I bushwhack through the redwoods. Luckily I have a good supply of rechargeable NiMH double and triple A batteries (dang, I guess maybe four devices, forgot the digi-cam and the mp3 player for the drive there). Let's see, that's 8 AA and 2 AAA in the units, plus spares for all of those...oops the two Motorola FRS, so that's 6 more AA. Hmmm. This is getting a bit out of hand. And the flashlights... Cheers to all, and thanks for helping me learn while lurking.
  6. Looks like they have the Mapsend - Streets and Destinations USA software for $39.99, free shipping. Sportrak Pro still sold out, but the Map is in stock. $99 for the ST Map, $40 for the software, minus $50 rebate = $89 for both. Not too shabby.
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