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Everything posted by Nightray

  1. Nice profile 3. That mama hawk's a looker. A man would need to be wealthy, smart and persistent to land such a fine lass. You're not so bad yourself! (as a courtesy the photo was removed by me, Jeremy, since it had a little feller in the photo. read further down in 3 Hawks post for more)
  2. I had a Colorado for 3 weeks and focused a great deal of time trying to get it functional. It went back too. The screen back light will not go bright enough to see when battery levels drop to two bars. So, even though the unit will stay on for a little more than 5 hours with NiMH, you can only see the display in a useful way for 2.5 hours. I could go on about the other issues, but that's already been done enough here. The thing I can't understand is why the Garmin fan boys keep praising it. If there were a better choice, it would get my dollars now, but until then, the only thing we can do to help Garmin make better products is to tell it like it is and get the word out. Garmin Colorado = FAIL
  3. Where did all the personal insults come from? Nice group. And Rick, it looks like your dictionary is missing a page. You might want to find it before revealing your literacy level.
  4. The point of the thread is to let Garmin know that their behavior, that is, not disclosing that a customer who purchases a map product must provide a name, address, email address, GPS serial number, IP address, browser version, operating system, and other information to Garmin just to use the product they purchased is not contributing to any customer satisfaction. The thread is intended to poll others and demonstrate that the practice bothers more than just me. It also bothered the many customers who picked all those insulting user names. There was not attempt to be creative, but rather to send a message to Garmin while not cooperating with their registration scheme.
  5. I just installed Garmin City Navigator NT. Its compulsory internet based key code generator requires registration and an account name. This is bad behavior and customers don't like it. At least I don't. So, for an account name, my first thought was "no_name". Nope, its taken. "I_dont_want_a_user_name" is taken too.Edited by moderator: Many examples of rude names deleted" You get the picture. Garmin's reluctant customers have taken to hating this company at a level not seen since Microsoft released Vista. Do you hate this compulsory registration too?
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