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Everything posted by glenn95630

  1. quote:Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team: Do any of you get upset when you know that cachers have been in the area and didn't hit some of your caches that you know were right along their way? In response to your question. No. I don't get upset if someone doesn't visit my caches. There are many different types of geocachers out there and my caches don't appeal to everyone. Reading between the lines, it sounds like you enjoy it when people visit your caches. If this is the case, you should send these out-of-town cache-hiders a thank you note! By creating twofer or threefer, it will increase the chance that others from out of town (say Roseville, or Rocklin, or Sacramento) will get the urge to make a road trip up there. Personally I like the opportunity to park the car and do some hiking and hunt a couple caches versus park car, find cache, drive car, park car, find cache. Or in other words, if I'm comparing two locations for a weekend cache hunting trip, I'm more likely to go for the location that allows me to park the car once.
  2. There are 978 caches within 100 miles of zip code 95366 which is Ripon, California. As a sidenote, 6 months ago (Jan 2002) there were 563 caches. Or in other words, in the last six months, over 400 caches have been hidden within 100 miles of Ripon. (Ripon is about a one hour drive south of Sacramento)
  3. I think logbook only caches are okay. Most of the caches I have hidden are logbook only. I do think it should be clear in the description so that someone who wants to leave a TB or something won't be disappointed. Here are two examples: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=10457 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=10194
  4. Here is one vote in favor of your husband placing a cache along the way.
  5. Here is one vote in favor of your husband placing a cache along the way.
  6. Odlaw's Poker Game has been approved. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=26161
  7. Odlaw's Poker Game has been approved. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=26161
  8. has been submitted for approval. I need to go hide the first set of cards. Game plan is to post coordinates here on Friday night or Saturday morning. Glenn
  9. has been submitted for approval. I need to go hide the first set of cards. Game plan is to post coordinates here on Friday night or Saturday morning. Glenn
  10. My gameplan is to have it ready for this weekend. I plan to post the coordinates late Friday night or early Saturday morning to this forum and also to the cache page. (The cache page has not been created...yet.) quote:Originally posted by Jeo: I like the idea! Will it be out soon so I can look? I made the first one of mine easy, maybe later in the game I should increase some of the difficulty.? Hhmmmm some evil thoughts come to mind. But don't worry I won't make a five star stage.... yet.
  11. My gameplan is to have it ready for this weekend. I plan to post the coordinates late Friday night or early Saturday morning to this forum and also to the cache page. (The cache page has not been created...yet.) quote:Originally posted by Jeo: I like the idea! Will it be out soon so I can look? I made the first one of mine easy, maybe later in the game I should increase some of the difficulty.? Hhmmmm some evil thoughts come to mind. But don't worry I won't make a five star stage.... yet.
  12. Would I find it annoying? No. Others might. Some people like to solve puzzles without hints. This person might find the TB before he tried to do your cache. He reads the hint. He gets upset because he loses the opportunity to solve the puzzle without the hint.
  13. I have a book on day hikes along the PCT. Here are a couple things from the book. There are 1,732 miles of PCT in California and southern Oregon. The book identifies day hikes that cover 1,491 miles (86%) of those miles. The book breaks it up into 124 day hikes. The only part of the California PCT not readily accessible to day hikers is the High Sierra from south of Mt Whitney to Sonora Pass north of Yosemite National Park. Stretches in this area are accessible, but limited.
  14. I have a book on day hikes along the PCT. Here are a couple things from the book. There are 1,732 miles of PCT in California and southern Oregon. The book identifies day hikes that cover 1,491 miles (86%) of those miles. The book breaks it up into 124 day hikes. The only part of the California PCT not readily accessible to day hikers is the High Sierra from south of Mt Whitney to Sonora Pass north of Yosemite National Park. Stretches in this area are accessible, but limited.
  15. Do you plan on driving to the trailhead the night before and sleeping at the trailhead or getting up at 4 am and driving to the trailhead?
  16. Do you plan on driving to the trailhead the night before and sleeping at the trailhead or getting up at 4 am and driving to the trailhead?
  17. I've been thinking about setting up a poker game for awhile and since there was so much interest in Jeo's, and since M@&K8 volunteered to help hide a couple cards, it looks like I will be starting one soon. It will be very similar to Jeo's (geocaching by Xerox makes things easier for me) except Waldo's Evil Twin stole the gift certificate so the only reward will be memories (I didn't say 'good memories'...). Also, in order to maximize the number of geocachers playing poker, if you are playing in Waldo's game, you can't take cards at Evil Waldo's game (but feel free to hunt the caches). Glenn
  18. I've been thinking about setting up a poker game for awhile and since there was so much interest in Jeo's, and since M@&K8 volunteered to help hide a couple cards, it looks like I will be starting one soon. It will be very similar to Jeo's (geocaching by Xerox makes things easier for me) except Waldo's Evil Twin stole the gift certificate so the only reward will be memories (I didn't say 'good memories'...). Also, in order to maximize the number of geocachers playing poker, if you are playing in Waldo's game, you can't take cards at Evil Waldo's game (but feel free to hunt the caches). Glenn
  19. I have a 5/4 three step multi-cache called Over The River http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=11741 When I first hid the cache, I hid it along an abandoned railroad line on the edge of Folsom that was mostly overgrown and had obviously not had any maintenance for 20 plus years considering the size of the trees. About 3.5 months after I hid it, the 5th person to find it was part of a work crew cutting the trees and brush. This might not be such a big deal, except that around here the work crews that do this type of work are inmates from Folsom prison! The inmate traded his sunglasses for a 6-foot extension cord and made an entry into the logbook. I have since moved the cache...
  20. Finding golf balls in a remote canyon would be cool. Finding free DVDs in parking lot would a poor investment of time.
  21. I'll admit that I am intriged in the plight of the powerless Superfriends (and it is not just the idea of the potential of two Wonder Womans cruising around). http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/marklent60544/myhomepage/Challenge/ChallengeHub.htm I was wondering if any predictions/forecasting has been done to predict when the Superfriends reach their first goal. Similar to predicting when the 10,000 cache was placed or when someone will reach 1,000 posts. I realize that past movements of TBs may be a poor predictor of future movements, but it is only for fun anyway. At the rate Wonder Woman is moving, it could be 50 years before she gets to Paradise Island. (Of course this ignores the fact that there are very few caches surrounding Paradise Island so that the last hop will be fairly big.)
  22. quote:Originally posted by gnbrotz:How about placing 4 of them (identical) in a cache to start it... Identical (high quality) items sounds great to me. A lot of cache hunters place the same item in every cache they find. If someone complains about a cache starting with identical items, then they should also complain about hunters leaving identical items. Also, I think 6 (normal quality) items to start a cache is a good number.
  23. quote:Originally posted by gnbrotz:How about placing 4 of them (identical) in a cache to start it... Identical (high quality) items sounds great to me. A lot of cache hunters place the same item in every cache they find. If someone complains about a cache starting with identical items, then they should also complain about hunters leaving identical items. Also, I think 6 (normal quality) items to start a cache is a good number.
  24. This might not be a news flash to most of you but in addition to fixing spelling errors, you can also change 'Found Its' to 'Notes'. I just did this and it immediately changed my Found Count also. This is the cache I changed http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=14413 (In case you were wondering, I found the cache without turning on my GPS unit and I use my Found Count to keep track of my GPS finds.)
  25. Here are some actual caches. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=5095 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=6893
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