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Camel Cachers

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Everything posted by Camel Cachers

  1. Thanks, have downloaded Opera after reading through the suggested threads and it now works by pressing sending to gps then pressing write!
  2. Take a look at any of the many "communicator plugin" threads.
  3. Have you had any joy with this? if so can you help me as I have exactly the same problem.
  4. The morale of the story is.....................Don't put all your Great Aunt Birdie's tenners in one cache!!!!!
  5. Like a Phoenix From The Flames!!!!!! "Great Aunt Birdie's Legacy....Lives On! (GC1WKXO)" is just awaiting it's green camo paint to dry on it, then the Camel Cachers will place it (a little nearer home this time!) and sit and wait for it to be reviewed. Happy Days are here again.....la..la..la.la.la
  6. It is with great sadness that the Camel Cachers have to withdraw from the BPJC..........our Great Aunt Birdie's Cache (still stuffed with Tenners) has gone awol.................... Good Luck to all the other contestants.............may the best cacher(s) win.
  7. Camel Cachers are getting concerned about the travellers camped very near to their Aunt Birdie's Cache.................especially as it's still got loads of Tenners stuffed in it..............................thanks to Berrow Cachers for the photo you posted this morning.....................hope the Travellers move on very very soon........................we paid really good money to camp on a proper campsite last week......................just like the people who are going to camp nearby at Warren Farm for the Mega Event. Maybe some cachers could overspill and camp for free on the verge near our cache once the Travellers move on. Or like Mr T says have the Blorenges set up camp there to put off visiting cachers!!!!!!!!!!!!
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