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Everything posted by chstress53

  1. Some of us even play a game with ourselves and look for waymarks that fit several locations at once. My personal best is 5 waymarks for 1 location, the difference is that the descriptions our entirely different.
  2. The first emails before I called for the vote were when email was not working. So When that vote failed I emailed all officers again regarding this ( email was now working and only one responded I created the second vote and I can not tell who voted or has an issue with the Category write up. IOr even if they voted yes or no. And I emailed everyone again last evening and no one has replied. That is why I am baffled. Evidently I can not demote the none voting officers, because when I did that TPTB cancelled the vote with no explanation. I will give it 24 more hours. By the way each officer has been on line according to their profile page.
  3. OK I give When all officers in a category refuse to vote or participate in the votes to accept the Category that they willingly joined and I promoted them to officer, what are you supposed to do about it? After emailing all officers 3 times with no replys asking for input, over three days; I then called for a vote to demote the officers not participeting and TPTB cancelled the votes. I then emailed 6 times to all officers asking again for advice to change if they did not like it or to email me or to just go and vote and I only had one reply from Aushiker. Tobix, Team Firebird & Crystal Sound have not contacted me. The Category has now failed 2 votes. Unless I have more direction I will be resigning as Leader and starting another group as this one is one of my 5 but it is in LIMBO and a worthy Category at that. IT is the Artesian well Category. ANy suggestions or advice as to how to procede?
  4. I would dearly love to have this become a category, but I already have my limit of 5 Categorys, and until they are up and running for a time, I am not prepared to give up leadership to create another one so I am proposing a group come forward, Someone take over leadership and of course I would like to be an officer In a Category for Carousels around the World. http://www.nca-usa.org/census/census-CLA.html\ Some variables off the top of my head could be Materiql the Carousel is made of (Drop Down box with Classic Wood, Metal & New Wood) another could be the condition it is in. Just throwing this out there. These pages could be used to help write up the Category http://www.fantasyislandpark.com/carousel/history2.htm http://www.magicstables.com/AboutCarousels.html
  5. CHeck this link out for Geocaching Tour Guides for the States you are interested in, The guides most likely have some bookmarks for you. http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/default...80-75ae60cd64a6
  6. Tour Guides ar also avaiable here http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/default...80-75ae60cd64a6
  7. WilsonJ said " That's a good idea, but there doesn't appear to be a way (at least in this case) to decline the waymark, now that it's been approved." Maybe that is because you approved it. Other officers I believe can decline the waymark, I have seen this done in other Categories, like The NAtional Historic sites category.
  8. My edit post is not working, I need to add that this thread was started by our group leader on April 1 before this waymark was approved and we were holding to photo submissions required after that date, and this one we are discussing came in on the 14th of April, That is why I feel this one should not be grandfathered in.
  9. Respectfully Lord Elwood, This is the only waymark in the Category that should be grandfsthered in "Harold H. Higashihara Park - Hawai'i ' Since that time we have been requiring Photos be submitted. This waymark "Blue Hill Town Park" we are discussing was approved during the email debacle thing, and emails back and forth to one another where not working, Team RJMK had attempted to ask us of our thoughts on this waymark before it was approved and then shortly thereafter Jeremy approved it before getting our emails. Now that it is approved, I strongly feel that our team leader should politely email them and give them a deadline to add the photograph, if they do not do this I vote to delete the waymark. furthermore, if the officers do not all agree I believe the majority should rule.
  10. I reccomend, that a deadline be added to the emails going out to anyone who's waymarks were mistakenly approved. That way the leader or designate can decline the waymark at a certain time, if the photo or error is not corrected.
  11. My page is saying it was approved by Jeremy on the 14th of April . Maybe this was because of the email problem as Jeremy is not an officer and he could have approved it, because we were receiving no emails telling us that there was one waiting to be approved. Since it does not meet the listed criteria, I recommend sending another polite email, as eamil seems to be working now; but I would send a second another email from gc.com ('look up a player' to be sure) In the emails I would give him a deadline to add the required photo. If he does not meet the deadline then I vote it is then declined, In these instances, I believe that everyone of the officers agree, if this is the way to proceed.
  12. I have not been receiving waymark emails for sometime and the only way I can email anyone is to do it from the geocaching site by linking through to look up player on my account page.
  13. I have taken the liberty and added "as the requirments now stand with no editing providing it meets the stated requirments.." to the Tally post. To make it easier (I think) then starting a new tally , if you disagree let me know, and I will remove you from the list. I think this will take care of the stylistic issue. The current Tally: All desiring no changes and to approve without spelling & grammer issues as the requirments now stand with no editing provided it meets the stated requirments. Members : TheBeanTeam, cache_test -dummies, Tsegi Mike & desert Viking, Crystal Sound, Shorelander, showbizkid,Schreddzki Officers: chstress53, Special Ed & Team Geo Duo
  14. I sure hope they do too; If it were bette4r described with examples I think others would see it is an interesting Category
  15. I've just tried twice, and the email feature isn't working correctly (at least for me). Would you mind trying? Perhaps you'll have different results. Thanks.... I will try from the other site as it is not working for me here either. i hope they have gone though all sent.
  16. Running Tally All desiring no changes and to approve without spelling & grammer issues as the requirments now stand with no editing. Members : TheBeanTeam, cache_test -dummies, Tsegi Mike & desert Viking, Crystal Sound, Shorelander, showbizkid ( Polite email) Officers: chstress53, Special Ed & Team Geo Duo
  17. Thanks To The Bean TEam for responding, I will add your name to the tally in an edit
  18. Looking at the list of newest categories I can't say that any of them really don't belong in Waymarking... though my category Building Buildings is likely most peculiar and probably got the most nay votes because people don't understand the idea of construction of large buildings being interesting... (Forgot about fairy hills... may have actually been a good category if we had an example... I still have no idea what one is!) I think Fairy Hills is a wonderful Category This site has an example and there are over 70 hills http://www.digital-brilliance.com/hyperg/history/tump.htm
  19. There are 23 members to the group: Regular Members: Milbank, robert, Jeremy, cache_test_dummies, silverquill, LSUMonica, Crystal Sound, Marky, Shorelander, TheBeanTeam, MikeGolfJ3, showbizkid, Sketcher1, Schreddzki, Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Officers:wilsonjl,Chapterhouse Inc, Ambrosia, SpecialEd, Team Geo Duo dustyroades & geo Gordie & myself I desire no change at this time and wish the waymark to be approved if it meets the stated requirments, spelling & grammer should never have been an issue in the approval process. I strongly feel that the waymarks should have been approved and emails sent afterwards congratulating them on there new waymark and ask nicely for the spelling corrections. This is the way I feel we should preceed when approving waymarks. To change things up when I know we are not in agreement is premature. If I am correct in my memory cache_test -dummies also echoed this as did Tsegi Mike & desert Viking,Special Ed & Team Geo Duo ( These people are all members and should have a voice too. Please note that it was a member who first posted on April 13 to have this clarified in another thread. As I see it now at least too of the general membership agree that it should have ben approved and then a polite email sent asking to update the lovely waymark would have been better. And Three officers agree that spelling & grammer should not be criteria in the approval process. Until we have more input from the whole membership, no changes should happen. We do need to all get on the same page. I ask for all members to chimei. I also think that a link asking Rose Red to reconsider her decision and join back up would be very nice, as I now that she is very much into history , had the email feature for groups been working I do not think she would have resigned, we just needed to all agree, and if we had had her perspective as officers we could make an informed decision. But I currently believe we are still not all on the same page yet. Maybe our leader could send through the pofile page to all 23 members asking how they feel would help us move forward, then let all officers know what the concesus was and then we all agree to change or not and accept if all requirments are met. Remember we all voted Yah on the requirments as they stand!! when it became a catagory and that is how we should approve waymarks, with no other criteria being looked at.
  20. ok I will jump into the fray. I think the requirements as they stand should remain. At this point in time I think changing the requirments is not needed. What is needed is for all officers to& members to agree and accept the waymark if the stated requirements are met and if there is a glaring spelling error a follow up friendly message is acceptable and I believe they would then make the adjustments this has happened to me when I spelled something wrong. Also if a waymark is accepted by one officer and another feels it should not have been accepted the officer who thinks something is amiss should never decline until speaking with all officers and if all agree then the leader or designate should contact the creater of the waymark giving them the opportunity to chanr it up with a time limit and if it is not changed within the time thenm and only then should it be declined. Remember that the poter of this issue is also a member of the category as is several others who believe that spelling and grammer should not be an issue or a requirment i feel a poll of all members as to how they feel should happen then the officers take that into consideration and all officers should agree, until that happens I feel wording and changing is premature. ps my spelling and grammer are prurposeful
  21. I like the Theme Variable, A local shoe tree near mt siaster has a holiday theme, but it needs to be optional. I also think the GPS does not need to be in the pic tp crewate a waymark. I like requiring at least 20 but I think a variable would take care of this. I like the link to Roadside Americas page regarding shoe trees. here is an interesting site that a shoe tree propagated an undearwear tree and a bra tree http://www.roadtripamerica.com/roadside/shoetrees2.htm another variable should be the address * required) an optional could be name the tree like Tamarak (optional( another could be a text box to describe the reason like the one at a Maryland college (whthat one is for professed loss of virginity. this box should be optional.
  22. one category to rule them all...and in the darkness, bind them! [/quote I could not agree with Geoaware more. This should fall under the realm of Earthcaches. ( Maybe Earthcaches should be broken down into tidal Places, Volcanoes Etc.
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