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Beta Test

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Everything posted by Beta Test

  1. I forgot about the view part of the question. I think there should be a cookie that allows you to see archived caches by default in searches.
  2. OK. We've all seen the quote and report buttons in the forums. Can someone seperate them the next time the site is redone? I am always scared that I will do something bad while quoting. Thanks for your time!
  3. Wow. That confused me for a bit. I was thinking, "Man I thought the Sax-Man was a guy!"
  4. It sounds nice in theory, but so did communism. While most cachers would use it responsibly, a few would abuse it for spite. No I was not referring to any drama that has appeared in the past. Abandoning ship now, may come back.
  5. What about when people make up their own words and then expect you to know what they mean? OOOOOH, I hate that!
  6. The Strato Cache has a pretty amazing view that makes you wonder a little bit. It's is an absolutley amazing view.
  7. Yeah and smaller cat's teeth are designed to sever the spinal chord in smaller rodents.
  8. Bummer. Did you try going back and looking? Or try posting in your local forum.
  9. Wow look at that. I just typed "cache" instead of "cash". I believe I will let this stand as a monument to the addiction.
  10. I think you should set your limit on how much you want to spend, and put that info on a card. Then you should leave the card with contact info and the explination of what you are doing in the cache. The FTFer will get an "account" with you and then when they want to purchase something geo related you buy it for them. Or you could do the cache. BTW I agree with Mopar when he says keep it quiet.
  11. YES! Just like when people seriously say words like "libary" and "ignant".
  12. I am sorry I have to do this but............ .45
  13. Not only do you risk irking Seattle, you are taking a shot at the entire southern U.S. There is nothing wrong with y'all.
  14. FLAME! FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME! Keeping it on topic did anyone notice that grammer? And how about that spelling? G-R-A-M-M-A-R Okay, I'll bite. What's wrong with the grammar? I meant mime!
  15. Well you still have to maintain a virtual. Making all signs, and trails and what not are still open and available. Also a Virt can only be placed where another cache cannot
  16. FLAME! FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME; FLAME! Keeping it on topic did anyone notice that grammer?
  17. This thread seems to be breaking a leg.
  18. Sometimes they are flooded. Other times there are other complications with railroad companies and such. Don't worry, I am sure it will be approved soon. If a few days go by without notice, send a friendly and polite email. Hang in there!
  19. The tag sliped through a crack in their deck. It then spun sideways and would not dislodge from the crack. I read that thread too.
  20. I think it's time to abandon ship!
  21. My most common error is getting double letters wrong. For example, "fott" instead of, "foot". I also forget to close tags!
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