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Everything posted by jwg107

  1. Thanks for the advice with the Hint. It works great and now it is even more fun going caching, particularly with a wife and kid with little patience to search. One more question: I was looking for a multi cache where the hint to the final is a heading in degree (185 Deg) and a distance (point to point 108m). However there are obstacles in between the waypoint and the final so I would guess the walking distance is more like 200m. How to I enter the point of the final easiest into the 300? Or how do I track it? The odometer gives me the total distance walked but I couldn't find a feature that shows me the direct distance to the previous point. Any ideas? Thanks alot Schim
  2. I have got my 300 for a month now and it works fine. Also the accuracy is better than what I was used to. I bought it for the paperless caching feature. But here is my question: how do I get the hints copied to the device through the gpx file? I see all the description but not the hints. So a couple of times already I could not find the cache by myself or because the signal was to bouncy. Any advice? Schim
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