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Everything posted by BadAndy

  1. I picked one of these out of a cache nearly 2 years ago. I don't recall if it was in Wisconsin or Idaho however....might have even been california. It was the first geotoken I had seen. Very cool tokens.
  2. I have half a dozen coins in Europe moving around. I especially like the photo's and translating the logs. Babelfish is my friend.
  3. BadAndy

    Survey Email

    Got the survey, clicked my answers and submitted it. I find it ironic that a premium member would complain about "personal" questions in the survey. The results are going to Groundspeak, a company that you trust enough to give your credit card/Paypal (therefore your home address, bank etc etc) info to. Just by scanning the cache logs of one of these folks, I saw much more personal info posted for all the world to see...complete with photo's.
  4. Good coords are a good thing. Bad coords are a bad thing.
  5. I toiled and tried half a dozen downloadable icon makers with varying success...but they all looked like carp. Then I found the answer. A site that does it all for you. Upload a pic, and it converts it to an icon, nice and easy and it works like a charm. Favicon Enjoy!!
  6. I carry my coins in a plastic tube in my pack, no sleeves. When I place one into a cache, it goes in the logbooks ziplock baggie. The next to log usually removes it. I've dropped 40+ geocoins in caches so far. No drilling or defacement and only 1 gone missing. Much better than my travelbugs have fared.
  7. The Idaho coins, both 2005 and 2006 editions were *promptly* distributed. They are just a bit rare. People that own Idaho coins are also smarter and more attractive than those that don't...generally speaking of course.
  8. Wales x1 (sweeeeet coin) wooden nickel blanks x2000 (we're having a "make your own wooden nickel" event in Idaho).
  9. Since you're new allow me to clarify a few things for you. Hitchhikers are objects meant to be moved from one cache to another, they are usually not trackable, but do have a tag of sorts attached with their goal. Travelbugs are Groundspeak dogtags, they are typically attached to hitchhikers to allow tracking as they move from cache to cache. Geocoins are tokens related to geocaching. Some Geocoins have tracking numbers, some do not. Generally, the rule is that those without tracking numbers can be traded and collected. Those Geocoins that have added tracking numbers (at considerable expense), fall into 2 categories, activated and unactivated. Unactivated coins can be traded and kept (or released depending on the finders mood). Activated coins should be treated as any other trackable item (follow the goal on the coins page). If that goal permits you to keep it, then go ahead. These guidelines are widely accepted throughout the geocaching community. To keep an activated coin against it's stated goal would be looked on as a bad thing, and you'd likely be tarred and feathered for it.
  10. Until recently when someone told me "it must have gotten lost in the mail", I was'nt much of a believer. That changed about 2 weeks after I shipped my coins all over the world. Out of 400+ mailings, 4 of them never arrived in the US and 1 went missing in Germany (which showed up a week after I resent). If that average of 1% holds true, given the many thousands of geocoins being shipped in the past 5 months, there are hundreds of missing coins. With very few exceptions, all those missing coins were prompty replaced by the sender with no questions asked. I'd say thats a pretty decent record.
  11. One good way is to plan and post an event cache locally. Explain on the cache page your desire to start a local group. Many in the area will get the weekly notification listing the event, and they'll all see it pop up as a new cache. This way you'll reach most of the local cachers without resorting to spam. The event will also serve as a nice way to get organized and meet each other. If you plan it...they will come.
  12. Today, Balla & Silly x1 Recently, Not another micro x1 Illinois x1
  13. Eagle accunav sport - 1996 - 2001 rip Magellan Sportrak map- traded off in the forums geodiscovery geode - sold on ebay magellan explorist 600 - current unit
  14. This will tell you which reviewer published that cache. This is a pretty good way to find out who the local reviewer is. As for the comment, I agree that while it would be better to stay on maintained trails an animal trail is not usually anything to worry about. I believe you only see the reviewers name if you're looking at your own cache. edited to add....UUhhh...nevermind
  15. Nothing wrong with hiking on a deer trail. That trail has most likely been there for years. It is much more ethical to utilize these long established trails than to bushwhack. If you're not comfortable leaving the asphalt or gravel.....don't. Hardly a reason to archive a cache....imnsho
  16. If you truly believe the cache should be archived due to some violation such as tresspassing etc, post an SBA to the cache page with your concern. If the problem is that you don't like the location, theme etc, email the cache owner and leave the reviewers out of it. The reviewers will respond.
  17. Place it into the next cache that you find.
  18. Heres a scan. Coins are tough to get a good scan of, but this is my best attempt.
  19. I gotta say...I'm having an entirely different experience than what I'm hearing here. I've released over 40 of my coins into the wild now. I don't deface them at all, but I do give them a travel goal. So far the only ones that have not moved are the ones that I invited people to keep, and about half of those are travelling. I'll chalk it up the the exceptional group of cachers here in Idaho.
  20. I've had good experience with custom containers. This cache has been in place for over a year and a half with over 75 finds. It used to be this cache until I moved halfway across the state and relocated the container. All told it has 2 years longevity and nearly 100 finds.
  21. I'm no geocoin connoisseur, but I think they look ok. It'll make a decent trade in a cache. It isn't how they turned out that'll keep me from ordering again, it's the extended delivery time and lack of updates that sealed it for me.
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