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Everything posted by BadAndy

  1. I collect other cachers sigs. Among my favorites are fossils they leave in caches. I don't know much about them, but the fossil sharks teeth are pretty cool. I also found a piece of fossilized turtle shell in a cache.
  2. Egg shaped coins would be known as "geoblate ellipsoids" *snerk*
  3. Over 40 of my personal coins and another dozen or so of my travelling coins are out in the wild. No holes, tags, threats or defacements. So far they fare about the same as any other travelbug has. I believe most geocachers are decent folk. The ones that would steal a coin would steal it defaced or not. They also would be the same ones that trade pocket lint for premium swag.
  4. Cracker Barrel restaurants are nearly always at freeway offramps, making them very popular stops for travellers, geocachers included.
  5. I caught the point. The comparison was suggested that hikers need not ask permission to hike so why should geocachers ask permission to hide? Your comparison suggested that hikers litter as do geocachers. I know you enjoy arguing on the forums, but you can easily make valid points without going to extremes or playing word games.
  6. The first two items on your list are (not surprisingly) disingenuous. It implies that geocachers toss litter all over the trails on their way to hide/hunt a cache. You can hardly equate an ammocan under a rock with beer, water bottles and trash strewn across the trails. Social trails are a valid issue, and good cache owners should monitor the impact of their cache on the land. The next two items are hardly relevant to getting permission for a cache. The last item is a valid point. We all need to be aware of regulated uses of public land that we are considering for cache placement.
  7. Contact made. There will be a bonus in the mailer with the coin.
  8. For those that agree that an activated coin is "abandoned property"... If I added the following text to my geocoin page, it would make it clear that I am not abandoning it as I have an ongoing goal to retrieve it. "The goal for this coin is to travel the world from cache to cache and return to me in the summer of 2020. By removing this coin from a cache, you agree to help it along it's way."
  9. I traded a number of geocoins last month and lost most of the info on them during a hard drive crash. I was hoping you'd email me asking "wheres my coin" so I could get it mailed. I've been able to track down all but 1 trade. If this is you, please contact me with your shipping info and I'll send your coin asap. I traded a BadAndy coin for a tracking time coin. Sorry for the mess.
  10. Solar/battery powered caches do not fare well in subfreezing temperatures.
  11. Adequate permission doesn't nessesarily mean written liscensed permission. It depends on the location, state and ownership that the land is located in. I'm glad you got adequate permission for your cache.
  12. The only location I keep under tighter security than my Morel field is my Huckleberry patch. You can have the coords when you pry them from my cold dead hands.
  13. I really enjoy the "locate Geocache" feature on my Magellan explorist 600. When you get to within 30 feet or so and place the gps into Locate Mode, it's inuitive interface locates all likely hiding places in the immediate vicinity. The best part is that it learns (sort of like artificial intelligence), making each hunt easier as you go. It remembers past hides and the method of camo used. After just one lamp post micro, it automatically places any lightpost within 30 feet at the top of the list of locations. It can discern a functional sprinkler head from a fake one in an instant. It does have some difficulty with nanocaches, but I usually avoid those anyways.
  14. Works great on my treo 600.
  15. I take sig items, and leave my own sigs and geocoins. Other than that, biners and any other outdoor related items are a good choice.
  16. Of the few geocoins that I keep (vs placing in caches), one is a handmade TrackerJack coin. He milled them himself from a billet of stainless steel. It's one of my favorite coins.
  17. Ugly rainsuit - $35.00 Bag full o swag $50.00 Camelbak Mule - $85.00 Fancy GPSr - $380.00 Doing the FTF dance while Moses is still hoofing it around the lake? Priceless!
  18. I would say that *possession* of Moun10bike coins have become commercialized. The coins themselves were never sold by their owner. All of them show Moun10bike as the owner on Geocaching.com and I'm not aware of any unactivated Moun10bike coins ever being in the hands of anyone but Jon himself.
  19. When you only have 1 key on your keychain, but can open any door in the building, you're either the janitor...or the head cheese. Janitors have a namebadge thats says "Janitor"...the Head cheese doesn't even need the namebadge.
  20. A more accurate analogist reply without the rudeness and bullying would have read... "Hi, I'm a very passionate geocacher, but I am having difficulty getting to terrain 5 hydrocaches because I do not own a boat. While I can't swim nor operate a boat, I'm not afraid of the water and would like to give it a shot. I am looking for someone with a boat that knows how to use it to partner with and find these caches together. " Monkeygirl lives in my community. I'll be sure to give her a proper welcome.
  21. If my trade was for a nondescript item and I left a nondescript item I'll log it on the paper log, but usually not online. If I traded something cool or noteworthy (either in or out), I'll log it online and in the paper log.
  22. Or you could drill a hole in the plate and use a wood screw....
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