hoosier guy
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Posts posted by hoosier guy
Take it from someone who's been around a little bit of time here, it's supposed to be FUN. So just go have fun, and ignore the negatives you run into, that's what I do.
Ditto. That is sound advice.
I would spend just a little more for a Legend H -- the basic mapping function really helps. (The maps are not good enough for turn-by-turn navigation -- just major roads and geographic features show up).
Being able to hook up to a computer with a USB cable is pretty important. Skip models with the old serial port cables.
Color displays, altimeters, and magnetic compasses are nice but will add dollars for marginal utility.
Mike took the words right out of my mouth. I have talked to people who use the e trex and it is a good unit, but you will grow out of it quite quickly I am told. On long caching days inputing the ords can get very tiresome.
Don't think I would, but that is a call I make for me, not for you.
In Indiana collecting from the surface is fine. You can not excavate a site. As for the plight of NA I have spent a lot of time on rezervatons helping a native pastor build a church and repair some homes. There are some terrible things going on at the rez, some the fault of whites, some self inflicted. But that is a conversation for another forum.
I do keep a notebook. To me that is more personal and if you have ever dealt much with computers you learn not to trust them solely for information storage.
I do keep a notebook. To me that is more personal and if you have ever dealt much with computers you learn not to trust them solely for information storage.
I knocked off a little form I used to jot down info since my vista H doessn't do paperless caching. I have a spot for notes and and things to put in the log for the benefit of the CO. I generally pick a spot in an interesting area then work out choosing caches from there. Remember the GPSr chooses the next closest cache on a point to point basis. The next most accessable cache may be quite differenct.
I enjoy looking for travel bugs and signature items. Perhaps you could get them interested in that. Have a good one.
"Last time i asked this questions, they went unanswered, mainly because the opposing party did not possess the mental capacity to understand or form a rebuttal to the posed ideas."
I stopped reading after this line. This fellow isn't looking for intelligent discussion, just looking to rant. I can't contribute to that.
Because there is no test for emotional stability.
I agree there are those who for the reasons you list should not carry a firearm. There are others that are perfectly able to do so in a safe manner. I don't know anything about the OP or which side of the fence that person would fall on. I just find knee jerk reactions on either side to be less than productive.
Just wondering why the anti firearm comments.
just wondering, why would anyone need a gun for?
Honestly I really think its time to stop commenting about firearms all together because everyone has their own opinions and this could go on for pages. I really hope Geo-raldo does not give up this fun hobby and takes the necessary precautions to protect themselves as well as their family. Whether it be a firearm, mace, pepper spray, taser, or good old fists. Just keep caching!!!!
Looking the posts over, both pro and con, I believe this is the most reasonable post yet.
Just wondering why the anti firearm comments.
just wondering, why would anyone need a gun for?
Answer my question and I will answer yours.
Yes, but you will also probably spend your last dollar defending your actions. You'd better be 99.999% certain that your life or the life of a loved one was in danger. Talking about carrying, and therefore possibly using, a gun is something that should not be done so casually. While it may save a life, it will also probably ruin yours. Not a subject that deserves a three word sentence, "Get a gun".Yes. Why don'twe all just pull out a gun whenever we feel threatened?
In case you people don't already know this, you aren't allowed to shoot someone just because they hit you with their fist. In fact, I have a relative who is in jail for pointing a gun at someone who was physically accosting his wife.
I never said that that would be my first action, but I can tell you this if I feel that my life or anyone in my families life is in danger I have the legal right in the state of Kentucky to shoot them. You can check out "KRS 503.055" Physically accosting someone and someone hitting you or putting your life in danger is two totally different things.
This I can agree with. There is a huge responsibility to carrying a firearm. There is also a huge commitment to learning to use it effectivly and to maintain that skill. Then there are legal and emotional issues should you ever have to use it. Not anyting to be done lightly at all. That said I do own a firearm, would use it if need be and support other's right to carry or not carry as they see fit.
Just wondering why the anti firearm comments.
I'm sorry to hear that you had such an awful experience while geocaching. If you haven't already, you should notify the cache owner so he/she can take the appropriate action.
Most geocaches are not placed on private property, and some cachers avoid those caches that are.
I can understand why your reaction right now is to pack up the GPS. Maybe when it's not so fresh you'll feel less traumatized. You had a bad experience because of a bad person, but you are the one who can choose how it effects you in the long run.
Thank you for sharing your story here.
Good advice there.
There are plenty of safe caches around, hope you will not let one goofball stop you.
I've gone so far as to sit on a rock right ontop of the cache. Talk about throwing the rest of the team off.
That is funny. Bet they love'd ya for that!
Yeah I'd probably do a note that I was with XYZ whe they found it since I didn't
interesting. perfectly fine if that's how you want to play the game, but i think you won't find many people agreeing with that. not that there's anything wrong with that
in this case, it actually is about the smilies for me. the smiley tells me: i've been there and i know where the cache is. it doesn't matter if i personally found it or not, but without the smiley, the cache would still appear "unfound" to me and i may end up going there again, only to find out that ive already been there and still can't "find" the cache because i still know where it is. so i may end up going there yet another time in the future.
if there was a different log type for "got it", "been there" or whatever other than "found it", that would also mark the cache in some way for me, i would use it, but there isn't, so i go with "found it", even though technically it's not 100% correct.
I agree, there are many ways to play. For me it is about the personal challenge. For someone else it is, well someting else. That is fine. It is one of the things I like about GC there is some flexibility in how you play.
I like your I dea for having different log types .
"Most who complain about things not being "family friendly" are doing so because they want to cause issues."
So then why do those who like to indulge in jr high locker room humor do what they do?
No I only log the finds I personally get. But that is how I choose to score myself. Others are welcome to do as they please. I just found it odd that more than one person was claiming a find.
ok, so let's say you're in a group of 3. one of your buddies finds the cache and you happen to look at him while he makes the grab. then you know where the cache is but didn't actually find it yourself.
so what are you gonna do in this situation? you know where the cache is, but didn't find it yourself, so following that reasoning, you will never be able to actually find it yourself, because you already know where it is. do you not log it at all? or do you just post a note and leave it at that?
Yeah I'd probably do a note that I was with XYZ whe they found it since I didn't
No I only log the finds I personally get. But that is how I choose to score myself. Others are welcome to do as they please. I just found it odd that more than one person was claiming a find.
Ahhhhhh............ you are making an assumption on how they made the find.
The Monday Musketeers hold to a code that we all head to GZ as a group (there's only 4 of us) and once there we're on our own. When one Musketeer finds the cache they will slip off aways and watch while the rest of us continue to look. So each of us finds the cache individually, and each of us makes our own log entry, and each of us make our own online log entry.
Now our online logs will mention the Monday Musketeers but you won't see a log entry for the Monday Musketeers.
It's how we play the game.
Aye that sounds reasonable to me. Eveyone actually finds the cache,
Wow sounds like there are adventures to be had.
Well tomorrow I'm going out of town to celebrate my birthday with the family. While there there's at least two caches I'd like to get. That'll probably be the extent of my finding tomorrow though.
Have a happy birthday friend!
Young Triskele is on lockdown until he finishes cleaning his black hole of a room. It's driving me CRAZY because caching isn't as fun when he's not with me...not to mention that he's really really good at finding them.
There's a CITO event tomorrow...we'll see if he makes it or not!
With the condition of my eldest daughter's room I can understand, I need to find the shovel so she can clean it out. Well, unless she left it in there the last time in that case it is gone for good. But I understand, it is more fun with the kids along. Hey let me know how the CITO event goes. I have been knocking around the idea of doing one at a NF near here with another fellow and would like any ideas or suggestions you might pick up (no pun intended).
Have to stay home and watch granny. On the bright side on Monday I get to go the the Cleveland Indians home opener and I have a 1 in 20 shot at winning a new car. I just hope I get the right key...
Good luck hope you win!
Dumb Question About Stealth
in How do I...?
Hi K,
Welcome. Looks like everyone cover your question ok but I just wanted to say Hey, we midwesterners are like that. LOL Have a good vacation.