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va griz

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Posts posted by va griz

  1. From your profile page:


    Okay, so I found your cache, signed the log, but while I was walking my dog and forgetting to replace your cache, wondered off and discovered your "can" in my pocket 100 miles later. I'll return it when I come back that way -- or I WOULD HAVE, had I not gotten that little FY Love Note. Never fear -- I'll recycle that "can" and put it to use. I might even give it to a cacher who will hide it for YOU to find! What goes around comes around.


    You say you provide "helpful information". If you can't see how that paragraph would appear threatening to a new cache hider, you need better help than I can give you. Good luck on your quest to save geocaching from itself.

  2. I know of a cache owner that says in their cache pages that there is to be "no cheating" on FTFs by using the cache notification option for premium members.


    This one puzzles me. Is he saying that only non-premium members can be FTF? I know some folks resent the idea of others paying for the service, but I've never seen a penalty* before.


    *OK, penalty may be to strong a term for this, whatever.


    Edited because who'ed of thought I could mispeel FTF? A new record :)

  3. I usually whoop and holler and tear through the swag like a kid at Christmas!

    Just kidding, like Neos, I pretty much try to be discreet in more public places. If you can find a park bench, a mail box, or any place people usually hang around anyway you will look like any other muggle.

  4. Officially there are only guidlines. If there were container specs, they would say:


    1. Waterproof. It will be out in the weather all it's life

    2. Durable, it has to live through a lot of openings and closings, and people will try to force the lid on over top of things

    3. Affordable.

    4. Did I mention waterproof?


    In practice, ammo cans and lock&lock containers are the most common and easily obtained.

  5. Greettings fellow Starseed brothers and sisters. Or Lemurian-Atlanterians, if I may call you by your first names. I have spent half a lifetime, over 2000 years, trying to re-reunite all the revisions. But God knows it has been tough. Would you believe there are some revisions in the more backwater parts of the galaxy that think that we should accept members from OTHER religions!?!? How are we going to keep our creed pure if we accept people who believe the only important thing is to treat your fellow beings as you would have them treat you? Sorry, just venting. Anyway, it's good to hear from other Starseeders. I'll be looking for that cache on Pluto this Sunday after church, hope to see you there.

  6. Wild suggestion:

    A coin that says something like "treat all cachers like you would like to be treated". Sort of a nondenomanational idea that could appeal to all, religious or not? I would buy a couple, and I haven't bought my first coin yet.

  7. My $.02 about the OP question:


    No, it isn't cheating because their team is bigger than yours. Some people consider the unwritten rule to be a cache can only be found by a person instead of a team, but they usually realize that it's just their own interpetation and don't call people stupid when they play the game differently.


    Waterboarding the cache owner to get the location would be cheating, asking them is not.

  8. Seems to me the simple thing for the reviewer to do would be say:


    You have a commercial link in your website: (insert link here). If you would like me to publish it, remove the link. If you would like to maintain the link, contact Groundspeak. With the link, I am unable to publish this cache due to current guidelines. See guidelines below: (insert cut and pasted guidelines).


    I think the reason they don't do it that way is they don't want somebody coming to the forum and saying "the reviewer MADE me remove the link".


    Yes it may be work to get something reviewed, but don't forget it is work to review it as well.

  9. To TEAM HALL-JTSJT and the other veterens on the board, thank you for your service from me and most likely the vast majority of cachers reading this thread.


    I seriously think that AGT, geocaching, and probably anything worth thinking about, are all agendas. Overall I think Groundspeak does a good job of achieving the difficult balance between keeping the most people happy and trying not to offend individuals. I'm going to find some caches this weekend and not worry about it.

  10. First I would like to thank all who answered my TB vs cache question way back on page #1.


    Next I would like to second Airhead's statement:


    I put it to you that you would be very hard pressed to actually create a cache page that does not support some sort of agenda


    If the mere mention of something can be viewed as an agenda or support, then Groundspeak needs to be consistent in eliminating all verbage except a description of the cache itself. Just as a for instance, I mentioned the town's walking trail in the description on one of my modest collection of caches. My secret agenda for doing that was to point out to other cachers that it was there. Is that wrong since the town benifits from cachers stopping by?


    :D They told a cop they were going to start shooting at passing trucks on the highway, and the cop didn't do anything? Um... My first instinct would be to talk to the police, but...


    Yeah. What a great cop we have, huh? I figured since they had already talked to the police themselves, then they probably wouldn't do much. Plus I'd hate for the policeman to go to their house and tell them their neighbors called the cops on them. Or they might shoot the policeman when he knocks on the door. :D


    Is it possible to place anonymous calls to the police?


    You only have their word that they told that to the cops, and judging by the rest of the story I wouldn't trust that to be accurate. (it doesn't matter if they are lying or delusional, if they are shooting at shadows in the dark they are dangerous) I would call the cops to let them know what's up. If the cops are "on their side" you at least know that ahead of time. My guess is the cops either know your nieghbors are nuts or have never talked to them.

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