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Everything posted by alphawave

  1. I was going to open my unit today and see what some of the chips are in it, but to get to the major stuff you have to desolder a little tin box, and I didn't feel like getting my soldering iron out. There are lots of firmware like stuff written in c, such as on one project I help with called rockbox http://rockbox.haxx.se/ As for the processor type, gcc suports alot of differn't proceessors, even if they don't support it, somewhere they may be a compiler that does. If I ever get time to try, I will do some research and make a proof-of-concept version.
  2. I don't see how we could violate the DMCA if we make everything from scratch. It may be a bit hard to get docs for some of the chips (such as LCD controller...) and to write our own drivers. Quote: Can you say "voided warrenty"? I don't know how magellan would like this, but I don't see this as violating warrenty. I don't think by doing this we could mess up the unit, because even if the flash gets totaly garbled up, you can erase the flash and start over (even with magellan's firmware).
  3. Recently I picked up a magellan sportrak map, but I was dissapointed with the firmware(yes I have updated to 4.06). There re so many features and little things that i think could be added. Anyone that knows a little C/C++, contact me. I know a little C++ but not enough to do much. Thanks Lee Pilgrim diddystar5_AT_aol_DOT_com
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