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Everything posted by ADKcachers

  1. Well, if I were to tell my clients to get a life I wouldn't have a job for very long so I would welcome the suggestion but common sense should take care of that and it clearly didn't in this case. I'm sorry that you didn't understand. I am not talking about anyone's clients. I am asking how people would react to someone attempting to instruct them on how to do their job.
  2. So we should also barrage the media with email complaints when they report a traffic accident as being "bad." That is an editorial comment as well. I don't mean to be devil's advocate here, but how many of you would welcome an email from someone which tells you how they think you should do your job?
  3. Why are all of you babies so sensitive? I watched the clip, it's funny. Man, grow up already. Can't you laugh at yourselves? Yeesh.
  4. I would ignore it completely, sending email complaints is only going to make his argument for him, that we really do need a life.
  5. Yikes, I hope you didn't catch it looking for Teddy's Treasure.
  6. Hey, I apologized above, again, sorry edd, sorry folks.
  7. Ummmm, OK, sorry folks. I guess I went off on a mean rant. I stand corrected.
  8. Aside from being far too long, I find it difficult to understand with all of the misspellings, poor grammar and sentence structure. I would compare the chances of encountering crazed drug chemists with that of contracting mad cow disease. If I were so paranoid, I'd never leave my house. I appreciate the warning about as much as I believe the story about the guy who woke up in his bathtub with kidneys removed. Yeesh, some people really need a friggin' life.
  9. Here's my partner: She goes with me everywhere (in my mind )
  10. If you want to go off road I would suggest a Jeep Wrangler or a Landrover. Everything else is made for on road.
  11. I'm 43, my 9 year old daughter loves to cache, my 15 year old son is "too cool to cache," I wish my 43 year old wife were more interested. It's unfortunate, she's not big on outdoor stuff.
  12. What are wagon wheels? I've enjoyed a few beers at a mountaintop cache.
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