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Sleuthing Duo

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Everything posted by Sleuthing Duo

  1. Well, it depends on where you're planning on going. If you'd like to head south towards the Bournemouth coast, you'll find lots of wonderful caching countryside. Take a look at my website, www dot geocachebreaks dot com, where I suggest a couple of bed and breakfasts with about ten caches within a five mile radius.
  2. While caching in the UK with my Mom, I picked up a travel bug who's mission was to get to Africa and see some real Zebra's. Seeing as I was travelling to Uganda I took it with me, but have not had access to a GPS or any zebras and so cannot find a cache in which to drop it off. Is there anyone in Uganda, near Jinja who wants to help a stranded travel bug called Zippy the Zebra fulfil his mission? Thanks!
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