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Posts posted by dukeofurl01

  1. Found one of these up near Dunsmuir, California. It was on a bridge spanning the Sacramento River. A little beat up (what is with defacing these things?) but clear enough to read. I find them in old ranch lands which are now Open Space parks, quite often.


    Yeah, this one was east of Sacramento, along Hwy 50. A few feet from N38 45.864 W120 32.286

  2. I was able to get the custom icons into Mapsource 6.16.3 AND ALSO my 60CSx


    The files had to be in a certain manner that is well documented, and I had to use the xImage program to get them into the 60CSx. The files were .bmp, 8-bit only, and magenta background to act as transparency. For xImage, the files were called "Waypoint Symbol 000.bmp" and ### up through 024. You could put them wherever you want, because xImage asks you for the location.


    To get the same files into MapSource 6.16.3, the exact same files were put into C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Garmin\Custom Waypoint Symbols - on my Windows 7 64-bit machine. On a Windows XP box, I think it would be something like c:\Users\USERNAME\My Documents\My Garmin\Custom Waypoint Symbols


    If anybody wants a copy of the files that I used, let me know through a private message and I'll send em to you.

  3. I know that USGS marks are not online for some reason. I don't remember where I heard it, but I found information for finding out about the USGS marks.



    USGS in Rola MO





    USGS in Denver



  4. I see at least 3 threads on San Diego in this area. I've lived in Northern California my whole life, and got almost all 2000 of my finds there. I'd really like to hear from other people that cache in Northern California (Sacramento to the Oregon Border, Pacific Ocean to the California-Nevada Border), some of their stories and pictures. I think this place is one of the most beautiful in the nation, from the Redwood Forests to the Coastline and Beaches.


    (just to clarify, I don't have anything against San Diego, it's just not relevant to me)

  5. I know that in the area where I live, there are a few retired couples that go out at like 5 in the morning after FTFs sometimes, and that makes it nearly impossible for anyone else. I have a better chance at an FTF in the next town away.

  6. The "key" you saw in the picture is a special tool we use to remove the threaded cap which covers the actual bench mark which is embedded in the side of the monument. Then we slide a 18" stainless steel pin into the cavity and place the level rod on the pin. Once the measurements are completed we remove the pin and replace the cap so the cavity doesn't get filled with dirt and other debris. Only NGS and the National Park Service have access to these special tools.


    Oh. What is being measured?



  7. May be a little easier, but you can also download my KMZ file, here:


    And you can browse anywhere(*) in GE and not have to pre-download or run extra steps. Clicking on a station will give you a link to GC.COM page as well as the NGS datasheet.


    DSWORLD will also load up stations, but you will have to run it first to select the stations you wish to appear.




    (*) - Anywhere, as long as you're in the US, of course.


    I don't see a download link on there, did it go away?

  8. Before posting coordinates in a NGS recovery report, it might be a good idea to double check the NGS copy of the datasheet. One I was going to submit coordinates for had already been updated from Scaled to Hand Held with slightly more precise coordinates then what I was going to submit. There's another I wanted to do recently and submit with coordinates since it was listed as Not Found by the NGS but Geocachers have found it more recently, but I'm not sure I could get to it without trespassing. It's kind of hard to tell in that particular case since there was conflicting information onsite.


    Sometimes, other geocachers report finding a mark, but don't mention the coordinates, however they posted a picture of their GPS next to the mark, and sometimes I can read the coordinates off the picture.


    In the case of a close property line, because I am into GIS, I have made myself a custom map with a parcel layer and the mark plotted, to see how it they compare, but that obviously won't work if the exact coordinates of the mark are not known.

  9. I have a setting that lets me say what zoom level I should be at before POIs appear. Is that the setting you mean?




    Not exactly. There's a separate setting for actual zoom levels, the setting that I am referring to, shows things like contour lines, on a level of 1 to 5. (Least, Less, Normal, More, Most) But the level of zoom before POIs load sounds like what you want.


    Alternately, you can roll your own using Garmin's POI loader software. On mine, they're searchable too. (just not easily)

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