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Everything posted by Nudecacher

  1. When you click on the URL in google earth for secondary waypoints of a cache, the page you get does not identify the cache for which it is attached and does not have a link back to the cache. I use google earth to plan caching outings and that information should be easy to add to that page's layout. Thanks Nudecacher
  2. I don't know if this has been discussed, but I've been watching the rapidly approaching apparent end of the waypoint codes. At the rate they are being assigned, it looks like we'll reach gczzzz in the first week in December. Nudecacher
  3. Sorry I missed you this morning at Groundspeak HQ, hopefully next time. Cache on. Nudecacher
  4. I've never seen the interview, but it was 3 summers ago in 2004. KING5 has used the segment reruns many times and the original show appeared in over 250 TV markets across the country. I wished that someone had taped it, because I keep having people tell me they saw me on TV. Who would have thought that the Adopt-A-Highway was so popular! We just did the pickup again on June 17th. I have a number of pages in the LARC photo album about the pickup, including the first one with the camera crews on March 20th, 2004. I've been asked not to post the URL for LARC's web pages here, so you can either google for them or PM me. Gary Nudecacher
  5. I have had a Magellan SporTrakPro and a Garmin Legend for some time now. I can add geocaches as waypoints from GSAK or EasyGPS, drive to the general area where there is a cache I want to find, search for nearest caches and choose the one I'm going to and have the GPS show me the direction and distance to the cache as a destination. I also use GSAK to generate html files for plucker to load to my palm IIIxe for reference material on the caches. With my new Garmin iQue M5, I've used GSAK to generate gpx files (or use the gpx files from my pocket query) for the Mapsource program which can load them as waypoints into the M5 for the QueMap program. I also can copy the gpx files to the M5 and use GpxSonar to display the information about geocaches, very similar to GSAK on the pc. Here's what I haven't figured out how to do, and what makes the M5 useless for geocaching: (1) After panning around the map to look at possible geocaches and roads on the QueMap, then try to return to your current location on the map. You can do the flag with the '?', which gives you your current coordinates, but no way to zoom there. That's just plain stupid. What am I missing here? How do I get the QueMap back to display my current location? [ Ok, I just stumbled onto the answer. You exit the Pan Toolbar by pressing the left pointing arrow. I didn't find that obvious. ] (2) When I find a cache in QueMap that looks interesting, how do I copy/paste the gcxxxx code into GpxSonar to find the details and recent logs? It seems silly to write the code down on a piece of paper to remember it, and then shift to GpxSonar and scroll down until I find it. (3) When I find a cache that looks interesting in GpxSonar, how do I find it on the QueMap to establish a route? GpxSonar seems to have been built for pocketpc's without builtin GPS and QueMap for finding nearby restaurants. (4) Ok, say GpxSonar isn't the right software to use for geocaching with the M5, does CacheMate or any other program have the linkage to and from the QueMap for going back and forth between the cache map location and the cache description and for adding caches in the database to vias on a route? Does anyone use the GPS in the iQue M5 to geocache and could we have a discussion on how to figure this out so caching with the M5 is as easy as with the SporTrak or Legend? We could make a list of the things we do with regular GPSr's and then figure out the most efficient way to accomplish them. This could be kind of an FAQ for geocaching with the Garmin iQue M5 and similar machines. Nudecacher
  6. That's probably it. The latest version of Firefox is - we haven't tested it on 1.7 since it isn't the latest version out of beta. Firefox works correctly for me too. I'll play with the Mozilla 1.7.12 later. Nudecacher
  7. Can the name of the pocket query be changed? It looks like the pocket query takes the name of the route. I was looking at creating a couple of queries modified by the date created to get around the 500 cache limit. On further examining it, it looks like the pocket query name is the route name as a default, but can be changed. Then the top label that says "Route Name:" is really just the same as the old "Query Name" and probably should be changed to "Query Name:" on the form. Then, I was successful at doing a preview after renaming the "Route Name" on the User Route Pocket Query page. Nudecacher
  8. It should. Raine and I both use Mozilla as our primary browser. What version? I'm using Mozilla 1.7.12. Do I need something special, like "The DOM Inspector Sidebar is not currently installed." on the Advanced Prefences. Nudecacher
  9. I've used topo, manual editing, and gsak to do that in the past. I was just thinking of getting caches for my trip to Portland next week. This is great timing. I'm trying it. The 'preview' in step 11 only works on Internet Explorer under Windows. It doesn't work using the Mozilla browser. Nudecacher
  10. I am a Project Manager by profession so I am happy to help with the organization of this. First place we should go: 1. Define Requirements - What is the end goal here? 2. Define Steps to Complete - Help?
  11. The easiest place to park is at Sierra Ct. N47° 30.992 W122° 03.486 You'll knock off a lot of elevation gain if you begin your hike there. Moun10Bike has made a very nice trail map of Squak Mtn. He has the Crazy Monkey Tripod area marked on there as "Green House". Thanks, Pandora, that helps a lot. Now all we need to determine is when we'll try for it. Allanon, what dates would you be able to do? Nudecacher
  12. I had a DNF with my daughter on it early on. I never had the nerve to go back. I don't think I've ever met Whidbey Walk, but I've always thought kindly of them because of my very early 'Nudecacher Detective Agency: The Case of the Woeful Woodpecker' adventure with their Woodpecker cache. My discussion in the forums about it was my coming out. It was shortly after my initial warning and the removal of all my pictures. This adventure was my re-entry back into geocaching. That was also before ones profile had the gallery to collect them. However, I've had Crazy Monkey Tripod on my to do list for a long time. It was one of the first entries on my Planning Bookmark list when they first became available. Anyone want to go with me? Nudecacher If we can walk slow...I'll go with you... I have a prior commitment for July 7th through 9th, helping host a fine art show at the club. I could do either the weekend before or after that, say July 1st or 15th. I go slow on those kinds of treks. Do you approach it from SE 118th St. on the south-west side? Looks like about a 600 ft rise in a half mile if the trail is directly up or maybe a mile if it winds up. If both dates would work, we could plan to do the 1st and use the 15th as a backup if the weather is bad. The 2nd and 16th Sundays or any weekday are okey for me too. Nudecacher p.s. not to exclude Og's outfit, Criminal, and anyone else that wants to join.
  13. That is not at all unusual. The outcome seems to go one of two ways, either you quit altogether, or you become choosier about what you’ll look for. Maybe that's why after 4 years of geocaching I don't even have 1000 finds I'm even picker. I've only got 300 after 3 years. Some of them were kind of exciting too. Nudecacher
  14. Maybe you're doing it wrong? Nudecacher
  15. Both raine and OpinioNate read these forums on a regular basis. But they've got lots of stuff going on so they don't always respond to every issue we point out. I think it's safe to assume that they'll read this one, but you might not see a posted response. Thanks Nudecacher
  16. Thanks, then it is a formatting issue for Groundspeak to address. How do I notify them? Do they read the forums here? Nudecacher
  17. Here's a reply in cheers where I displayed how the log looks when I view it. It occured to me that it might be formatted differently depending on whether the author or someone else is viewing it. Nudecacher
  18. I logged my first waypoint, WMC65 Chuckanut Drive. I didn't see any instructions for how to add objects to a log. Did I just overlook it? I also couldn't figure out how to do line breaks. It seemed to mess it up no matter what I did. Nudecacher
  19. I had a DNF with my daughter on it early on. I never had the nerve to go back. I don't think I've ever met Whidbey Walk, but I've always thought kindly of them because of my very early 'Nudecacher Detective Agency: The Case of the Woeful Woodpecker' adventure with their Woodpecker cache. My discussion in the forums about it was my coming out. It was shortly after my initial warning and the removal of all my pictures. This adventure was my re-entry back into geocaching. That was also before ones profile had the gallery to collect them. However, I've had Crazy Monkey Tripod on my to do list for a long time. It was one of the first entries on my Planning Bookmark list when they first became available. Anyone want to go with me? Nudecacher
  20. I am not allowed to reveal anything about the Inner Circle, nor to confirm that it exists. And no, I am not wealthy. I hear that if you've had the opportunity to log THIS CACHE you ARE in the inner circle. Mana from heaven..... That's a bit too far for me to drive. I wonder if they would bring it to Oregon so I can log it while I attend Champoeg next month. While they're at it, they can bring the Ape cache too. heck, just have them bring as many caches as they can to the event from all over the world so I can get credit for going so many places - all in the same weekend. I attended nude and logged the pictures. Nudecacher
  21. One thing that Waymarking could do that the other databases/reviews do not do is to give precise coordinates, instead of possibly ambiguous general descriptions on where the location actually is. The urls of the other references could be included in the description if desired by the owner. Nudecacher
  22. Seems to have been a temporary glitch. I'm back to normal. (Well, as normal as Nudecacher ever is.) Nudecacher
  23. I'm getting it while displaying cache details and downloading gpx files. Nudecacher
  24. I receive a lot of contacts through geocaching.com, but none suggesting that I meet them. Most are supportive and cheer me on. I meet a lot of people at geocaching events. Nudecacher
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