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Everything posted by Krandor

  1. I believe if you just modify it, it gets put back in the Queua as normal and will be processed on your next scheduled day for runs. If you do a new query, it is scheduled to run at the very next batch run (as long as you have the day you create the query as a day for it to run) so you normally get results within half an hour or so.
  2. Just checking to see if there is anybody interesting in trying to get some kind of NoVa GeoCaching gathering together?
  3. For the PocketPC PDA, you can also view descriptions with GPXViewer.
  4. Krandor

    Nova Groups

    Are there any Northern Virginia Geocahing groups?
  5. I have a PocketPC and this is what I do. 1) download PQ in GPX format 2) filter in watch 3) send resultant file to GPSr and PocketPC 4) use gpxview to view GPX file on the road Works great.
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