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Captain Kenton

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Everything posted by Captain Kenton

  1. TheWhiteUrkel, Thanks for the photo. I thought it was hilarious. As for cyber @__ beatings if you want to see where I was nearly threatened with death you should go to the very green and, highly moral in their own eyes. www.cleanmpg.com. I told the greenies that we weren't killing the planet. Then I told them to do a google search for "Oil is a natural renewable resource". It turns out that there are some scientists that believe that it actually might be renewable. Everybody there pissed green pee down their legs. Even the owner of the forum suggested that I back my tailpipe up to my house and leave the car running. It got weird. I still post there once in a while because it is actually an interesting website and it is sort of a sport for me now. In reality my life is so busy and I only have so much time to surf the net replying to forums. I have two that I go to regularly and that is about all I care to spend my time on.
  2. I just wanted to say thanks to the guy who brought this thread back up to the top so that we can all re-live the worst cyber ^** whoopin I ever took. There is a reason that I don't post here. I am happy to find caches on my own. I like the hobbie but don't need the drama.
  3. Thank you. I am a by-the-book kind of guy for 99% of my life. The other 1% is for those times when it is either unsafe to be that way or when it would prevent me from having a really good time. As you can see, we still have a few Christmas decorations floating around the house. By about September they should finally all be put away. Funny how they keep turning up.
  4. Yes they did. This came in the mail yesterday. It is my shinny new Letter of Authorization to produce the Fiero Geocoin. High 5! I have blanked out some of the personally identifying blocks but as you can see I have obtained legal permission. Thanks for the advise that you all have given me during this project. It is something that I will still be proud of 30 years from now.
  5. Today I heard back from Equity Management (the licensing firm). They have waived the fee and sent me the application. Processing will probably take a month. It is going well.
  6. Thank you for the pm's. All we are waiting on is the blessing from GM. I have been told now that it could take up to one week to hear back from them one way or another. I will post another reply as soon as I have news.
  7. This is the first time that I have tried to have a geocoin made and it has been a learning process. Copyright and trademarking is not my specialty but I can learn anything given the opportunity. I am still waiting to hear back. I will post an update as soon as I receive any word. I don't foresee it as being a problem. Our logo elements different from theirs but they are similar. Eartha, Thanks for the update. We will actually need slightly more than 100 numbers so it should not be a problem anyway. Payment for 100 coins was my cutoff point for new requests. I wanted to make sure that I could pay for the minimum before proceeding.
  8. I have been on the phone this morning doing some research. The manufacturer says that a 30% change in design is usually sufficient but I have contacted GM and their outside firm that handles licensing to get the blessing from on-high so that nobody has any issues with our logo. I want our project to be totally above the board.
  9. Edited to answer the questions from above: At first there was not much interest in the coin since most people have no idea what geocaching is. It is about 50/50 when it came to caring after I explained what it was to them. That left me with a problem when it came to reaching a purchase of 100 coins. I had to make the coin appealing enough to the entire group whether or not they decided to geocache with it. There are four different body styles of Fiero and about 14 different engine/transmission combinations from 4-cylinder econo cars to any number of V6s to Northstar V8s and four hundred hp 350s. As you can see I had to make a fairly generic coin that still appealed to everyone, geocacher or not. Viewed side by side our logo is very different from the factory one. It does have a couple of elements that look somewhat similar to the factory's logo, mainly the horse but even that is not the same. We needed to do was come up with a fairly generic design logo that would be accepted by enough Fiero owners to make them want to spend their money and help move the project forward, yet recognizable enough for enough that each person, with their varying reasons, would want to be a part of the group order. I don't think we have any issues but to be sure, last night I sent an email to my manufacturer to verify that everything is OK. I should hear back from them today. This is a project intended for our club and I am not making a cent on it. I thought I would mention it here in case there were any Fiero fans who might be interested. This has always been a break even project from the beginning. I will probably loose some money heading up this project due to paypal fees that I hadn't considered when I started this. I think this is an important enough project that I want to see it to fulfillment but I don't think that there will ever be enough interest to warrant a second round. I don't think that I need the headaches associated with it either. The reason that I have the payment for 100 coins cutoff point is that they are going to be shipped to me and then I have to organize them and ship them to my club's members and enthusiasts who have expressed interested. The time involved with shipping will be valuable time that I could have been spending with my family. 100 is also the limit that I need to obtain tracking numbers. I hope that answers your questions. If you have any more please send me a pm. Thanks
  10. Thanks for your comments. 007BigD, sorry no guarantees. I will have to think really hard about trading. If you really want one you should probably cough up the cash. If you don't, I foresee an, "I shoulda..." in your future. If you order now and 007 pops up on the list I will make sure that you get it. If not you will still get a cool coin. Either way I see it as a Win Win. I have received payment now for 67 coins. The order quantity will be frozen when I get payment for 100. (I was at 50 this morning, 33 to go). After than you may have a hard time getting somebody to part with their new favorite toy. My artist is an absolutely top notch talent. These are the first and only designs that I have seen from him on this project. I didn't feel that anything else would be necessary. Some of these coins will be going to collectors and will have custom engraving instead of a tracking number. A few may even replace the factory emblems on the nose of some owner's cars. I tried to keep the coin as appealing to the masses as possible. If I add lettering it narrows my pool of potential buyers. Sell to the masses not the classes. Btw, I love the car and now we have our own geocoin? I know of only one other that can say that.
  11. Hello everyone. I have reached payment for 100 coins and the order is now frozen. Thank you.
  12. Please actually read the rules and make sure that it conforms to all of them. My other piece of advise; When your cache gets denied don't post here that it got denied.
  13. No. I only post using this account. If I don't want somebody to know my opinion on something I'll just keep it to myself. Posting annonymously is cowardly or mean spirited. I do have an alter ego but only because I live in two seperate geographical areas and want the email about new caches and events for both places. If I ever decide to try to place a geocache it will also make it easier.
  14. I have seen what happens to a guy when he is new to the game and makes a mistake, then makes a second, even bigger mistake by posting a thread about it. The purpose of the post may have been nothing more than, "Ah bummer", possibly just to get it off their chest, and it gets blown totally out of proportion. The poster then becomes public enemy #1 for the duration of the thread like it is a sport. There seems to be no shortage of people who will post a link to a rules page for the offender and say that he/she is pouting or something of that nature. Then others will jump in and 2nd, 3rd, and 4th what was said previously, possibly sending a duplicate link. They may not have even read the entire thread and feel like they are posting something new. The originator of this thread wanted to know why people leave. I am simply offering a possible explanation for some of the losses. Most people who do this type of hobby are intelligent, often very successful, people who can take criticism and correction. What they won't put up with is chastisement. Its not worth it when the payoff for continuing to play the game may be finding a lame film canister under a light pole skirt. I happen to like this game. So far the people who I have met in person or have contacted me by email have been really nice. If you are a new to the forum, my advice is to not post for the first year. Look around and find out what flies and what doesn't before you post. It may surprise you. Just remember, text doesn't always convey intention and emotion the way you intend it to.
  15. To put a few things straight, I had no idea what a "virtual cache" was until mine was denied. All I knew is that I recently found one like it at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota and had a lot of fun in the process. What I have noticed is that there are a lot of control freaks that geocache. Secondly, there seem to be a lot of "yes men", "I told you so types", who are more than happy to jump on the bandwagon. I'm not impressed. I am a nice guy. Meet me in person and you will find out. I have edited this several times so that nobody's feelings get hurt. What I want to say can still be conveyed without becoming "seemingly abusive" toward any particular member. This is a game that is supposed to be fun. Forgive me if I don't spend all of my free time reading every little detail about the game. I am new to this game and don't yet know the entire lingo. Lastly, I am equally able to maintain a cache in either location. I live here and work there. I maintain two residences. I probably spend more time there than I do at my home in Iowa. Look at my found cache list. Then ask yourself where I would most likely be able to spend my time looking after a box with a note in it. Should I create another screen name so that I can list Cordova as home?
  16. So I finally decided to post my own geocache. It was intended to be a thank you for the people of Cordova TN who have placed caches that I have found while I am away on business. I modeled it after a cache that I had a lot of fun finding. After spending a couple of hours preparing it I found out that this website no longer accepts virtual caches. This is very dissapointing. I was directed to Waymarking.com and gave it a shot but the website is fairly lame in my opinion. Bring back the VC.
  17. jjreds, thanks for the information. I have been using the off road mode with good success. I have noticed that making sure that not swinging my arms as I walk seems to help it navigate by not adding unnecessary motion to its calculation. The sat screen is really nice. I like how it gives me the current accuracy of the device. Thanks again. I have also pressed and held the battery indicator for about six seconds and have found several pages that I don't fully understand. A lot of it is technical and beyond my experience. I poked around a little but don't see these as being of much practical use. My daughter was holding the unit and got it to a page that showed information about the internal memory allocation and a lot of other things. I am not sure how she did it and I can't get back to the page. She can't tell me how she did it because she is 3 and can't read yet. Do you know how to access it. Kenton
  18. jjreds, Thanks for the links. How do I access the sat screen? Is that the overhead view? Will any of those pointers rotate 180 degrees if you pass the waypoint or do they just show the direction of travel like the stock ones? If I go to the favorites page the arrow will rotate as long as I keep moving fast enough. That is what I want on the moving map page.
  19. Hello, I am from central Iowa and love my Nuvi 200W. Even though it is an automobile unit I have had success finding caches with it. So far I only have 2 DNFs out of 22 hunts. I will go back for one of them. The other was in a location that wasn't fun to go to in the first place. I have also used an Etrex Legend and like the bearing pointer. Does anyone else cache with a Nuvi 200W? <-----(Love it). Has anyone come up with a program or add-on that will make a bearing pointer or course deviation indicator be available using the Nuvi? It would be nice. Thanks, Kenton
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