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Everything posted by sancmat

  1. Let me try to clear this up. It is a program (Similar to GPX View) that will keep a list of all of the caches you have downloaded from geocaching.com in gpx files. So when your out in the field looking for caches you can have the full (ok well close to the full) details of the cache as if you printed out the screen. SQL and Compact Framework are references to microsoft programs you need to install on your device for it to work. I mentioned it because they are not small programs. This program is not file based so you can import as many files as you like and search for caches without knowing what file they are in.
  2. I am currently working on a farily robust application for managing caches right now. This application will run on Microsft Pocket PC 2003 and newer operating systems. I am looking for people who are intersted in helping me test it. Please respond with your Device Type and Operating system if known. Be aware this appliation will require the installation of Microsoft Compact Framework 3.5 and SQL Server 2005 for Mobile Devices. It is not small. But will support large numbers of caches with sorting, and filtering. And it will support the display of every field in the current GPX Waypoint format. First version does not offer GPS Integration (Because I don't have one.) This started as a small project because nothing is avaiable for windows mobile 6 standard and it grew and grew. First versions will support Windows Mobile 6 Standard Landscape format (Dash,Q...etc) and Pocket PC 2003. As more OS's and formats are requested I will try to port it.
  3. Right now you can filter your pocket queries by attributes. It would be very nice if we could return the attributes of the caches. This is important information that paperless cachers can not get right now.
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