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Posts posted by SkipperL

  1. The free app shows basic members only caches that are "good beginner caches". Other caches are considered "advanced" caches, and are shown only to premium members.


    Did something happen to make the caches no longer "good beginner caches"? Was a Needs Maintenance log posted? Or was the difficulty/terrain rating changed by the owner? Or something else?


    I have been a beginner for about a month in which time I have completed multi caches as well as several difficult levels of cache finds. So I don't think this has to do with beginner caches. Just my thought. I have also submitted maintenance posts and such.

  2. I noticed today, June 12, 2015 that after an upgrade to my android app I can no longer access many, many caches on my map. They are designated premium now where yesterday they were not. That's ok except that I am new to all this and have not decided whether I want to continue or not. With so many caches not available to me now how do I make a informed decision on whether to continue? Any input welcome. Thanks

    Using the intro app?

    Are they truly premium or "advanced" caches?


    Just checked again on my phone, if I click on the now GREY caches, I get the notice that I need premium to access them. It is titled ADVANCED and then the notice to upgrade to premium. I am fine on my PC.

  3. I noticed today, June 12, 2015 that after an upgrade to my android app I can no longer access many, many caches on my map. They are designated premium now where yesterday they were not. That's ok except that I am new to all this and have not decided whether I want to continue or not. With so many caches not available to me now how do I make a informed decision on whether to continue? Any input welcome. Thanks

  4. Quite possibly. The development of the Message Center is on going. I noticed that my last contact through the MC had the body of the text in my email notification. Baby steps. I'm sure they'll update the FAQ and Help Center when they're done, or close to being done.


    Thanks for the reply. I see the MC is fairly new, I will just wait and see what happens with future updates. Thanks again.

  5. I'm a little confused about how I was notified when I was asked a question about a cache via the messaging system.


    OK, first I received an email on my computer stating that I had a message, no indication on my smartphone. I replied to the message and when the person replied back I received no email but got a message on my smartphone. I was not logged into the site at the time on my computer or my smartphone and the apps were turned off. So I understand getting an email via the messaging system since I validated my email but do not understand how I was notified over my phone since I never supplied my cell phone number to anyone. Is this because I am somehow still logged in via my phone in the background? And why wouldn't I get an email on the reply? I looked at the FAQ but could not find the answer. Could someone please explain how this works mainly because I wouldn't want to miss a message or send one incorrectly. Thanks

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