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Everything posted by Woodbutcher68

  1. A few years ago, I was at a Remington Outlet store and found an alkaline battery recharger. They take about 14 hours and it brings them up to 80-90%, enough to last a few hours. I bought a NiMh set at WalMart last month, so now I have the option to use either. I also get used AA batteries from work and recharge them. Who needs to buy batteries?
  2. Do you get fries with a restaraunt cache?
  3. I left a $1.00 winner once. I scratched it off myself and just happened to have it in my pocket let the finder redeem it.
  4. On the main forum page, scroll down to Geocaching groups by Region/State.
  5. So Red Dragon made his point by searching at night and finding it. There are people who feel that rules are made to be broken and go ahead and break them. The sad part is that their actions can negatively affect the people who follow the rules. If you want to make a point, wrap a towel around your head and sneak onto a military base at night with your GPS in your hand. Tell them that your tax dollars support the base and that you have a right to be there. P.S. Most cemetaries around here have gates, signs or both telling people to stay out at night. To me it's just a matter of respect for the dead.
  6. Curious, how far from shore was this cache located? Not more than two feet in a small calm water area. It looked like someone had lost a decoy and it had drifted downstream and got stuck there.
  7. Congrats! Another one hooked. If I had a nickle for every who got hooked on Geocaching, I'd have a lot of nickles!
  8. The best one I ever saw was at a Chicago area picnic. The Genius who made it glued a waterproof box to the bottom of a duck decoy and had it floating in a river. Had some fishing line to pull it in.
  9. They have a electronic circuit board in them. Thats for sure. We always had what they called CO-OP's. College student summer interns and our equipment always took a hit. One summer just as the Coops came on board we got a new 2001 Dudge 3/4 ton 4x4 ton PU. The PS assigned one of them to drive it. Within in a month, he had cut a tire, bent the rear bumper, trashed the inside with MacDonalds garbage and montain dew bottles full of tobacco spit not to mention getting it stuck some place he had no business driving it into. When you make it idiot-proof, the idiots will prove you wrong!
  10. This has been brought up in the past. GPS is Global Positioning System or Global Positioning Satellite depending on who you talk to. The little thing in your hand or on your dashboard is a reciever, thus the term GPSr. You can't use GPS technology without the reciever, unless you're like me and can process the satellite transmissions in your head. The downside is wearing aluminum foil on my head when I don't want to go Geocaching. Most people I know call it a GPS.
  11. Geocaching has taken me into natural areas in the Chicago area that I had driven by in the past. Like they say, you can't judge a book by it's cover.
  12. You lost me here, so you do have two GPS's? As far as I'm concerned I have four GPS's for the same reason I have four TV's. They are all really bad so I kept buying more of the same. I reall would like to know what the OP wants in a GPS. (Then we can argue about that) I bought the 315 five years ago to use for fishing. I keep it in the Jeep all the time now. I bought the Platinum a couple of weeks ago (Refurbished-$139.00) and use it for Geocaching. Wasn't anything wrong with the 315, I wanted to be able to download maps.
  13. So many people have multiple Garmins. Does it take that many to find one cache? Do you have to average the results to get the location? I've found mine using one Magellan, ether a GPS 15 or a Platinum which I got a couple of weeks ago.
  14. George Bush sent a bunch of people to find the Weapons of Mass Destruction" cache in Iraq, but it's still a DNF!
  15. Plant Manager in a precast concrete building slabs plant. When I finally hide a cache, you may need a jackhammer!
  16. It's neither a sport nor a hobby, it's an obsession!
  17. Even the Gold and Color are discontinued. Looks like the Explorist is it for now.
  18. I use a product called Micro-Mesh in my woodworking. It's a sanding pad system that goes down to 12000 grit. The airlines and U.S. Air Force use it on the canopies and windows of planes. I personally haven't used it on clear plastic yet, but will when I get my new glasses. They have kits in auto part stores to repairs scratched headlights and make a kit for cds too. Here's their website: https://www.micro-surface.com/default.cfm?page_id=1
  19. After a vacation from Geocaching, I'm back! I bought a refurbished Meridian Platinum on E-Bay last week and have been shopping for a power cable for the Jeep. I see alot of them claim to work on the Meridians, SportTrack and 300 series. My question is, will my power cable from my GPS315 work on the Platinum? What about the data cable also. Thanks in advance. It's great to be back in the sport again.
  20. The Times finally woke up and did an article on Geocaching. Congrats to Cosmonauts and Team Tecmage! http://nwitimes.com/articles/2004/06/27/fe...ebc001c96c9.txt
  21. Next time post, Left the cache, Took two bikes! Just kidding! The next time you see the kids, talk to them about it and tell them that if it becomes damaged again, you'll remove the cahce and nobody gets to enjoy it. Maybe you can be friends with them and take them Geocaching with you. If you can't beat 'em, get 'em on your side!
  22. Team GPSaxaphone wrote: My company frowns on that kind of break!
  23. I get to join AARP in a couple of weeks! Oh Boy!! Is there a senior discount for Premium Geocachers?
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