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Posts posted by NattyBooshka

  1. DING!


    I don't eat much E124... but that said, tobacco has been "suspected of being a carcinogen that produces adverse reactions from asthmatics" and lots of other people for quite some time now, but I guess there's not much money to be made taxing synthetic food colourings!

    E124 (Ponceau 4R) isn't addictive in the same way that tobacco products are, so high taxation would probably have much the same effect as banning it (which is what they've done in the USA). That said, there are vegetable-based red colourings available (e.g. Amaranth - E123, Beetroot - E162) although some of them (e.g. E123) seem worse than even E124. FWIW, my post-answer research turned up http://ukfoodguide.net/enumeric.htm, which might be a good resource for anyone concerned about E numbers.


    So, on to the next question and keeping to the theme of pigments: The pigment 'sepia' used in fine art and retouching of early photographs comes from what source?


  2. There's a more common name for carmine... and an E number... I want both answers!?

    After seeing other posts, I guess that there's two more-common names because, as an amateur artist, I know it as Crimson Lake (R514) and, although I knew that cochineal was a red food colouring, I didn't know it was also called carmine until seeing those other posts.


    Mrs P's cookbooks couldn't shed light on the E number, but then it struck me that a manufacturer's site might. So I wandered over to Alibaba.com and drilled down through Chemicals > Food & Feed Additives > Food Additive Products > Food Colorants and then paged through the list (136 pages of 50 products per page) rather than use the site search (which might be considered 'Googling') to find two: E120 and E124, with E120 coming from crushed beetles and E124 being the synthetic version.


    Edited to add: A lot of synthetic replacements for natural food additives have undesirable qualities. So having not used any search engines to get the answer, I turned to Google to check whether E124 is one of those - and it is! I'm glad that I'm not a vegetarian because E124 is made from coal tar and banned in the USA because it's a suspected carcinogen that produces adverse reactions from asthmatics and those with an aspirin intolerance!



    I don't eat much E124... but that said, tobacco has been "suspected of being a carcinogen that produces adverse reactions from asthmatics" and lots of other people for quite some time now, but I guess there's not much money to be made taxing synthetic food colourings!

  3. A cache with the same name can be placed in the same location as any archived cache, new rules and landowner permission permitting. So I really don't see the point in even trying to unarchive one. Some of the early caches were great, others were not well hidden. I get the stats game to a point... I get number of finds, I understand the FTF race, and the D/T grid... but as for finding a cache from every month of geocaching, nope... don't understand that one... every day I'd get... but I don't think I'd plan any holidays around a missing "one day in 30" on a grid.

  4. Being a Part-time Magican made this one easy enough for me.... Simon Drake :)


    PS If I am wrong I will have to hide and hang my head in shame?

    DING Simon Drake is correct. Just about the only British magician on telly apart from Paul Daniels back then. The show in question was Bruce Dickinson's last gig for Iron Maiden in 1993... Though he rejoined the band a few years later.

  5. "He was the first, and so far the only, British illusionist to go out live on coast-to-coast American TV in his special" is the claim from his web page... calling it HIS show is a bit questionable as he shared the billing on the show, and it was the other billed act that were bigger in the states at the time... nonetheless he does hold this accolade.


    Who is he?

  6. Hehe... All caches are most certainly not placed with permissions... To assume they are is to be a little gullible, no offence. Going finding them, I can see how the words have been carefully selected to avoid the reviewer "radar", and I know to 3 or 4 that have been removed at landowner request once they found out about them, in the last few weeks.


    As for crime reference numbers, spot on... Incident numbers yes, not crime ones. The police will not issue a crime reference number until it is proven there has been crime committed for small stuff... The reason? Well, amongst other things... These numbers are counted... Rural Derbyshire could suddenly become a high crime area... Sending house prices plummeting. Of course our boys in blue only really care about doing their job well... And not having crime levels rise.


    Crime reference numbers and incident numbers are akin to government unemployment figures being compared to those totally dependant on benefits.

  7. Don't listen to Graculus...

    You're not a reviewer getting a lot of new caches coming through with bad coordinates that have to be changed later. This problem can be laid squarely at the door of the smart phone! People just don't know how to use the phone correctly to get accurate coordinates. Put the box under a hedge, run the app, read off the coordinates as soon as they appear........ :blink:




    Volunteer UK Reviewer for geocaching.com

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    no... that's not the bit I was referring to either... it was the search iTunes bit that was inaccurate.


    been around long enough to have seen several placed with GPSr that make the same mistake... but that's another thread!

  8. The app's wonderful.


    Don't listen to Graculus... don't search iTunes for "challenges"... search the App Store for "Groundspeak" as it's a lot faster, and less clogged with music!


    The app also allows you to load up the caches you need and their maps (topo/sat/road) and photos if you like... so you don't NEED a decent data plan... it's very possible to go caching with the phone in airplane mode... or with data turned off (this is how I generally work)


    Finally... premium is optional... the phone allows you to do everything PQs do for no money... Premium Membership for those running the official app is a "thank you" to Groundspeak rather than a way of making caching easier.


    Perfect Mark is currently 69p on the app store... but it is quicker than a pen and paper for averaging!

  9. It should be a rule that to claim an event as 'Attended', the attendee should stay for at least 30 minutes, talk to a minimum of 6 different people and buy at least one round of drinks! :lol:

    I like it!


    "stay 5 hours, talk to everyone, even any muggles, buy several round of drinks, and taxi home" would be my definition of a Mega! I dunno where they came up with this 500 people thing... Expensive round.

  10. A video of me caching exists. It isn't on the net.


    There are lots of geocaching videos showing finds on YouTube.


    I can't see how the terms of the site cover the video as it could be argued it's just a video of someone caching. If the container isn't shown I don't think it technically shows the solution to the cache. Even if it does, without the GC code it doesn't show the solution to the cache as you'd have to have seen the video and recognise the cache... Unless you'd been there before.


    So it's one of millions of videos, that would be of use to me if I watched it after a DNF? How many people have DNF'd the cache?

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