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Posts posted by Spzzmoose

  1. I see the thread title has been....how shall I say it....'altered'. To me the subtitle could be construed as being MUCH more offensive to some.....



    It was just written as a humerous thread. I did not mean to insult anyone. Just venting on the way males and females see things differently! Women...feel free to rip on us! Keep it geocaching related. Fire away! :huh:

  2. Why was my title modified? It was neither offensive nor crude. There was no vulgarity. Lighten up mods...GEEEZZZZZ Email me if you wish to explain. I'm quite puzzled????

    It was probably modified due to the use of the word Chit. You missed the party of the past few days.

    Wow I guess I have. Been working on the homestead. What's wrong with "chit"? :huh:

  3. Nothing worse than the "if you loved me you would <insert something she wants you to do>" guilt trip.


    That relationship is doomed. Run, don't walk, to living quaters of your own the first time you hear her say that. If she doesn't believe you love her, nothing you ever do will overcome her insecurities.


    Substitute hers for hims if applicable.

    Truer words were never spoken! I'm running towards something, but it must have "mammalian protruberensases" of the female kind of course. Oh, and she must know how to download a waypoint! :huh::(

  4. Wow and you think your house needs remodeling my computer room and kitchen ar PINK YES PINK AS IN MARY KAY PINK AS IN POST IT NOTE PINK. I may go crazy at times and this is the reasone mr Freud.  :huh:  :(  :(

    You guys need to put your foot down. You are whipped.

    Thats why I used a DULL spoon! :(

  5. Ok... Last August my gf, aka "Psycho Woman" say's "Hey Honey...(GULP, I hate those dreaded words!) Why don’t we paint the dining room, it really needs it! We can do it this weekend! I respond, "Sugar Bunny...we were supposed to go caching this weekend"! PW responds, "Oh snuggly wuggly... we can go next weekend, the cache will still be there. (I'm growling beneath my breath)...but this could be my very first "first finders cache!” Then...the dreaded words...the words that strike fear in all of mandomn........."Don't you love me anymore???" GRRRRRRRRR.... "Of course I do wookums, It’s just that I really want that ftf." "If you REALLY love me we would paint the dining room and forget all about that silly little ftf.


    Ok...cut to the present...10 months later, I haven't been to one single cache. I've totally gutted and remodeled the kitchen, dining room (did I mention that I painted the dining room?) living room and the bathroom. Of course that includes rewiring the entire house and installing copper plumbing.


    She see's the progress in each room and of course said, "OH handsome habanera" (Give me a break...it's the best I could come up with) "lets continue into the next room" Anyway, you get the picture.


    So, Today I'm framing in the final molding around the bathroom door and I hear...those words...Guys, you know which ones... the dreaded..."Hey Honey, All you do is work and then on the weekends all you do is work on the house. GRRRRRRRRRRR


    Let's go geocaching today...We haven't in such along time and I think you need a break. GRRRRRRRRRR "Smoochie Kins" I'm almost done! Next weekend we can go with a clear conscious, knowing that the work is done!


    "Please Boogly Woogly" (Mind you, I have 2 pieces of trim left and the whole main floor is totally redone, down to the last nail)


    ALL RIGHT!!!!! Anything to SHUT YOU UP!!!! GRRRRRRRRR We went out and found 2 of 3 today and the one dnf looks like it was plundered.


    Sorry if this is long winded, but the best part is yet to come. When we finally arrive home I collapse in the backyard exhausted with a cold one and my faithful Labrador at my side when...all of a sudden...out of the blue...carried by the wind...I hear those fateful words... "Honey...can you please finish the bathroom door before we go to bed? My mother is coming over tomorrow and we want to wash our nylons in the tub".


    I stabbed her in the head a hundred times with a dull spoon. My first hidden cache is called " The Psycho Girlfriends Bone Exchange". She is buried in a shallow grave. I know all about the "don’t bury caches rule", but I think this is an exception. Please take a bone and leave a bone...preferably trading up.


    The End,



  6. This gets harder and harder. I wish I could give everyone a staff! ;)


    El Diablo

    That's a GREAT idea! Everyone who posts to this thread gets a free staff! Youre gonna be a busy man El Devil! ;);)


    I'll throw my hat in the ring though I have nothing witty to say. BTW, How's your niece doing these day's Devil?? I hope things are good. :D

  7. One thing I would consider... Maybe some of the older (or any age for that matter) cachers are computer illiterate and don't know how to log a find. Perhaps someone turned them on to this site and showed them how to enter their zip code to get the coord's, but didn't teach them how to upload! It is simple I know, but... some I would suspect just don't know how to do it! <_<



  8. I hear ya 360! I haven't found a cache since last summer. Promised to redue the house, little did I know what I was in for! A TOTAL gut and remodel. It took me a whole week just to do the crown moulding in the new kitchen! GRRRRR... B) But it looks great, what a pain! AnyHoo, (blatantly stolen from Geo-ho, umm...is Mopar outta the icu yet?)


    My GF is on my butt to stop working constantly and get the hell outta the house! She want's to see the passion of the christ this weekend and I'm plotting a cache or two along the route! :P Home Depot is about a half mile away from the theater so maybe after the movie we can spend the night picking out trim wood! ;) SWEET JESUS, I need a life! I think I'm gonna be single soon! B):P

  9. getting passed faster then a Yugo on the autobann.

    Hey! Wait a minute. I used to have a Yugo. It was a quick little car and surprisingly unstoppable in the snow. I didn't have any touble passing anyone on the highway.

    But then again, I did say that I used to have one.

    Never mind.

    You can return to the subject now.



    I have a friend that used to work at an auto parts store. One day, a guy walks in and ask's for a gas cap for his Hugo. My buddy, being the legendary smarta** that he is, say's " HMMMM...............a gas cap for a Hugo.................Well.........OK......... sounds like a fair trade"!!! Cracked me up! Maybe that Hugo ended up in an ammo can somewhere? :o:D


    Speeling edit!

  10. Man....censored amature porn on the forums!! What's next? I've gotta stay away from those "other forums" and come here more often!! The action's better! :):) Way to be a sport GH but I think the Mods are asleep. Best laugh I've have today! :D:)


    PS. Is Mopar still in the icu and when will he get out?

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