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Everything posted by wvulaw2005

  1. Just wanted to add a note of appreciation for all of those who worked with the state parks to establish a reasonable (and I stress REASONABLE) policy that allows us to continue using the state parks. We are very fortunate to have park administrators who not only permit this use, but embrace it. I would imagine that one major factor was that it was brought to their attention in a positive way that emphasized the benefits for everyone, rather than "discovering" the "covert" activity. So kudos to Mikedx, Geowhiz, Kim and anyone else who was involved.
  2. I would like to join you all and I may farther north than most (Morgantown), so Sutton would be very agreeable to me. I am flexible as to dates as long as I can bring my kids. I will check back to see what you all decide. Thanks!
  3. I would also be interested in coming if this is an open event. August 23 is the only day that month that that I already have plans. Any other Saturday or Sunday will work for me. I am in Morgantown and would certainly travel to Elkins or even a little further south.
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