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Everything posted by gardengorilla

  1. I'm going to post a new photo to keep the thread going...I am pretty sure that it is the right coin.
  2. lol! no, the only ASP Geobash event coin I don't have And I have never even been to the event, I just love the cute coins!
  3. 2007 ASP Geobash. I think this is the only one I don't have!
  4. That is a bit steep for shipping but I ordered anyway. I can not wait to see them!
  5. Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner.........Toojin!
  6. It's 36C today...I'm about to have one of these!!
  7. I found the email. Sent on Sept. 19th. I reserved a set.
  8. Email Sent: Yes Name received: Yes! Nov. 3 Card Sent: Yes! Nov. 3 Boy am I on top of things or what?! Card Received:
  9. Nope, I'm sure it's the symbology geocoin by Crake
  10. Email Sent: Yes Name received: Yes! Nov. 3 Card Sent: Card Received:
  11. Hm, I was sure I had reserved some new turtles, do you have any record of me?
  12. And here they are Louis and Duchess.
  13. Hi, thanks for the cointest drneal! We bought our dachshund Louis from a pet store. I know, I know, not responsible at all! He was a spur of the moment decision and after I regretted not taking my time and doing some research before buying a dog from a shop. Don't get me wrong, I am totally happy with Louis so far This is more a story about what we did right. A year and a half later we decided that one dachshund could never be enough! One day while walking Louis we saw 'dachshund' paradise through a fence so I went around to the front and introduced myself. Turns out the were our nearest small animal rescue which coincidentally specializes in long n' lean doggies We told them we were looking for a friend for Louis and a couple of months later we got the call. Could they bring Duchess over to meet Louis? She was a beautiful long hair black and tan princess. Very shy at first and a bit chubby. Both her and Louis are 'large sized' minis, around 12 kilos. She got on well with Louis they had a ball wearing each other out tearing around our yard! So we said 'yes' and she stayed with us from then on. The animal rescue had her for a total of 2 hours! That first night she sat alone on the opposite end of the couch to me and Louis was in his position of being wrapped around my shoulders . The next night, she was a little bit closer and then the next night on my lap. After that she stuck like glue to me, I couldn't get rid of her. She followed me around everywhere, even the toilet! And that night as our youngest son had a bath, the door was open a crack. It was enough for her to nose her way in and jump in with him! So....we found out she adores baths! It was great adopting an adult (teen) dog, she learned right away where she was to do her business and there were many situations where we weren't sure how she would react. Our first couple of walks were interesting as we found out she mostly barked at men or women with ball caps on. Other than that, she was the perfect dog, just what Louis (and us) needed. I have no idea why anyone would give such a darling dog up. Thanks drneal. You know that it has been very hard on me because our dogs stayed behind in Canada. In fact, they stayed with the very animal rescue that we got Duchess from. They moved to a large farm and I am happy to report they are really happy there. I am counting down the days until we move back (march/april 2011) and I miss them so! I think about them every day and stalk anyone walking a dachshund as I am desperate for even a little long doggie love...
  14. Happy Halloween everyone! It is Oct. 31 today here already and I am about to start getting ready for AlliedOz's party... so in honour of today:
  15. hmm, I hadn't seen that one before today Craig. And drneal has one before I do!
  16. Hey guys, I couldn't find the MnGCA 2010 coins at the Caching Place but I found them here: http://mngca.org/2010_coin_order
  17. I will put two aside for you. Thanks! Thanks, I was able to order now.
  18. Chuck, if I do this one again will you hold my hand?
  19. oh wow, this one had me stumped. Nice one drneal!
  20. It costs a lot for me to do those large missions so this is perfect for me Plus 'winter' just isn't happening here though sometimes I fantasize when the temperatures get over 40C!!! One card and one coin = perfect Count me in Email Sent: OCT. 25 (well technically it's the 26th here) Name Received: Card Sent: Card Received:
  21. I tried to order two but my paypal account needed verification. Apparently this takes a couple of days. I do want two for sure
  22. I tried to use the form to order but it kept on telling me my email address was wrong (it wasn't). So, I sent my order information to the contact address provided. Can you please let us know how much you raise when this is all over?
  23. I would be interested in a trade or to chip in for a lot. What is the story on these roosters? I had a statue of a rooster much like this in my kitchen. I was told it was good luck but more of a South American thing.
  24. Nice and easy but I just drew before you and I am about to head off to bed. Someone should get it soon
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