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Everything posted by Theotokos

  1. I should have mentioned that on the GPS coordinate conversion site, there is a section called GPS which will give you the GPS coordinates rather than the Decimal Degrees that you get from multimap
  2. I'm pretty sure I have the right place and location but you never know. Once I found the place I entered it into Multimap.com which gives you the GPS coordinates. Just to be sure, I went to http://boulter.com/gps/ and typed in the coordinates I came up with and this then confirmed the location to be what I'm thinking it was. Right or wrong, that's what I done...
  3. That's right. TB's and activated coins are not trade items. They are meant to be moved so if you can help them along on their mission then you are encouraged to do so. There is no limit to how many you can take at a time (even if some cache owners say not to) - if you can help them move then grab em.. If you find a 'gift' coin, then that should be treated as swag and traded for even or up. Now, I have never found a non activated coin in a cache (rarely find the activated ones) but I assume they must have a note or something letting you know that it is a gift and not a traveler?
  4. I guess one persons tacky is another persons gold...
  5. Wow...I still haven't got mine here in Canada..sheesh..
  6. We were very surprised to receive Witch's Mission #1 today. Thanks so much to 2golfers for sending it our way and for the more than generous gift you sent along in the package. We got 2 personal coins from the 2golfers (not 1 but 2!!!), a personalized sig golf tee and a sig business card. What a fantastic way to start the weekend. Thanks. We will be sending this along ASAP....
  7. Well, talk about being oblivious to the obvious. I've never even noticed that search before - great to know.
  8. I would just dispose a coin with the reference to Hitler or the Nazis, as I stated in a post before, I know of other meanings to it, I would not be offended by those. But the sign should not stand on it´s own either, there must be the reference to those other meanings. Most people that are going to push and agenda or the 'standard' aren't going to do it with blatant and obvious content. They know that will never be accepted; so they do it in subtle ways. Taking the above example someone that wants to use the Nazi stylized swastika knows that they can just throw the words love, good luck, strength in there and justify it all. Over time you can push it more and more as things become accepted. I'm not saying everyone or anyone will do it..just that if they want to push something, that is how it will be done. Also, I think Fox-and-the-Hound mentioned that politics or religion does not belong in caches. I'm sure many will disagree with me but I think it belongs every bit as much as cub scout knifes, coins with flags, nude cachers and rifles. Just like many posts in this thread, what could be considered political or religious by one person may not be by another. Like everything else I think there needs to be limits but I still think they belong. But to this point, I was real nervous about putting my personal coin out because of it's religious content. It is not an agenda but a very important part of my life that I can't easily separate out and it's something I would freely express in person to anyone. It was not intended to be hateful, demeaning or hurtful but still, I thought long and hard about it. I went ahead with it and I tried to make it subtle without taking away the meaning for me. It was very important to me to try and not and offend anyone and I'm hoping most people would feel that way about any coin they want to make....
  9. it would be nice to know if we did or didn't get it right so we can spend more time or can sit back and not worry about it. just a thought
  10. not true..if it's stolen or wasn't the sellers to sell, you don't own it. Ownership does not transfer just because you paid for it or possess it. This is about ethics... If people know up front what stipulations a coin has and they still choose to purchase, then they should stick to that agreement. Like in the other thread going on...you don't have to buy it if the terms are not something you agree with.
  11. When I first started in this forum there was a thread about a Swiss coin (I think that is right) that had a non-smoking symbol on it. Some people were livid that this coin got approved. I'm an ex-smoker and even if I did still smoke it wouldn't have bothered me...but for some people it really hit a nerve. I guess it just goes to show that there are many things that we may never think about that could very much offend others. Someone mentioned a while back about U.S.A. themed coins...while they don't offend me, not everyone has the same ideals or even agrees with them. So while the vast majority may not think twice about it..I'm sure it will not sit right with others. My point? Not sure I have one other than it's not as simple as saying violence, hatred, sex or what ever....almost everything we do can be considered offensive to someone. GS can only try to please the vast majority otherwise very little would get approved. It's a very, tough, tough thing to define and as I said before - not buying what I don't like is the one sure way I know of making my voice heard.
  12. If you're buying on eBay, you don't alway know if the owner is the same person selling the coin. I see avroair has the same account on both sites so you know who he is but I have no idea about the other folks. That is why I stay away from all activated coins on eBay. If I know the person I may bid but otherwise, I have no idea if the coin was taken from a cache and being sold or if it's legit so I figure it's better to be safe than sorry.
  13. I posted a rescue request in the regional forum as suggested and good news.. I just got a message that the cache owner retrieved the TB while doing maintenance. He had heard about it from someone and now it looks like we will be doing some traveling again. The kids will be very happy when I let them know in the morning. Thanks so much for the advice.
  14. Not sure if you were talking to the cache owner today 911turbos but I just got a message that he retrieved the TB while doing maintenance. That is so great..thanks a bunch. The kids will be happy when I let them know in the morning.
  15. Thanks very much. I would appreciate that.
  16. Hello, I've had a TB (Morphin Magic) stuck in a cache SQ #3 for almost a year. This cache doesn't seem to get visited often and the few times it has, nobody has grabbed our bug It was discovered a while back but no other mention of it. I was wondering if someone would be able to rescue it and move it along for us or let us know if it's even there anymore? It's our first TB and the kids were excited about it 'Morphing' in it's travels and seeing some pictures along the way. We've emailed the owner a few times but haven't heard anything back. I would go get it myself but personal reasons prevent me at this time. Thanks
  17. Another big smiley day here. Antique Copper GeoCoin Fairy Moses x 3
  18. And I've always thought the same thing about sex as personal and private matter. I agree it's all about perspective and the nudity you mention I think of as art when done tastefully but many others would disagree.... It's a very difficult topic with so many points of view. I think I will go find a nice calm cointest or mission thread now..
  19. Which is why I mentioned a balance...I just don't like the 'anything goes' route. I know I have to live with certain things that will offend me - and those I can deal with. If they are pushed on me then I need to push back. I don't want to draw another line in the sand as to what should or shouldn't be allowed. GS has already done that and I think for the most part they are doing a pretty good job of it. Sure there are coins I don't like and designs/designers are going to bounce around that center line pushing the envelope. That's where we come in...the balance will shift based on what sells and what feedback we give to GS. I like the analogy of what would be appropriate for my kids. A lot would just go over their heads and we (me) need to raised them in preparation of those things that might not. Not too many coins coming out (that I know of) would trigger a negative response in my young kids. There are few coins I can think of but not many.
  20. My point is that I am not able to avoid it with the other things in real life either. So, people seem to have a right to offend me but I don't have a right to say "stop"...that's all I'm saying. When I do say stop I'm considered a prude, religious nut or along those lines. My rights as well as others need to be taken into account and saying - just avoid it...is a cop out. Sorry to ramble... That is my belief but I'm not as smart as some people at putting the words together.
  21. and there in lies the rub...what you feel deliberately maligns another and what I think can be at total different ends of the scale. There needs to be a balance - an 'anything goes' philosophy is scary to me. Sure I don't have to buy the coins I don't like (which I already do) but it still affects me to an extent...just like my views may do to someone else. So..I think this is what the OP wants and I know I'm opening myself up here but here goes.... I would like to not see nudity, blood/violence, cruelty to animals/people, racism, sex and innuendo on a trackable geocoin. These are just general statements and not everything fits neatly into a bucket I understand.
  22. For what it's worth, I made a trade a while back with KayakerinME and I wasn't aware of the 'coins not to be sold' request either. I'm had no plans on selling but now we know.
  23. Do you think GC would really approve a KKK coin or foul language, seriously. come on now..read the post. I'm trying to point out that there needs to be limits..just what are they in your mind..
  24. So there is no 'boundary' that you wouldn't cross? It's okay to have XXX rated coins, KKK insignias, foul language? Those may be extremes but I'm trying to point out that the OP is asking what are the limits. Surely you must have limits to what should be allowed?
  25. Now here is where I will run into difficulty.. and it's not an easy one to call. I mean I would like to say those things that promote sex and violence are over the top. But does that mean the Scout knife or the 007 gun? For me it doesn't but others may take it literally. And me being a Christian, I know a lot of folks may take offense to my personal coin and other Christian themed coins which I would not. By the way that is one reason I tried to make my personal coin subtle and yet still meaningful to me. Which brings me back to my earlier point...I think all I can do is just not buy the coins that 'offend' me because it's a real can of worms when you try to classify limits.
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