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Everything posted by 80valley

  1. What program is good to use to change a track to a route? Thanks
  2. What setting should I use in track setup, normal,more often, or most often? Also how do you open two different tracks on the same map, in Mapsoruce . Thanks again
  3. Where and how do I rename Mapsource.exe file ? Thanks
  4. I hope everone with this problem is contacted Garmin, and sent screen shots of the track log. They will not try to fix the problem unless we ALL do.
  5. I think will ALL need to email Garmin support about the drift problem. I just sent my second one as their respond to the first email was this upgrade should fix it, but dosn't. Flood them with emails to FIX the problem!
  6. Your post was fixated on the fabric, no mention of your body. Obviously five is not enough or you wouldn't of had the drifting. MtnHermit, I don't think the problem of "drifting" as seen on some later-model Garmins is this simple - users report serious drift errors (hundreds of metres in some cases) in circumstances where satellite viewing conditions are less than optimal, but where it SHOULD be possible to get a decent-quality fix, and specifically, where the same units USED to be able to get a good fix but with later software / firmware, they now exhibit "drift", while other models (Garmins and other brands) are still able to get a good quality fix. I don't think a few limited observations with the new software are enough data to enable us to conclude that "five satellites is not enough". For example, my Summit HC will give a good 3D fix with 5 satellites (as long as they are not too closely clustered in the sky), and when my reception DOES become very poor for whatever reason, the EPE goes up as expected, but the unit doesn't exhibit "drift" of hundreds of metres, and I don't need to power down and back on to correct the accuracy. As soon as I get to a location with good satellite visibility, the unit will automatically improve its accuracy - as it should. I understand that when I keep my unit in a pocket or in my backpack, the accuracy will be slightly less than it could be - but as soon as I take it out and hold it face-up to the sky, the EPE drops, but in general, my position doesn't "drift" back to my true position - not more than a couple of meters, anyhow, which is really just the improved accuracy that I get with a better sky-view. This is the "expected" behaviour, and Garmin need to get their act together to restore this functionality to all of their late-model receivers. A GPSr SHOULD be able to get a reasonable 3D fix with as few as four satellites, but more will be better. When you have more than the minimum number of satellites available (an "over-determined" fix), the unit's software and firmware will decide how to deal with the redundant information. One option would be to simply find the "best" 4 signals, and use those, but modern 12-channel GPSrs are more sophisticated than this, and try to use all available signals with some sort of weighting to allow for varying signal quality and errors (presumably). The problem seems to be that in the latest software / firmware revisions, when satellite visibility is sub-optimal, the units are somehow giving the poor quality signals (e.g. those with severe multi-path errors?) undue influence in the overall solution, so that the reported position "drifts" away from the true position, and doesn't self-correct when enough good-quality satellite signals are available to give a good quality fix. Powering down and back on seems to be the only effective way of fixing the "drift", and this is simply unacceptable in my view. (If a power-down and power-up cycle is enough to let the unit work out which signals are worth keeping and which should be discarded, why can't the unit just do this in its normal calculation cycles?)
  7. I have a small padded dry bag with a clear front by Voyageur I brought three years ago at a local kayak shop. It measure about 8.5 by 4 inches.I clip it to the bungees in front of cockpit. Also check nrsweb .con for Aquapac.
  8. I have tried to copy Topo to my hard drive (XP). The edit registry way the West works but the other two show no detail. The other way making a new folder and copying them to it ,the West has no detail but the other two do. Any hints or help?
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