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Posts posted by BlessedBees

  1. If it is placed properly (with permission of the land manager) then it couldn't possibly be considered litter. In that regard it isn't any different than a sculpture or other object placed on their grounds. And, since you should be removing it when it is archived....


    There wouldn't be anyone to ever press charges because they approved its placement.


    Now if you are placing it without permission... that is a different story and I would say you are actually littering.

  2. (500 word smart aleck-y post deleted in favor of the following.)


    This thread gives rise to yet another reason I'd like to hide my find count and the option to remove the ability of our caches to increment a finder's count.


    Complaining about logging via a team account versus an individual account is flat out ridiculous IMHO. It's obvious that some folks take the whole chase for numbers just a bit too far.

    I am with you 100% CR. :laughing:

    Some may be concerned about number (let them - it doesn't matter). But it also about accounting for each of the ones I found separate from the ones someone else in my team found. Being able to log as a group (selecting who was present) would keep the logs clean - without having a log for me and one "I was caching with him" and another "I was caching with him too". Each team member could still run a PQ that would only eliminate th ones THEY found or the ones the team found when they were present.
  3. I would like to see a team addition - so that I can track my personal finds - BOTH when I am out myself AND when I am with the family. Seems like the should be a way to form a team and then when the team logs the find then I personally get the find also. I just don't see a point in polluting the logs with a 'team' (family) find and then duplicating one for myself.


    The team (family) doesn't really want to count my finds when I am on business travel.


    A team / group function would makes this really slick!

  4. @Groundspeak: Come on, would it really be that hard for you to update the page http://www.geocaching.com/waypoints/ so that it no longer reads: "eBook - As a Premium Member you can also choose to have a list of waypoints compiled into MobiPocket eBook format."

    Hard to believe we are almost 3 months since this service was discontinued and the page STILL lists that as a PM benefit. Not like it requires a difficult change - just delete that HTML line....

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