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Everything posted by plucka99

  1. Lame, what is the point of "cheating". Is there a geocaching prize or reward for numbers found? What possible satisfaction can you have looking at your "stats" if you know a good chunk or most of them you havn't actually found yourself? I don't get it, they are only cheating/fooling themselves. Like I said. LAME. As a geocacher I have more pride in my measly 174 real finds than any multi 1000 finder knowing a chunk/most of those finds are not real.
  2. Can't say I've ever personally found anything interesting enough that I'd bother swapping. I've always considered the swapables more of a thing for kids to get fun out of. I grew out collecting toys probably around 14 years of age. For me it's about location and finding clever hides.
  3. Thank you. I think that is essentially the point that many are trying to make about power caching. 'Nuff said? Climbing Everest comparable to a doing a 1000 cache power trail? LMFAO. More comparable to climbing an ant hill over and over again 100,000 times.
  4. Might want to re read what I actually said, especially the part about IN MY OPINION I would find that sad and pathetic and yet wished those who wanted to do such trails good luck. So IN YOUR OPINION cachers that do power trails are sad and pathetic, at least nice of you to wish us good luck. One of the best experience I had with my kids was doing Route 66 including my son, one day before his 16th birth day driving a car for his first time ever on Route 66, pretty sad and pathetic huh? In my opinion yes it is, goes against everything geocaching stands for, namely finding unique and interesting places, a 1000 identical caches along a desert road hardly qualifies as interesting. They are obviously created just to help people who are think big numbers of caches mean something. To me that is pointless, but like I said that's just my opinion, don't take it to heart. I think puzzle caches go against everything geocaching stands for, they promote sitting at home on your butt in front of the computer but I'd never call those that enjoy doing them sad and pathetic, but nice of you to judge people while having no clue what you're talking about and I'm not going to share with you what I do find sad and pathetic. What as opposed to sitting on your butt in car all day only getting out to walk 2m to sign another x 100th identical cache? I'm not judging anyone at all, I am simply stating my opinion what "I" find to be a pointless activity, if you enjoy it good for you. Big difference between thinking something is pointless and going into a forum where many partake in the activity and publicly stating its sad and pathetic. FYI, I find your posts offensive. Weird how you're taking this so personal, it's only my opinion on a particular style of caching, I'm not singling anybody out. If you find offence then feel free to ignore my posts.
  5. Might want to re read what I actually said, especially the part about IN MY OPINION I would find that sad and pathetic and yet wished those who wanted to do such trails good luck. So IN YOUR OPINION cachers that do power trails are sad and pathetic, at least nice of you to wish us good luck. One of the best experience I had with my kids was doing Route 66 including my son, one day before his 16th birth day driving a car for his first time ever on Route 66, pretty sad and pathetic huh? In my opinion yes it is, goes against everything geocaching stands for, namely finding unique and interesting places, a 1000 identical caches along a desert road hardly qualifies as interesting. They are obviously created just to help people who are think big numbers of caches mean something. To me that is pointless, but like I said that's just my opinion, don't take it to heart. I think puzzle caches go against everything geocaching stands for, they promote sitting at home on your butt in front of the computer but I'd never call those that enjoy doing them sad and pathetic, but nice of you to judge people while having no clue what you're talking about and I'm not going to share with you what I do find sad and pathetic. What as opposed to sitting on your butt in car all day only getting out to walk 2m to sign another x 100th identical cache? I'm not judging anyone at all, I am simply stating my opinion what "I" find to be a pointless activity, if you enjoy it good for you.
  6. Might want to re read what I actually said, especially the part about IN MY OPINION I would find that sad and pathetic and yet wished those who wanted to do such trails good luck. So IN YOUR OPINION cachers that do power trails are sad and pathetic, at least nice of you to wish us good luck. One of the best experience I had with my kids was doing Route 66 including my son, one day before his 16th birth day driving a car for his first time ever on Route 66, pretty sad and pathetic huh? In my opinion yes it is, goes against everything geocaching stands for, namely finding unique and interesting places, a 1000 identical caches along a desert road hardly qualifies as interesting. They are obviously created just to help people who are think big numbers of caches mean something. To me that is pointless, but like I said that's just my opinion, don't take it to heart.
  7. Might want to re read what I actually said, especially the part about IN MY OPINION I would find that sad and pathetic and yet wished those who wanted to do such trails good luck.
  8. The driver may not be getting out of the car, but someone on the team is getting out of the car. The caches in these numbers run trails are easy to find, but they haven't installed drive-up kiosks in the desert (yet). At the risk of sounding like a broken record, here's how it's done: I don't think so. There just aren't enough numbers run trails to get numbers like that. And frankly, they aren't needed. If you average 100 caches a week (less than 15 caches a day), then after 10 years, you'll have 52k caches. And if you do the ET Highway numbers run trail, then you can take a few months off and still maintain your average. And the Route 66 numbers run trail gives you another couple months worth. And the other trails will give you several more months worth. But eventually, you just have to go out and find a lot of caches, quickly and consistently. Thanks for the video, I guess that answers my original question. At first I found it quite funny then soon realized how sad and pathetic to be hopping in and out of a car 1000 times over a single day. That's just my opinion though, if people find that rewarding good luck to them.
  9. What you're really missing is that there is no reason to scrutinize anyone else's stats. This is a game, but it is not a competition. Maybe he aspires to be the world champion of caching! Why shatter a dream? Encourage him to quit his job and make caching his full-time obsession! I have absolutely zero interest in finding such huge numbers, I couldn't think of anything more pointless than driving down a highway stopping every 160m to pickup a 100 caches, I was just curious how some people do it. To me it's all about discovering new locations and finding clever hides.
  10. Seriously how is it possible to find this many caches? I see people that AVERAGE 30+ caches a day for like a decade. I can't work out how that is physically possible. I'm only fairly new to geocaching but I've done a power trail finding 28 in on day, took me 4 hours and was pretty exhausted by the end of it. To consider someone averaging this amount every single day for 10+ years, I find it highly unlikely. Also consider the fact that as you exhaust cache finds in your local area you have to travel further and further away each time only further puts doubt in my mind. I live in large city and there's only about 3000 caches within 50km of my location. I realize other parts of the world may be more cache dense but still, there must soon come a point where you have to start travelling excessive distance to find new caches, and STILL average 30+ a day, I just can't see it. Is there something I'm missing or can I regard these kind of stats highly dubious?
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