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Everything posted by Bergbauer

  1. Searching by city name doesn't work properly either. This problem exists since 2022 or so. After entering a city name, the default sorting is "from near to far", which is fine. But "near" is not seen from the city center, but from my home location, which makes the results useless. When choosing "Map geocaches", the map also shows those caches that are nearest to my home location. The picture shows the map result for Berlin. You can see that I live southwest of Berlin - no caches in the city itself show up. A workaround is setting the home location to the center of Berlin or your desired search center. But it's annoying to do that each time. Another workaround is to use the old search (https://www.geocaching.com/seek/). Will there be a fix for that one day?
  2. Still doesn't work. I generally don't like it when a website "manipulates" my right-click-options. Ctrl-V works fine, but paste by right-click doesn't.
  3. Does not charge *any type* of batteries. As Atlas Cached already wrote, the Oregon 450 has no built-in charger. No matter what kind of batteries you use, it's just not possible to charge them in that GPSr, so you must use an external battery charger. The Oregon 450 has a power supply function. When connected to the computer's USB port, it takes the power supply from there and does not discharge the batteries - but doesn't charge them either.
  4. Obviously no one else has this problem. Meanwhile, I found out that it occurs only on caches that have been in the field notes/drafts. Another problem is that caches that have been in drafts still have the exclamation mark even days after logging them (and days after deleting them from drafts). Together with the other threads regarding drafts, there is apparently an issue with drafts.
  5. I cannot upload pics to a log (using the website), no matter if I choose "drag & drop" or "select photos". At first, the pics are greyed out (which is normal while uploading), then they appear clear (which usually means that the upload is complete), but it ends with the message "upload failed". Retry doesn't work. Not sure, if it has to do with that issue: https://forums.geocaching.com/GC/index.php?/topic/391659-completing-drafts-destroys-the-images-saved-in-them/
  6. Ah, great. That works fine, thank you! (I wonder why I'd never seen that before.)
  7. geocachingadmin.com is based on the (old) search engine of geocaching.com. It's just a user interface, not a genuine search engine. If the old search page will be shut down, geocachingadmin.com will shut down, too.
  8. I wonder if there is a sample solution for searching a cache when you know its name, but not the GC code neither the exact area. The old search dashboard provided a field for searching by name. This doesn't work anymore. If used, you will be redirected to the new search page. I know there is a trick by using the old search page and then clicking on "advanced search options" on the bottom of the page. I don't think that this is the recommended solution and it can be assumed that the old search will be shut off in the next months. The new search does not provide a search by name. Using Google doesn't work always. Entering "geocache" followed by the name of the cache, often leads to many search results except the cache listing. So what's the recommended method?
  9. Ist der Cache denn überhaupt noch in der gpx-Datei enthalten? Mit einer neuen PQ und dem Ausschluss gefundener Caches in dieser PQ ist ja der Cache nicht mehr drin. In dem Fall kannst du die gpx-Datei einfach direkt aus dem Cachelisting herunterladen und installieren. Danach sollte der Cache auf dem Gerät angezeigt werden mit Geocaching --> Menü --> Filter --> Status --> Gefunden.
  10. Dein Beitrag enthielt einen Grammatik- und einen Interpunktionsfehler. Und außerdem war sehr wohl verständlich, was der TE wollte. Nur beim Inhalt des Ausgangsbeitrags ging etwas schief, was wohl einfach daran lag, dass er den Beitrag zu früh abschickte und ihm dann die Editier-Funktion nicht bekannt war.
  11. Eine Götti gibt es nicht, es gibt nur den Götti und die Gotte. Da auf euren Rechner Google leider gesperrt ist, verrate ich es euch: Ein Götti ist die Schweizer Version des deutschen Paten. Der Begriff kann durchaus im familiären Sinne gemeint sein, beim TE wohl eher im Sinne eines Mentors, der ihm das Cachen gezeigt hat.
  12. Du hattest erst mal geschrieben "das kann ich nicht nachvollziehen" und "Das ist unabhängig von der Zeit, wann du den Cache gefunden hast, ob du UTC +1 nutzt oder Seattlezeit". Danach hast du es auf PQs bezogen.
  13. Das Problem hat mit c:geo nichts zu tun, sondern betrifft jeden User, der in den Einstellungen eine von der Seattle-Zeit abweichende Zeitzone eingestellt hat. Deine Funde von gestern, 12.05.2020, werden in deiner Profilübersicht als "Today" gekennzeichnet, weil in Seattle noch für ein paar Stunden Dienstag ist.
  14. Since some weeks or months, I don't earn any favorite points. The details in my profile information display "Logs until next favorite point: 10" and this doesn't change after logging a find. Sometimes it seems to be working: After having logged a find, the message sometimes says "Logs until next favorite point: 9", but after one more log it shows again "Logs until next favorite point: 10". It doesn't matter if I log out from geocaching.com and delete the cookies or if I stay logged into the site. I know that basic members do not earn any FP, but next expiration date of my premium membership is in June, so the problem is not the PM. Thanks for any idea.
  15. Kann er das hier im Forum überhaupt in rein technischer Hinsicht? Um hier etwas zu schreiben, muss man ja Member sein, also wird er als Locked Member vermutlich hier nichts schreiben können, oder?
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