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Everything posted by geo-amd

  1. Version 2.0 of the Geo-BBCode script is now available. The new version supports most of the BBCode specification and HTML. It is also 10 times faster than the previous version. Check it here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29982238/Geo-BBCode/index.html
  2. This is my first ever userscript for Chrome. It renders BBCode directly on your browser, i.e. it performs a client-side rendering. Some of you may find it useful to view the old style logs, while we wait for some solution to convert hundreds of logs or thousands of logs to the new style (I have myself more that 5000 logs containing some BBCode.) Enjoy! // ==UserScript== // @name Geo-BBCode // @match https://www.geocaching.com/seek/* // @match https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/* // @author geo-amd // @version 1.0 // @version_name v1.0, Feb 5 2016 // @description Client-side rendering of BBCode for geocaching.com pages. Developed for Chrome. // ==/UserScript== // LIMITATIONS: // 1: Not tolerant of small mistakes regarding the open and close order of the BBCode tags. // 2: The number of supported tags is limited. Only these are available: // url, b, i, center, size, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black. // 3: Deals only with BBCode, not HTML. // 4: Works well when viewing individual logs. However, in the context of a cache listing, only // the first few logs in the listing are converted. This is because the listing is lazily // loaded. If you know how to deal with this problem, please tell me or improve my solution. // INSTALLATION (easy!): // 1: Copy this script to a new text file named "Geo-BBCode.user.js". // 2: Inside Chrome, use the URL chrome://extensions to bring the Extension page into view. // 3: Drag the icon of the file "Geo-BBCode.user.js" and drop it in the Extensions page. // 4: Confirm the installation go ahead in the dialog that appears. // 5: That's all! No restart is necessary. // TESTING: // After installation, test the script using this log for example: http://coord.info/GLFG94FQ function transform(str) { str = str.replace(/\[url=([^\]]*)\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/url\]/igm,'<a href="$1">$2</a>'); str = str.replace(/\[b\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/b\]/igm, '<b>$1</b>'); str = str.replace(/\[i\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/i\]/igm, '<i>$1</i>'); str = str.replace(/\[center\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/center\]/igm, '<center>$1</center>'); str = str.replace(/\[size=([^\]]*)\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/size\]/igm, '<span style="font-size:1.7em">$2</span>'); str = str.replace(/\[red\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/red\]/igm, '<span style="color:red">$1</span>'); str = str.replace(/\[orange\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/orange\]/igm, '<span style="color:orange">$1</span>'); str = str.replace(/\[yellow\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/yellow\]/igm, '<span style="color:yellow">$1</span>'); str = str.replace(/\[green\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/green\]/igm, '<span style="color:green">$1</span>'); str = str.replace(/\[blue\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/blue\]/igm, '<span style="color:blue">$1</span>'); str = str.replace(/\[purple\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/purple\]/igm, '<span style="color:purple">$1</span>'); str = str.replace(/\[black\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/black\]/igm, '<span style="color:black">$1</span>'); return str; }; function process(elems) { for( i = 0; i < elems.length; i++ ) { var e = elems[i]; if( e.className == "LogText" || e.id == "ctl00_ContentBody_LogBookPanel1_LogText" ) e.innerHTML = transform(e.innerHTML); } }; process(document.getElementsByTagName('span')); // End of script
  3. I have 5734 found logs plus 808 logs of other types, and I use UBB Code in practically all of them: example. Probably, it would be too risky for Groundspeak to try to automatically convert large masses of free form text. However, some mechanism could be supplied to allow the user to process offline all their logs. It would be nice to have a mechanism like the following: - An operation to schedule the export of all the logs of the user. The format of the file could be this: --- guid --- text of the log --- guid --- text of the log --- guid --- text of the log ... - In my case, I would process each of my 6542 logs using this simple JavaScript function: function ubb2markdown(str) { str = str.replace(/\[b\](.*)\[\/b\]/igm, '**$1**'); str = str.replace(/\[i\](.*)\[\/i\]/igm, '*$1*'); str = str.replace(/\[url=([^\]]*)\](.*)\[\/url\]/igm,'[$2]($1)'); return str; } - Finally, an operation to upload and to schedule the update of all the user logs. This mechanism would keep invariant the guid, the date and the type of each log. Only the text contents would be updated.
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