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Posts posted by RuideAlmeida

  1. Bem, na epoca da Wacky Races a unica maneira de dar pontos a propria moeda era fazer um FTF. Assim nos nos acostumamos a correr atras dos FTF. Na epoca ainda nao havia aviso por SMS e era sempre checar os emails. Os meninos estava tao treinados, que entre o email da publicacao ate estarmos vestidos, com mochilas prontos no carro nao demorava mais de alguns minutos.

    Nos gostamos dos FTF, da adrenalina de la’ estar antes do outros. Do logbook branquinho. Ou da chance em encontrar outros geocachers.

    Aqui agora e’ diferente, existem muitas caches novas a cada dia. Sao poucos os que correm atras do FTF. Ainda esta semana fizemos em um so’ dia 5!!! E so’ paramos por que como eram de uma serie, e esta serie nao teve muito de espetacular faltou o animo para correr pelos outros 3 FTFs.

    Confesso que ao receber o amil, sempre sinto uma cossega para sair correndo. Mas agora paro e pondero. Tem de ser mesmo muito proxima para irmos.


    É sempre um prazer ler notícias vossas Gabby!

    Como vão as coisas por aí... para além dos FTF ensonsos? :laughing:

  2. I got my first FTF today. I was getting ready for work, happened to log in to geocaching.com and noticed a new cache less than a mile from home. I tossed on some jeans, hopped on the mountain bike and got it! It was pretty exciting for me, I grabbed another cache on the way back. Made my day.



  3. I'd like to see a change to the listing guidelines: Compilation cache owner can only post their hide after they've built the required bookmarked list from their own finds. Just sayin.


    Agree (just saying!) :D


    PS: But you have to be Premium Member :)

  4. Looking at a special cache and wondering if anyone knew if anything like it had been done before.


    It's sort of an anti-Cache Across America. The goal to get the final would be to find a cache with all 50 state's name in it, but none can be in the same state where the cache's namesake rests. I've researched it and it can be done. I also realize that there are 2 or 3 states that have a 50 state series and am prepared to work around those.


    Anyone heard of one like this?


    Here in Portugal we have a series called Lusitani.


    The country is divided in 30 different administrative regions... so we hided a cache on each one of them... and in each cache one can get a code. Having all 30 codes, you can search for the final Lusitani cache.


    (Lusitani came from the roman name of Portugal - Lusitania)

  5. A First To Find is worth exactly $0.28. To claim the reward, you will need a self addressed, stamped envelope, along with a notarized letter from the cache owner stating that you are, in fact, the first finder of said cache. All entries must be postmarked no later than three days after cache publication. Mail all entries to The FTF Prize Fund c/o Vinny & Sue. One entry per envelope please.



  6. ruidealmeida, I see that you are new to geocaching. Welcome!

    I've learned that reading log entries can tell you a lot about caches. If you see a lot of one line log entries those are caches to be wary of. If you see a lot of acronyms like TFTC and not much else those are caches to avoid.


    I (we) appreciate your kind reception... nevertheless we've been around since May of 2007... 876 caches found and 27 hidings.


    Our profile: http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=e6...36-cb8fee89fbaa

  7. Since there's no 'score', what difference would 'extra credit' make?


    Everyone of us will "profit" if we have some kind of recognition of those good hiders, quality hiders...

    Maybe one day we could have a game without LPC every 160m... maybe one day we know where all the lame caches are, without having to bump with one of those.


    All of our 27 caches are carefully prepared... thats the only way we know, respecting the game... not just throwing film canisters (as a matter of fact, we only use them as stages of multis).

  8. As a new family to geocaching, I mean NEW, 3 finds 3 DNFs we want to hida a cache at some point in the distant future. Some obstacles to overcome are, we need more experience as to what a good hide is, and where to place it.

    Every place I have thought would be a good place has been covered by soeone else. We will find an interesting place to hide one, with a reasonable difficulty rating and an interesting place.

    The theme is going to be a book trading cache. We just need to find that placey new to this fun and chall that is reasonably close enough to maintain so as to keep it a better quality trading cache.

    Pretty limited parameters in my opinion. So we really don,t care about a rating system or reward for hiding. We are not going to be rushed into hiding a cache by anyone or anything.

    Just the humble opinion of some who are very new to a fun sport to get us off our lazy butts and outdoors.


    Although, if everybody would have that kind of self-judgement when thinking of hiding a cache... this topic would not be necessary :D


    Welcome to the game!!

  9. If somone is looking for a bunch of PnGs for a numbers run, read the logs. If someone is looking for a good hike to a scenic destination, read the logs. Doesn't seem that much different than cruising cache pages looking at a rating system.


    You are right, but they are too many... it is humanly impossible to read (properly) all the logs posted every day here in Portugal... I cant imagine in other huge geocaching areas, such as Germany or USA.


    I figure that a rating-Amazon-like-system would help us filter the truly good from the very bad.




    Our daily best was 44 founds and 3 DNF's in a fantastic adventure with six more geocachers that we called "86400 seconds tour"(yes, 24 hours non-stop-caching... what a dream)... all carefully choosed in an itinerary that covered around 300km.


    I think that everybody should try


    PS: Last but not the least... it was my birthday, last September :D

  10. I think such a system could increase cache quality... and also compelling those other geocachers to give us the pleasure to find caches of their own. :D


    Please let me correct myself... obviously my intention was to say encourage instead of compelling.

    So sorry for any missunderstandings

  11. I imagine that in Portugal there are fewer geocachers so one quickly finds most of the caches in a area and has to travel farther (maybe even to Spain) to find more caches.


    In fact is the opposite, nobody has ever found every local caches (around 4000)... and crossing the border would only show an almost desertic geocaching territory (in a territory five times bigger, they have less caches).


    But what I want is quality, not quantity... therefore the rating system.

  12. I think your original post really encompasses two entirely different ideas. And in trying to make them into one related post, you're not quite getting the responses you wanted or expected


    You got that right... but one is related to the other.

    First, implementation of a rating system... second an increasing quality demanding.

  13. For the most part I think hiders are rewarded by the logs they receive.


    Agree 100%


    I would like some kind of rating system on this site, but not for the purposes you envision.


    Some stupid portuguese propositions?... Please accept my apologies.





    How many times do you think when finding a cache "What a crap, somebody would have warned me!!"?

  14. Maybe just another silly idea of mine (maybe not).

    What do you feel about geocachers with thousands of finds and none or few caches hide?

    What do you think about a reward system for cache quality, voted by finders?


    I think such a system could increase cache quality... and also compelling those other geocachers to give us the pleasure to find caches of their own. :(


    I feel sad when I see a thousand-finds-geocacher that dont care about hide any cache at all... as if it wasnt the hiders that keep this game rolling.


    What do you all think about it?

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