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Posts posted by RuideAlmeida
Should we log our own eventcaches?
Should we log our caches whatsoever?
Why some dont log Found on our own caches, but log Attended on our own events?
What do you think?
And now for something completely different...
CONGRATULATIONS for your first foundings... from across the Atlantic.
I surely hope to see a log from you...
Lagos in the Algarve... south of Portugal!
"ventura_kids has 19363 Finds on 19349 unique Geocaches"
Duplicate founds?!?
Hardly needed
(no, I don't really add wheelchair accessible to hiking caches. I was making a point)
Welcome to the club!
can we get a Blue Bow attrib for caches?
Well, some would say that "attributes" are optional... so
By instance... I placed an One for the Road cache, saying that one has to pay toll, but the most of it, dont say nothing about it.
Hello Forum,
This user has been stealing caches in and around OWL / Germany. Additionally, they're making fun of cacheowners in the logs afterwards. Does anybody have any sort of experience dealing with such douchebags? Can step in and hand out their IPs?
I dont think so.
Maybe you can place a new cache with a webcam near to catch that son of a b**** on picture... maybe someone recognizes him.
os logs são também o meu Geocaching
Subscrevo, por aclamação.
I had a cache destroyed by the FTFer...
He even bragged the accomplishment on a chat...
I feel so mad that archived that cache immediately.
Gostei da honestidade deste log e da vibração de correr para um FTF. Quem nunca sentiu esta emoção não sabe o que perde.
Pois... e não é por acaso.
what the heck unanimism??
Unanimism or unanism
"...Unanism is a group theory wherein the collective emotions of two people, of two small rural communities, of cities, of countries, and of the whole world transcend and are superior to individual ones..."
Like in Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath"
Oh my, I accidentally read the very first post and nearly lost my lunch laughing.
It would not be such a surprise if you got him in your belly since then...
Asalaam 'Alaykum
Jai Bhim
Shana Tova Umetukah
Go in peace
Etc, etc.
I would like to remember that the OP (back in Nov 19th, 2008) never had any religious intentions.
Only the help to children in need... that we accomplished in both years
Its was not my idea to bring up ancient ghosts, ressurecting posts.
I just felt glad to see that GS is taking steps on the right direction, talking about being social awareness...
Using the powerful tool of event listings to do something good should be another story.
Thank you Rambler!!
Talking about social awareness now...
Its good to be right before the bosses!!
Off course we had our 2009 edition of our Christmas event aroud here... this time in three cities, covering the country from north to south, spreading joy to children with AIDS and needs.
Thanks to all that attended!!
Palavras para quê?
É um artista português e usa Pasta Medicinal Couto!
Com mais 7 no dia 19/11/2009, passa a 161
Tá quase
Deixa lá Nuno... sinais dos tempos, ou o quanto o jogo pode servir para outras finalidades.
O aspecto positivo de se bater no fundo é só se poder melhorar a partir daí.
gostava que me dessem as noções basicas do geocaching, ou seja ha palavras usadas que nao percebo o significado... e por ultimo como registo uma cache achada? ja andei a procura no meu profile e nao encontro o sitio.
aguardo a vossa resposta.
boas caçadas
Dá uma vista de olhos neste link
1. They're check boxes, not radio buttons. Just nitpicking, I know...
2. A writing instrument in the cache is not a requirement. Any moderately experienced cacher knows that they should always bring their own writing instrument, or be prepared to get creative about signing the log.
3. A minimum requirement of logbook and container is already spelled out in the listing guidelines, which you've already agreed to have read and complied to in one of the check boxes.
4. Stash note is not a requirement either.
Please, don't tell me that this is a "I hate micros" thread in disguise.
Well... you are absolutely right. But using common sense its another way to follow the guidelines... even those not written.
PS: I dont like micros on places that could easily handle a small or regular container; or micros as final containers of multi or mistery caches... but I dont hate them
I am curious.
According to your profile, you have been a registered user for over two years. You don't seem to have logged any finds.
Plese note the tiny line at the bottom... and you can search for Kelux
1406 founds and 34 hides
I've never seen a cache with no logbook. How many have you found? If I did I would assume it had been lost, replace it with my own and post a note to the CO alerting to the issue.
Everytime I can mantain someones caches, I did it... replacing pencils or logbooks.
Of course I always talk about it on the logs.
Had to super zoom to see the image you posted.
On topic: How often is this really a problem?
Already replaced the picture, sorry.
Caches without a stashnote or a pencil?
Apart from the nanos or micros, I would say a 20%.
Its more rare to find caches without a logbook, if you consider a bunch of little paper sheets a logbook... even so, I found some.
in General geocaching topics
Posted · Edited by ruidealmeida
Thank you... I have made a correction.
(Even so, here it's common to log own events)