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Everything posted by RuideAlmeida

  1. Seu safado. Ía lá passar amanha de manhã com a filhota... mas assim pronto, tenho tempo e prefiro ir esconder outra... depois és capaz de conseguir fazer outro FTF, quem sabe. Deixa lá Vítaro... hás-de ter um FTF só para ti brevemente...
  2. Parabéns pela 2000 do Dr. Jones!!!!
  3. Parabéns pelo vosso evento, Savoy... mais vale tarde do que nunca, né?
  4. Well, its seems thats a bug of some sort. Even so, it would be interesting to have such notifications.
  5. RuideAlmeida


    Would be possible to be notified when any cache of ours are added to any bookmark? A few minutes ago, I noticed that our cache listing GC18H0J is reffered im 166 bookmarks of Project APE... naturally a very good surprise; so I guess if it is possible to know everytime a cache is added to a bookmark (as a listing owner, of course).
  6. Thank you... this will enlight the azorean folks.
  7. Hi, Vinny... and Sue... Can you please send me some examples, by PM or post here? Thanks!!
  8. Just another one for the popcorns... or not. Recently I was invited to perform a workshop about geocaching by the Azorean Tourism Association. They want to increase geocaching in these "Enchanted Islands" in the middle of Atlantic (supposedly place of ancient Atlantis). It's obvious the commercial component of this, but I think is a win-win situation, because one can cache all around in outstanding landscapes without having to pay attention to all the other activities they have... like whale watching, volcanos or scuba, etc. What do you think... what are the wrongs and the rights? PS: Azores are a portuguese archipelago of 9 islands divided in 3 groups... nowadays they have around 60 caches or so... most of them in São Miguel island with 30 and Terceira, with an american air base, with 20.
  9. Talking about good deeds... thats the way to do it! Once, in a 86400 seconds tour, we replaced a whole cache... container, stash, logbook, pencil and gifts... after contacting the owners by cellphone. In other cases, we replaced bags, micros and pencils. We all expect someday others do the same to our caches, didnt we?!
  10. Parabéns pelas 400 dos WebXXI !!!
  11. Assim como quem não quer a coisa, os 2Cotas fizeram as 500 Parabéns!
  12. All's Well That Ends Well William Shakespeare
  13. Reviewers do not go out and physically check cache placements. Lluis Garrido (Garri, a friend of mine) does it, several times! Some caches have been published only after he found them. PS: That doesnt mean its mandatory to do so... I never said that, Al! I simply gave my opinion about a particular reviewer... the one that approves brazilian caches, as long as portuguese and spanish, because it happens that I know him personally. Nothing more, nothing less.
  14. Garri, is a very conscious reviewer... he like to check every detail of a new cache listing, verifying if there are any commercial reference, any descripancy, etc. Sometimes he checks on charts and maps of the places, when he cannot go check on place. Try to give him the full detail of your cache. Hummm, he understands portuguese, but he is catalan in fact; so write in spanish or english to avoid any missunderstandings.
  15. So sweet Jenn... your story should be here http://onlinegeocacher.com/
  16. When sending a new cache for approval you can name several owners, nevertheless the link in that specific cache will refer to a single nickname in GC.com.
  17. Toda essa informação pode ser obtida em www.geocaching.com ou em www.geocaching-pt.net; de qualquer modo, é importante que escolha um local que possa suscitar o interesse e o agrado de outros colegas geocachers, depois procurar por um bom esconderijo e escolher o contentor mais apropriado (ou fabricá-lo você mesmo), que deverá ser hermético e preparado para suportar todo o tipo de condições climatéricas esperadas ao longo de um ano. Nesse contentor deverá colocar uma stash-note (nota de apresentação e explicação do jogo em português e inglês, para quem ainda não está familiarizado), um logbook (um bloco-de-notas para registar os founds), material de escrita e algumas prendas para troca. Após a colocação da cache no terreno, deverá aguardar uns dias (ou semanas) para avaliar da sua integridade e durabilidade... depois deverá editar a página da cache em www.geocaching.com/hide and seek a cache. A página da cache deverá ser o mais elucidativa e atraente possível, no sentido de gerar um bom fluxo de visitas à cache.
  18. Devolvo essa pergunta no que se refere ao fórum do GCTuga... neste momento parece mais um condado de uns quantos Afonsinhos do que outra coisa qualquer. Pelo menos aqui, usam de algum pudor.
  19. É sempre um prazer ler notícias vossas Gabby! Como vão as coisas por aí... para além dos FTF ensonsos?
  20. Eventualmente se as guidelines obrigassem a que se enviasse para o aprovador fotos do local, do esconderijo e do contentor, por cada nova cache submetida... talvez aí o aprovador as vetasse logo à partida.
  21. Agree (just saying!) PS: But you have to be Premium Member
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